What I learned when I read the book Traction (EOS)
The other day I was working with a multi-million $$ company on their marketing strategy.?
Yes, we work with companies to help improve their marketing strategies too.??
I know crazy right???
We had scheduled a meeting with the sales and operations team to kick off this relationship and make sure that we were on the right page.??
As we were talking through what they currently did and how they could pivot to be ULTRA successful with their efforts.?
We found about 23 new things that they could implement or hone their craft on to help them.
Then at the end of the meeting, the owner of the company came up to me and said, “Dan I love what you are doing here.? giving smaller businesses the same advantage as the big guys by helping them in so many different aspects. If your up for it id love to give you some advice.”
If you know me, you know that I am ALWAYS up for some advice.??
Whether I take it or not is a different story, but I LOVE to hear what others have to say.?
That’s when he dropped this bombshell on me!
“Dan you need to read the book Traction! It changed the way I did business and I’m pretty sure that it will change the way that you do business too.”
Traction. Never heard of it.??
But hey, I’m a good listener and when someone gives me advice, I like to do a little research, and then if it’s good advice I take it and run like wildfire with it.?
This is advice that was not only good it was GREAT!!
I grabbed the audio copy of the book and started reading it ASAP.? I finished it in a few days, using my NET (No Extra Time, I need to write a log on this!) Then after I finished it I started making a plan to put in place and start using the teaching in this book for my business.?
The next week I had a trip planned to San Diego for an event we had going and of course a little family fun time at the beach.
In the downtime I had that week I started building our vision.? As you know because I wrote a whole blog on that and with it looks like.?
I’m not going to go into all that here.??
What I am going to talk about is how doing all these things that are laid out in the book caused me to have a mental breakthrough. Not break down.? lol!!??
You see we have been trying to let the world know about our software DOT Docs for a while now.? and for some reason, we haven’t had the traction that I wanted when it came to getting new clients enrolled in the do-it-yourself option.?
To be honest until after I read that book we had had 0 success in getting the word out.? Our done-for-you option for DOT compliance was being talked about like hotcakes on sale in the middle of winter at a cattle auction, but that’s not what we truly wanted to focus on.?
Also, some of the things that we focusing on were not helping us get the word about DOT Docs either. To be honest they were actually taking away from our efforts to get this amazing tool out there to the world so that everyone could have access to it.?
The biggest problem in business today is that we believe that if we build they will come.? That is a crock of crap!? If we build it and no one knows about it and we don’t incentivize others to tell their buddies about it and we don’t market the heck out of it. no one will even know it exists!!??
You can take that statement to the bank!
After working through a couple of chapters in the book I made Jenna and my whole team make me a promise.
Are you ready for this crazy, wacky promise?
I made them swear that anytime that I brought up a new idea for the business it was their duty to ask me one question.
“Is this going to help get the word out about DOT Docs?”
And if the answer is no, then we take notes on the idea and table it for the time being.?
This year is 1000000% about letting the world know that we have a DOT solution that is a GREAT fit for every type and size of company that uses trucks or even vehicles in their business.?
We are doubling down on our focus this year and then we will start expanding our brand and services to help others gain the same traction that we are having.?
All of this happened in the first 4 chapters of the book.?
See why I am saying that if you are in business then you need to get the book Traction?
The other thing I feel that I should tell you about is how it changed our mission as a company.
You see I hadn’t revisited our mission statement, since before we built DOT Docs.??
Eclipse DOT’s mission used to be, “To Take The Complexity Out Of Compliance!!”
And while that is a kick-butt mission, in the end, it was actually limiting where we wanted to go and what we wanted to do as a company.??
Now that we have taken time to look this over we made DOT Docs’ mission exactly that. To take the complexity out of compliance.? That’s why we call it the “Turbo Tax” of the DOT world.?
And Eclipse DOT has adopted a new mission that will help us to serve our current and future clients even better.? It is “To Give Companies The Tools They Need To Grow And Scale Effortlessly!”
Our new goal as a company is to help our clients in many different aspects.??
If you are a 20 million company and want to grow to 50 million, we can help.
Or if you are currently making 500K and want to scale to make your first 7-figure year.? We can help there too!
The key to our success that the book Traction really drove home for me was, that I needed to stop chasing shiny objects, which most of us entrepreneurs love doing, and find the one thing that is going to drive our business forward. then put all my focus on that and keep gaining traction until it is moving forward on its own.
So if you want to see how we scale out business and explode this opportunity.? Stay tuned, watch us, and take notes on what we do and how we do it.? because I can promise you that someday there will be people talking about how did it.??
Heck, there might even be a documentary on it.? and there will definitely be people writing books on our success.?
Can’t wait to help you and your company make start making bigger leaps and bounds toward ULTRA success!!!
Dan Greer
Co Founder at Linkup Communications Corporation
1 年Dan, my business has started along the Traction path, too! It was a little bumpy getting started, but I see the benefit of some of our changes already! Thanks for sharing.