What ifs and the Impossible
Joanie Nel, CMOP
Executive Assistant, creative, storyteller, empath with a desire to be part of a great success story. Courageous and optimist with a continuous drive for self-development, growth and making a positive change.
Are we against the words “What if” because it is actually a myth, it doesn’t exist? It’s the space in between the impossible and the possible, neither the one nor the other but rather the unventured space. What if these words are turned ‘upside down’? We look at them, if only just for a second, through the eyes of a dreamer. What IF tomorrow contains possibilities that’s not seen today or being able to be seen by the human eye in this moment. What if we do something today that is out of the ordinary, outside of our comfort zones and our normal schedules. I think sometimes we get so caught up in the words that it turns out either to be realistic or unrealistic. Because in a world filled with facts it must be either the one or the other, right… I think this is where the dreamers and creators will say no, it is our ability to see beyond and except that there is a space we have yet to venture into.
My son recently pointed out to me that when we say nothing is impossible, we lie to ourselves because how can you move a mountain in two minutes. This coming from a 14-year old’s brain and thinking processes blew my mind and I think it is remarkable. My argument to that, even thought I could not disagree with him, was that according to me limits our way of thinking and our ability to grow. Its set’s a ceiling to what we as human beings can achieve when we refuse to see things at face value or as they are today.
What if tomorrow we can move that mountain, don’t ask me how today but surely putting the idea forward can spark and start a ripple that causes an effect of change.
My son was correct, today the impossible does exist, the impossible is actually impossible. So does that make the creators and dreamers wrong or are they filled with false hope. Are we so caught up in a bubble and stubborn that we want to refuse the ceilings that the world set for us.
Someone this week said that her son had the attitude that if today was a success it will be celebrated but come tomorrow a new goal will be set and the celebration will only start if there is a new reason. What if it is the same with ‘what if’ and today’s impossible… if we push our thinking processes beyond today’s thinking is it not possible that we can go beyond what we believe today and surprise ourselves by venturing into the unknown… expanding our territory of the knowing… does that cause reason for celebration today…
I however don’t think it is enough just to say, ‘what if’ and hope for a better and brighter future and believe that the impossible is actually really possible. It is in this concept that I believe this myth actually grabs hold and where the dreamers, creators and the boundary breakers lose the plot. Did we forget or are we afraid to add the most important ingredient, namely action to our aspirations and the what if’s and the impossible to create the extraordinary? I think this is what has happened, what has happened to me many a time.
How often do we need that hand, the person next to us motivating and encouraging us forward but we are too afraid to ask. Who can say that they do not need that encouraging word, or the motivating concept or the believe that someone else think it’s possible, that you are able to accomplish and push that norm. It is so beautifully illustrated in sport when the game is played, and the crowds of people’s screams can be heard. That is what pushes the concept of impossible, in my view, towards the possible. We are people that have given that inner voice of self-doubt and unbelieve the upper hand and the only way that we can silence it is by creating or allowing a bigger crowd access. Some will say but their inner voice is strong and that’s amazing. Yet even those people need that crowd on certain days because we are all human although they may never admit it.
So today, do you stay silent or are you someone’s crowd of supporters pushing the boundaries or seeing the turn of an impossible becoming possible. The what if’s becoming the reality.
We may not believe in this ourselves but what if, what if someone needs you and helps you to see today the vision of the doctors, technologists, sweepers, boundary breakers that not everything is cast and set in stone.
What is the worse that can happen? Those that believe in facts and science will keep believing and those that are creating, and dreaming will continue to do that. Why may you ask? Because we meet each other in the unknown space, the space of growth and impossible and what if’s, a truly sacred space and we continue our lives.
Allow the world the what ifs and the impossible and the possible and just maybe we will see the world in a truly amazing way. I don’t have to think like you to stand in your crowd of support and encouragement. I don’t need to believe all you believe but I can be open to the impossible and the what ifs.
A last thought to consider. To some accepting the norm is what keeps them alive, to others it is exactly the opposite. Without both lives will be pretty average, I think. So, let’s do what keeps us alive today and if we can do that by supporting the other, why not. We all can do with someone standing next to our sport’s field called life cheering us on, celebrating our successes and comforting us during our lows, seeing us through to tomorrow when we start again. I cannot protect you for the course of life but maybe we were born to try or at least to be there cheering each other on, supporting, being…
What if life surprises us and there is such a thing as the possible?
Let's venture into the unknown, while being someone's impossible...