What i'm learning from Acumen's Adaptive Leadership Program

The Balcony Principle

The Balcony Principle: Is simply removing yourself from the motions of daily activities, tasks & Noise and simply Observing! Whether your part of team, leading one, or working solo in a crossfunctional environment; Observe.... your environment, your team, your stakeholders, your market, yourself!

Key take-aways that will make my Balcony Moments more meaningful

  1. Schedule the Balcony moments! You don't need a crisis to get up there.
  2. Absolutely NO motion on the Balcony!
  3. Focus on the GAP; Acumen describes this as GAP = The Vision - The Current Reality. What strategies, activities, tasks should we collaboratively action to bring us closer to the desired goal.
  4. Inflect! How are my values, behaviours, actions contributing or influencing the motions.
  5. Invite a mentor into my Balcony space once in a while... To help ideate & reason. Pick out blind spots that could help unlock opportunities.

We are the Leaders we have been waiting for, Its Time!

Credits-Acumens Adaptive Leadership Program https://plusacumen.novoed.com/


