What I Learned This Week 10
?? Livy will be back next edition :)
?? Buyers want to be 'energized' and 'lit on fire'-- motivated to take action. When was the last time you blew up the room or the zoom with widespread enthusiasm?
?? Storytelling is so critical in selling anything. Whether it's a diet coke, a car, or a $1M software solution. Emotions still hold many of the keys to decision making
?? In value selling, collaboration is king. The research from Ecosystems.io shows that the number of times a prospect organization engages with your business case is the #1 driver of win rate improvement.
?? Selling to the C-Suite? Mandatory skill(s) today. What you need/who you are: Credibility, trust, confidence, believability, value creator, connection collector, idea generator, creative thinker, you get to the point, validator...you get it?
?? It's not what you know, it isn't even who you know anymore. It's who knows you. Polish up your personal brand image.
Great things learned, and all very true. The last item: “It's not what you know, it isn't even who you know anymore. It's who knows you.”is a lesson I teach my high school students with regards to having “self-respect”, not letting their name be associated with anything less than their best. The students don’t know who knows them and opportunities may close without them even knowing they were there because of something their name is associated with.