Insurance is for what I call
The “what-if’s of life.
If you have a loss of property
Due to fire or wind storm or other
Covered peril you want
Your contents in your home
I.e. apartment, mobile home or
House insured.
It is the same for life insurance.
You want your policy in force
The day you pass from this
Earth life.
It is really “love” insurance
You love your family
And don’t want your passing
To burden them financially.
I work for you to get you
The most coverage for the
“Bottom” dollar.
Insurance is far cheaper
Than most people imagine!
Unless you have the money
Set aside for a contents loss
Or a unexpected death in
Your family friend You
Need Insurance!
“If you wait,
All that happens is
You get older.”
- Larry McMurtry
I Still Make House Calls!
Hayden Childs, Agent
(205) 269-1382