What impact are you having on your team?
Leigh Ashton
Enabling Sales Leaders to build a Growth Mindset culture that unlocks potential and drives revenue growth
What impact are you having on your team?
It’s so easy to do or say something without realising the negative impact you could be having on the people in your team.
Think of a team email that’s addressing a negative behaviour that applies to a few people that you’re frustrated with. How do you think that impacts on the others that aren’t displaying that behaviour? In fact, they could be exhibiting the very behaviour you wished all your team would adopt.
Getting a positive outcome in leadership is crucial.
Creating a greater positive impact
Using this 7 point process will keep you on track…
THINK about the impact you want before taking any action.
ASSESS your inner state…are there any negative emotions coursing through your veins?
SHIFT into neutral and detach yourself from any negative emotions.
ESTABLISH the best outcome for all concerned.
CONSIDER the people involved…how do you need to communicate with them so that they hear you.
TAKE ACTION…and observe the impact of your communication to ensure it’s being received in the way that achieves your desired outcome.
CHANGE what you are doing if it’s not working.
This process will help you create a calm conversation that leads to a meaningful discussion…best for you, best for your team and best for your sales.
Keeping it positive
Going forward you would be wise to focus on creating a positive response in your sales people…I call this a Positive Internal Representation.
Why is this important?
Because your sales people can’t show up as their best self and deliver the sales you both want if they are feeling rubbish on the inside. You know that. You don’t have to hear it from me.
You can’t do your best work as a sales leader if you feel rubbish on the inside either.
As a sales leader it’s essential you find your way of dealing with your rubbish so that you don’t transmit it to your team.
You’re after a peak mental state that empowers them to go beyond where they are now!
A Harvard Business Review study found that happy sales people generate 37% more sales. This isn’t just my perspective…it makes good sense.
Upset your team and you upset your sales!
It’s important to add here…that keeping them in a positive state doesn’t mean letting them have everything their own way. Far from it!
You still have to focus on their growth and personal development which will always lead to some stress for them and for you. Nudging people out of their comfort zone is a constant challenge. Having those tricky conversations to increase their awareness of their own poor behaviours is not easy.
You still have to do these things…and you do them with respect and care so that by the end of the conversation both you and they feel good about it.
Until next time,
Leigh ??
PS If you want to have a more positive impact on your sales team then please do get in touch for a chat.
Thank you Thao Le Hoang for the great photo ??