What I observed when Watching Yogi!
As we mourn the loss of an amazing legend , Yogi Berra this week , I was struck by many lessons from his life, but wanted to draw out one that left me inspired… Yogi used humor and intentional communication as a way to help others understand universal truths that would better lives.
We all know the power of words. It is said that our tongue is the strongest muscle and I firmly believe that is the case. Yogi had an inspiring wit about him, but he used this gift of humor to mix up words and bring out lessons about life that made you really think and apply. Yogisms , as they are called, help us all chuckle, but then reflect on the depth of the lesson involved in these short sentences. Many were about baseball, but most had a strong impact on making decisions in life, leadership and how to deal with people.
So today as I remember this great legend and all he did for America’s pastime Im reminded of the power of my words and the ability they have to build up, motivate or help others grow on their personal journey. Here are my top 5 favorite Yogisms. I hope you enjoy a good chuckle and more importantly a reflection to better your life:
“In theory there is no difference between theory and practice. In practice there is.”
“When you come to a form in the road, take it.”
“A nickel ain’t worth a dime anymore”
“You've got to be very careful if you don't know where you are going, because you might not get there.”
“The future ain’t what it used to be”
Indeed Yogi, the future will not be as good without your wit and character. RIP Yogi and thank you for making this world a better place!