What Image Is Your Brand Reflecting?
Christina Sims, MBA
Certified AI Consultant, Developer & Trainer | Helping Businesses Save Time & Increase Revenue With AI | Digital Marketing & Automations Strategist | International Best-Selling Author & Speaker
Does your marketing reflect today’s social landscape? Cheerios made a major statement when they featured a mixed family to promote their famous cereal. Shortly after, large brands like Coca-Cola and General Motors have hopped on the diversity marketing train.
So why should marketers take diversity into consideration when constructing their targeting strategies? According to the U.S. Census, more than half of the American population is expected to be comprised of minority groups by the year 2042.
Today’s American family looks significantly different than it used to years ago. In fact, two out of five households now no longer identify by what the traditional mold once looked like. As the ever-evolving marketplace now becomes increasingly diverse, companies must now develop marketing strategies that are sensitive to consumers from a melting pot of backgrounds, customs, preferences and beliefs.
With so many cultures present, how do you effectively implement a successful diversity targeted strategy?
Focus on Representation
First and foremost, understand that there is no such thing as a “one size fits all” diversity plan. Diversity marketing can be easily misconceived as race marketing. Always keep in mind that diversity includes a culmination of ethnic, racial and social demographics (i.e. single-parent households, Hispanics, Christians, etc.) One campaign simply will not resonate across all of these backgrounds. Instead focus on incorporating an array of campaigns that display people from all backgrounds to demonstrate recognition and appreciation of today’s new households. If your product suits a particular cultural segment more, ensure your tailored strategy is authentic and does not appear token in nature.
Reflect Your Demographic
The Internet has given power of knowledge to the consumer. Today’s consumer is research driven. As a result, they now take a close glimpse into your brand to see if your values align with theirs before making purchases. People often want to engage and buy from companies that look like them and are relatable. If your brand lacks a reflection of diversity, consumers could be more inclined to purchase from a competitor who has embraced it.
Diversity-based marketing can be one of the most lucrative components to your marketing plan. Why? The more diverse your prospective customers, the greater opportunities your brand has to increase revenue. Always remember, every culture is unique so always give your individual audiences the attention they deserve.