"What will I no longer be able to do in the future when I'm dead?"
"What will I no longer be able to do in the future when I'm dead?"
At first glance, it can come off as "doom and gloom", but think about it for a second...
We're all promised 2 things in life, right? Death & Taxes.
It's incredibly important to live with the end in mind while making the moments right in front of our faces mean that much more... I've felt the regret of so many people and when it comes down to what they regretted, I want to learn from THEIR mistakes!
So many people live like their immortal and are shocked when death arrives, but the reality is we all have about 120 years max.... that is it. I'd love to live to see 300, but the adventure I have is more important to me.
The challenges and problems are just a feature and they're only going to get more "eventful" as time passes by.
As time passes by, I can't help but live in hindsight some days in wondering, "How much longer will I have to enjoy this moment with the person in front of me?"
It makes me want to slow down, even more, smell the roses and enjoy the times I have with Joyce Chero Bii as we grow old together. We're in an incredible time in history and it's only going to get more interesting. #LegacyDrivenPodcast
I'd love to hear your thoughts on this.