What I Tell Myself.
Close Your Eyes and Visualize
Imagine yourself at the end of life, reflecting on all the things you’ve accomplished. You achieved great things by executing the small things every day. Your thoughts became your actions. Actions became your habits. Your habits became results. Results characterize your accomplishments. Your accomplishments are the embodiment of virtue. Focusing on one little thing at a time made the biggest difference.
Throughout your journey, you realized others struggled with fundamental things. There was always something holding them back from reaching their potential. Not enough sleep. Eating too much on the weekends. The cake they couldn’t turn down. Not enough time for the gym. Not saving enough money. These are the things that separated you from the pack. At the end of your life, you realize your daily habits set you apart.
One-by-one, things added up. You decided to take positive action. Your actions developed into habits of success. Your daily habits positioned you to do great work. Your work is what characterized the mark you left on this world. Your work changed people’s lives.
Now that you’re done, you look back on your life and say, “I’ve led a virtuous life. There is a balance between my physical, mental, and spiritual self. My existence has been exceptional. I have made an impact.”
Make it Happen
This is not the end for you. You’ve imagined your ideal self, so what are the habits you’re developing for yourself today? How are you preparing mentally? How are you fueling your vessel? Are you strengthening your ability to focus and execute each task? Are you strengthening yourself to thrive within your environment? Are you resting your mind and body? You have a long way to go, but you can do it. All you have to do is decide to believe in yourself.
When we take the time to reflect on these simple things, most often we can identify amazing opportunities to change the trajectory of our life. If you’re saying it’s too late?—?it’s not! Take advantage of resources today, because they will be essential for your success in the future. It’s never too late to reimagine your ideal self. The little things make a great impact. So, choose something today to set yourself apart.