What I remember most about a good teacher | #7-2
The most important thing that a teacher can do is to make their students fall in love with their class.
In the end, a good teacher is someone who genuinely enjoys their job. They take great pride in what they do and don’t let the pressures of testing or administration affect their course content.
This kind of passion has to come from within; it can’t come from external motivators like grades or financial compensation. You have to love your subject to be able to teach it effectively. A good teacher doesn’t just know the material, they love it!
Let’s continue with what I remember most about a good teacher. Enjoy reading!
Being Passionate is a vital ingredient in becoming a good and effective teacher
Passionate about what he taught
There are a lot of elements that go into good teaching, but passion is one of the most critical. You can’t teach without it. I don’t mean to suggest that you have to love every aspect of your subject matter, or that you should care more than your students do.
I mean that you need to be enthusiastic about what you’re doing and why you’re doing it. You need to enjoy sharing what you know. Passion for your subject is contagious; if it’s apparent in you, it will be apparent in your students. Passion is the key to lasting enthusiasm and effectiveness in teaching.
The Passion a teacher has for what he is teaching always rub on the students.
Another thing that I remember is how much fun my teacher made learning math. He wanted us to get the concept and enjoy what we were doing, not just memorize formulas.
He used props and games and always tried hard to make things fun, even when it came time for tests! He made studying less like work and more like something that can be enjoyable and interesting.
Whether you’re teaching kids in preschool or adults at university, your passion to teach will be remembered long after their school days are over.
Makes the class engaging
I’ve thought back to the teachers who most affected me in high school and college, and I’ve realized that it wasn’t because they were particularly good at teaching.
Truly great teachers take an interest in their students as people, not just as a captive audience for the material they’re trying to cram into them.
It was because they were genuinely interested in their subject matter. They were passionate about the subject and about teaching. That’s a big deal for me. You have to be passionate about whatever you do if you want to leave a lasting impact. Passionate teachers make the class engaging and therefore learning a lot more fun than it might have been otherwise.
Truly great teachers also take an interest in their students as people, not just as a captive audience for the material they’re trying to cram into them.
That’s not always easy to do if you’re not passionate about your job, but there are lots of ways of making it happen without having to go out of your way.
Make learning fun. This is just a matter of creating an atmosphere that doesn’t feel like work. Teachers should do this by finding creative ways to engage their students in the subject matter, whether through group or one-on-one activities, by showing videos or other media that relates to the course being taught or simply by keeping things interesting with lighthearted quips and jokes.
If you can make your educational environment more fun and interesting for students, they’ll be much more willing to learn from you.