Dr. LemueL King MBA/MS/IT(LTU)/BBA(UL)/Certif ICT/IT WFP.
Product knowledge is the amount of knowledge you have on a product and it life cycle. While production is the process of brining that knowledge to life.
The word product knowledge and production is used by many people but how many people understand the question, what is a product knowledge and what is production? The "I know it" " say they know it base on little work experience. But the filed of sale and marketing is a very larger field of knowledge and study. Meaning those who worked within company or areas building production are not likely to have the understanding of production or production. The reason is simple. The company only make then to know a little. It is not a place for education or teaching them.
The problem
The problem is those lacking the education, are the most challenging people to deal with on subject such as understanding about a skill or the career. They believe, the time spend in a company can make them a professional in a career. That is not true. Such person made likely will never have the complect idea on that product. The reason is their company will not allow them in taking the time to get the complect code values of that product.
World information.
The world is misinformed today, based on the kind of system used in the world, to educate people. The education system is not honor as the leader in knowledge and skills. There are many people and company out there teaching on their own. The put those they mentor into the job areas thus, they do not have the complect skill set, used in building and developed the world skill .
Where people are put into position without the education or qualification needed for the job. Many company believe they have the ability to trained people, within their company. However, the work place is not a school for learning. It is not the aims and objective of the work place. Note, There is a different between working areas and a learning area. This bring the question; have company or business organization turned into an institution for skills learning? The answer is no. What people learned, in a company is not a career skill, it is doing their job.
The Company Code Values
The facts is no company will give a person a complect skill set. Company only show you what they want you to know, in doing their job. In addition, those, who mentor or trained people in a company are not qualify; enough to be an educator a career educator.
How much do mentoring give?
Mentoring, had been consider as career education in many companies. But how must do mentoring give for the skill needed in your career? Mentoring will not give you a career skill. Mentoring only help you learn how to do a job within a company. Career skill teach you how to do a job globally. Meaning it give you the skill of the job and not a job idea.
Mentoring had led many people in company believing, they are can be educated out of the education system. They be believe they have enough education to understand a career skill set. They believe they have all the skills and and career needed for a job. They are misunderstanding the different skills sets needed to help them, improve and developed in the work place.
Education is all about Research and development.
Many people do not know why other seek education order than just going into a job. Education is all you need to do a job. It is about research and developments. And development come with production of a product. Looking at the word production; come with many others, words such as product or product idea or product knowledge. But what is a product knowledge? or product Idea?
What is Product knowledge or Product idea or production?
Education Background.
To be an inventor or a person who always want to design, the product on the market or the idea, you have to specialize in Economic and Business management. They are the education areas to be a professional in the areas of invention and production and design. It is the two most areas of study that control the world.
If you do not study these area of knowledge, you will not have the skills needed understand the human needs and wants. Else you will not build the needs of people. Note the economist and business create your needs. They put the things you used into the market. The run a nation and design or developed it the way they believer is good for you.
Lacking the Education
Lacking the education is a disadvantage to understand human needs and wants. Which are two different part of life. You could design an idea but not understand all the applications needed. It is better you study production to understand, when to produce a product , why to produce a product and who to produce such produce for. reason, is there are so many people in the world will different needs and wants.
For example: I have to study many years in Economic and business to understand theses thing. It is no magic as many would just say the verb "I know it". There are too many complex things, to know in becoming a professional in a skill set. Else you made have some knowledge but not the greater knowledge.
Understanding Production and Cost.
The question post below with help you understand how the production and marketing work. to under about production, Shipment Taxes, profit and more you need this problem solving question. This is for high level production and marketing process. International shipment or local shipment. Profit or loss.
Problem question and solving.
The Question: A manufacture produced a product at a cost of $150,000.00, for raw materials (total cost) and ?$5,000.00(total cost) for workmanship. After the production, shipment cost was 2,000.00( per product). The tax on shipment is 2.5% and there are 75 products shipped in total. The ?sale tax was 1500 or 15% on the product.(1) What is the total cost of ?production? (2)What is the total cost after production?(3)What is the total cost before sale tax? (3)What is the total cost after sale tax? Wholesale. The product was sold for 500,000.00, (4)what is the profit before total tax? (5)What is the profit after total tax?(6) What is the difference in profit before tax and after tax?
This is an easy example of the production and cost of production, Tax and profit. The question answers itself. Meaning all the information, are given. This makes, it very easy to answer the question. In addition, the tax had already been calculated, making it easier to solve the problem. But there are many things not not over looks, else you will get the problem wrong.
Key points to consider.
Problem Solving the problem.
From the above there are 5 problems to solve in the question. To get the solution, you will need a formular. Below is the formular, I had created to help you answer the question. First, will be to solve the question number 1, and later 2,3 4 and 5
1.???? The total cost of the ?production?
To get the total cost of the production you just need to all add all the cost of the material and the workmanship or labor cost.
Let say CM is the cost of material and LC is the cost for workmanship or labor cost.? However, the question did not give the product cost. P will be for the product.?
Question 1(A)
What is the total cost of ?production?
P = ?CM+ LC ( all in dollars)
P = ?
CM= 150,000
LC = 5,000
P = 150,000 + 5,000
P = $155,000.00
The cost of production before shipment is $ 155,000.00. That answer question number one. Now the cost of production gotten. Be very carful to deal with the problem else you will get confused with the question above. In the question there was no cost of production given. The problem said the company produced a product but did not give the production cost. The material cost was given, and the labor cost was given.
Question 1(B)
(B)What is the total cost after production?
P = to product
SPC = shipment cost
NP= the number of products TBS = Tax before sale
CPBST= cost of product before sale tax.
P = $155,000.00
SPC =? $2,000.00
NP = 75
CPBST= 155,000 + ( 2,000 * 75)
CPBST= 155,000 + 150,000
CPBST= 305,000
(C)What it the total cost before sale tax?
P = production
SPC = shipment cost
NP= the number of products
TBS = Tax before sale
SPT= Shipment Tax
CBST = ?
CBST = 305,000 * 2.5%
CBST = 305,000 * 2.5/100
TBS = 7637.5 (shipment tax)
CBST = 305,000 + 7637.5
CBST = $312,638.00
Question 1
What is the total cost after sale tax?
TCAST = 312,637.5 * 15%
TCAST = 312637.5 * 15/100
TCAST = 312,637.5 * 0.15
ST = 46,895.6
TCAST = 312,637.5 + 46,895.6
TCAST = $359,533.00
(D)what is the profit before total tax?
PBTT = (profit before tax)?
COGS= (cost of goods sold)
PBTT = 500,000 - 155,000.00
PBTT = $340,000.00
Question 1
What is the profit after total tax?
PATT = 500,000.00 - 359,533.00
PATT= 140,467.00
Question 1
What is the difference in profit before tax and after tax?
PBTAT = $340,000.00 -140,467.00
PBTAT = 106,467.00
The above problem show how many of the things people just believe they know from the street or their job, is so complex within the education area. This should make it important to those not educated to go into the educated area for the skill relating to their career. Many believe the skill is what they are doing on the job. No that is not you skill but you work. People for get to question their self how the tools they used are created. As in the example of Incentive and discount, someone in the work place with say they know what is sale or a product not knowing they just know a little not even close. They have not understanding how those computer they used to do their job are created, or the car they drive or software are created. Knowing the complexity in how a career or job skill is will help people to improve on the job.
This book was Written by: Dr. Lemuel B. King.
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