What Impact do you have on Clients?

What Impact do you have on Clients?

Do they trust you…respect you…feel uplifted in your presents…know you have their best interest at heart…initiate referring you to others…let you know what your competitors are doing?

Salespeople who created these and similar client behaviours have done so over time, and by being their genuine self.

However, during a recent group training session I learnt there are salespeople unable to articulate the impact they have on clients. When the question was asked the overwhelming response was “It depends.” Responses were vague, some defensive, whilst others blamed the client for the less than favorable relationship. At the opposite end salespeople stated, “Repeat business is high because clients know I get them the best deal” and” Accountants recommend me because I handle the most complex of transactions.”

Where to begin?

It starts with you. What attitude are you embracing first thing in the morning and committed to throughout the day, no matter what curve balls are thrown at you? Be conscious of any distracting internal chatter.” It is going to be a tough day… No-one wants to see me… How am I going to meet quota?” Fearful thoughts are just that and nothing more, they are created by you and not real. If you pander to these thoughts you will be at the mercy of the associated emotions and behaviors. A state of mind you do not want to be in.

Dismiss these fearful thoughts and emotions with uplifting self-talk that complements the direction you are headed for the day, even if you do not believe it. Be confident in your body language by walking with shoulders back and moving at a pace that demonstrates confidence. This will have a positive effect on your thoughts. Breathe deeply and slowly which will help you to relax. These few actions can be the beginning of taking you to a high state of energy, commitment, and drive.

Before phoning, video conferencing or meeting a client in person be clear on what you will say and look for ways to be of greater service and value. It is about the client and not you. What don’t you know about the client, their business, their competitors and the challenges they face? The more you know can reflect the level of trust in the relationship.

Be calm and relaxed when in the client’s presence. Any agitation or nervousness, and the need to sell will be felt by them and they will react accordingly resulting in a rebuttal or an objection.

Most organisations in today’s business environment are hurting on multiple fronts. This is an opportunity for you to develop a closer relationship by being yourself, being consistent in uplifting how clients feel, and show genuine care every time you connect with them. The lasting emotional impression will be reciprocated by loyalty and sales.



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