What is the ideal screen size for responsive design?
Gopi Raghavendra
In 2021, there are 3.5 billion smartphone users in the world. That is 45% of the global population. As of 2019, people accessed the internet with 9000+ distinct devices. Every user expects that every website they access will render perfectly on their mobile device. This means website developers have to design websites that are displayed on a multitude of screen sizes across the world.
In other words, they need a responsive design.
But as every designer knows, executing responsive design has to begin with knowing which screen sizes to design for. This article explores this question and discusses the best scream sizes for responsive design.
What is Responsive Design?
Responsive web design refers to a design strategy that creates websites that work well for mobile, tablet, and desktop devices. Websites without responsive design risk alienating a significant number of users – 80% of users have claimed that they will reject websites that don’t work well on their devices.
Additionally, Google looks at “mobile-friendliness” as a parameter for ranking. To quote the Google Webmaster Central Blog.
According to the Worldwide Screen Resolution Stats (Jan 2020 – Jan 2021), the most commonly used resolutions across mobile, desktop, and tablet are:
1920×1080 (8.89%)
1366×768 (8.44%)
360×640 (7.28%)
414×896 (4.58%)
1536×864 (3.88%)
375×667 (3.75%)
Of course, emphasis on mobile friendliness does not mean that one abandons desktop devices. As the chart below will demonstrate, desktop devices still make up a sizable portion of internet usage.
Desktop vs Mobile vs Tablet Market Share Worldwide?
With a huge number of device targets and screen sizes across the Windows 10 ecosystem, rather than optimizing your UI for each device, we recommended designing for a few key width categories (also called “breakpoints“):
Small (smaller than 640px)
Medium (641px to 1007px)
Large (1008px and larger)
Despite this information, remember that there is no standard screen size for web design. Depending on the nature of the website, users might use certain devices that do not offer the screen sizes and resolutions mentioned above. To identify the right screen sizes for web design, invest in analytics. Find out what your target audience is most likely to use. If those devices don’t adhere to the aforementioned resolution, then include them in the mix.
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