What I would do if unemployed.
Tom Larsen
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What do most unemployed people do - send out resume after resume and hope that someone will call you for an interview. Or be the 17th person they interviewed this week. I happen to think this is backwards and acting like 99% of your peers, of all job seekers out there.
I would research the ideal company I would want to work for - a company I would love to work for. Look up their executives profiles on here, see what is in the press about them, maybe befriend someone who works there and buy them lunch. The BIG next step? Offer to work for them for FREE for 15-30 days. Yes I said FREE.
Even if they had no job opening, they would probably find you one. As an employer, I would welcome someone who approached me this way. My business will have an opening in 2019 but if someone came to me now like this, I would probably jump at the chance to bring them on. Someone hungry enough to work for FREE is probably a long term asset for my company.
Why not? What do you have to lose - time? And your probably wasting time now, waiting for the phone to ring. Plus, you are so different from the 27 resume's that this company received in the last 60 days. If you will try this, I'd love to hear your comments back.
I wish you unemployed nothing but success in the very near future!