What I think this Poll is telling us.
Mabel Frumau
As a presentation trainer, I help highly educated Expats and Dutch Professionals to present with more grip and impact. So, that they can successfully profile themselves as experts in their field and boost their career.
Last week I did a poll, with the following question:??what is your biggest challenge ????when giving a presentation?
As you can see, "presenting clearly & engagingly" is the biggest challenge for most people, while "preparing effectively" in on the last place.
Although this is a truly small poll, only 10 respondents, it does support a strong belief I have for many years.
And that is:
We think we know how to prepare, hence the low percentage. But this is not the case.
Because, if we would know how to properly prepare.
So, the problem here is a bit like trying to run, because we think we can walk.
Because when you know how to properly prepare:
And, if you do not know how to properly prepare.
The danger, however, will be, once you learn how to properly walk, you might start thinking you are a talented speaker ??. Because your running will be so smooth and feel so much better.?