What I'm thankful for this Thanksgiving...brought to you by quotes

For the longest time?I’ve?always been a big quote guy,?I’ve?used them as buoys to help me work through rough waters and rough times. Quotes are special to me because if?they’re?good you can place exactly where you were when you heard them, and the emotions it caused then and since then. As?I’m?sitting at the airport waiting on my 5-hour flight delay I?got to thinking?about what?I’m?thankful for this year, and of course it came down to some powerful quotes. These?aren’t?quotes that you can find on Google, but from people?I’ve?had the privilege of working with and learning from. After lots of thinking and back and forth I managed to break it down into a handful that I want to share, hoping?they’ll?resonate with you.??


“You think you do, but you’ll have no idea what you want to do until you’re in your 30s and that’s if you’re lucky”?

I was a 24-year-old who thought I had my entire life planned out when I heard this at a little dive bar while sharing a bucket with one of the best Sales guys and people?I’ve?worked with. This came from someone?who’s?managed to become incredibly connected and well known in his industry, and while at the time I thought “yea this doesn’t apply to me, I already know what I’m going to do.”?I’ve?realized since then that he was spot on. The goals I have today are?way different?than they were at 24, and?it’s?only been three years, but I realized that part of what makes you successful is being open to new things and being willing to shift course even when it may seem scary. While?I?think?I?have a little bit more of an idea today as to what I want out of my career I carry this quote with me every day, because heck?I’ve?still got 3 years until I hit 30?right?????

“I’m glad you’re staying; Legal Tech needs more people like you”??

This one came from someone that I look up to a lot and had the privilege of working with and learning from. I never asked what they meant by it, but I think that’s part of the beauty of the quote because I can decide what person that is. I love Legal Tech and?confirmed?that when I had the chance to switch industries for more money and “bennies,” but decided?I’d?fallen in love with something I?hadn’t?even known existed four years ago. This quote is something I carry with me when I wonder what I want my mark to be on this space. There are so many people already doing?great things?and I want to add to what?they’re?doing. I also want to make this space more accessible; I?don’t?see many people like me in this space and I want to change that. I still?don’t?know what they meant by “people like you”,?but I have a blank check to make that what I want it to be, and to live up to what their expectations are.??


“What If you don’t suck and it all works out?”??

Pretty simple quote I know but think about how often the fear of losing stops people from chasing what they want. That fear almost stopped me from taking a chance because I was scared I’d?suck…before?I’d?even tried. I run this quote back to myself now when I think about something new, like moving into a quota carrying role,?I’ve?never done it and?it’s?terrifying but what if?I’m?good at it and because of my fears I never chased it??I’d?be madder that I never chased it then if I had and discovered it wasn’t for me, at least then?there’s?no “what if?”??

“I’m Proud of you”??

Another simple one I know, but stop and think about how you felt the last time someone said this to you and meant it. You felt great, didn’t you??What’s?special to me about this quote though?isn’t?when?it’s?been said to me, but when I have the chance to say it to someone else.?We’re?all trying our best and hoping to impress, but I look for any excuse to tell someone this because we?don’t?say it enough, and?it’s?amazing what four words can do to help someone unlock their potential.??





James Kaikis

Chief Revenue and Experience Officer @ TestBox | Co-Founder @ PreSales Collective (Acquired) | Solutions-Led Growth Expert | Breaking The GTM Playbook | Sports Enthusiast | Always Moving The Goalposts

3 年

Great post Victor T.! I love the inspiration.

Ian Stewart

Empathetic Sales Leader | VP of Sales & Partnerships @ NEXL

3 年

Victor T., thanks for sharing this. Speaking of things to be thankful for - there’s so much to be grateful for and there’s always opportunities to learn. I know I’m thankful for the opportunity to work with and learn from you each day. I hope they solve the plane issue soon and you’re able to catch your flight home.


