What if....We would play on a round field?
The football world is a pretty conservative world that doesn't easily accepts changes. In my opinion it should stay like that because the football game has a magic to it that makes the game unpredictable and there for also uncontrollable. Many clubs, players, coaches, supporters think they know the mathematical equation that makes a winning team. There isn't any.....end of story. There are simply too many variables possible and the acceptation will prove to be the winning formula once you think you figured it out.
"The pessimist complains about the wind; the optimist thinks he can change it; the realist adjusts the sails"
"The pessimist complains about the wind; the optimist thinks he can change it; the realist adjusts the sails"In football you have to be realistic and continuously adjust to the circumstances. In football there are so many specialists and pundits who focus on one area/element in football and think thats the decisive factor for the game to be succesfull. Most of the time they use these analyses "AFTERWARDS" to show how smart they are. Till now no "football Jesus" has arrived and performed that miracle to be successful every game. Mourinho comes close by using defensive tactics and building a wall. Does that improve the football game and is it fun to watch? My simple answer is no but i guess if your supporting his team it does.
So how can we improve the game? This is a question that till now has not been answered if you ask me. In the last 25 years the only positive change that was made is changing the rule of playing the ball back to the goalkeeper for abusing time wasting. This was in 1992. The keeper could take a ball in his hands after a back pass from his team mates. This was abused and used for time wasting during the game. After this change the game did not improve in itself but we got more keepers that had to learn how to play football from the back and time wasting tactics where more difficult. In my opinion rules don't change the game to the better. There are ideas of eliminating the offside for instance. My guess will be that the counter measure will be that teams become more defensive and coaches will recruit Usain Bolt upfront for the counter attack.
"The rules of survival never change, whether your in the dessert or in an arena"
Football is a game of survival. Its like two armies going to war. You never know what your opponent will do or have any control over their qualities. Even the "elements" like the rain or wind can spoil and influence your result big time. As i said before the variables are too many to be able to be in control. So whats the solution to improve the game? Lets analyze first in which areas you can actually influence the game and try to have a impact on the game.
- Changing the laws/rules of the game.
- Changing the efficiency of the guarding of the rules (referee).
- Changing the amount of participants in a game.
- Changing the playing field where the game takes place. Changing the dimensions.
- Analyzing the dynamics of the game. Which dynamic influences the game the most?
Changing the rules to me is not a big option to look at. Because that most of the time causes counter tactics that will not enhance the quality of the game.
Changing the efficiency of the guarding of the rules (referee), for sure will make the game more fair and therefor more interesting to watch. How many times decisions were made unfairly and the wrong team won? Video refereeing for sure will improve the game but can not be implemented at all levels.
Changing the amount of participants in the game. I think 11 against 11 is a perfect number that should not be touched. Maybe having a time out instead of a yellow card is an option to consider as it gives you an temporary advantage and you don't have to be afraid right away for a second yellow card. Overall it should stay 11 against 11 in my opinion.
Changing the dimensions of the game (playing field). I THINK, if we would change the field into a round field we get a more attractive game. This is based on a assumption that i have and therefor called this article; What if......We would play on around field?
I need to combine bullet nr.4 and nr.5 to make my point. Analyzing the dynamics of the game. In my opinion you need to look at how goals are getting scored in a game. What causes teams to score goals? Individual blunders, creativity, referee mistakes, set pieces, etc. There are many ways or reasons how goals get scored. I believe that the wingback, or the position of the wingback is a crucial area. If these positions open up, goals or big chances to score will more likely to happen. So to avoid goals we keep the centre always closed and cover the sides (wingback areas) with players to keep it tight. Once these areas open up and players from the centre have to step out to these areas, chances and goals arise. This is how Mourinho in my opinion parks the bus. Always have your wingback(s) close to the centre backs and your wingers drop to the wingback areas.
A round field would in my opinion automatically cover those areas and you don't need to drop more players. It would make it probably more easy to defend? The defense will be less linear. I don't think you need an offside in this way of playing. Furthermore i think the amount of mistakes will increase and you get a much higher rate of transitions and therefor more attractive to watch. A lot of activity. Again this is a assumption and I would love to see an experiment like this. I have tons of questions on what could happen. This article is meanly to tickle your mind and give me your thoughts on what you think will happen if we would play this way.
Eelco Schattorie
Football Federation Australia 'Pro' License | Masters of Sports Coaching | Graduate Diploma of Education (Personal Development, Health and PE)
7 年Does the ball ever roll down to the opposite wing and up the other side? Seriously though, great idea - similar impact to cutting the corners off the field.
Head Coach of SJK Seinajoki | UEFA Pro Licence Candidate
7 年I train often with a round field. Forces wingers to run into scoring positions and create multiple through balls into attacking runs