Optimal Recruitment Australia
At Optimal Recruitment, we have the expertise and insight to deliver outstanding results for your business.
Move over IQ! It’s all about EQ in today’s world. Emotional quotient (EQ) or emotional intelligence comprises five main components:
What is the importance of emotional intelligence in the workplace?
People with high emotional intelligence are valuable at all levels within an organisation because:
They understand themselves and others
People with a high EQ understand their own strengths and weaknesses (and those of others). They ask for help when they need it and offer assistance to others. When they receive constructive criticism, they listen and reflect, and then act on it. Self-awareness can help people reach their full potential in the workplace. It can also help organisational leaders build well-rounded teams, where members complement each other’s strengths and skills.
They demonstrate strong interpersonal skills
People with a high EQ actively listen to others. They are adept at reading a room and individual cues. They communicate and interact effectively and openly with others. They make people in the organisation feel heard, appreciated and valued, which can promote company loyalty and enhance productivity.
They think objectively
Rather than responding or acting impulsively, people with a high EQ are able to put emotions to one side and remain neutral and objective. They are the people you want around when you have a conflict to manage!
Some people have a naturally high EQ – and employers would do well to make a beeline for them! For others, emotional intelligence may be an area to work on. The good news is that each component can be improved with training and practice.
The team at Optimal Recruitment are big believers in the importance of emotional intelligence. You can reach us on [email protected] or 02 8416 4181.