What I Learned By Vlogging For 30 Days
The Challenge:
This all started when a friend of mine posted a challenge to vlog every day for 30 days and address a different topic each day. I thought it sounded like a good idea so I decided to give it a go. Some of the questions were fun, like what super power you would want to have. And some were more serious and insightful, like how you want people to see you. My personal vlog was in a transitional states so it felt like the right time to take on a challenge like this.
I Had No Idea:
I quickly realized how much work I had signed on for. Filming, editing and publishing a single piece of content, even a short one was going to be a significant challenge.
The first thing I had to do was streamline my workflow, film each vlog in a single shot so that I could limit how much editing I would have to do on each piece. I also made a common intro and exit slide for the series so that I would not have to be concerned with making those changes each day. this saved me a significant amount of time in the process.
Answering Isn't That Easy:
Once I had the vlog workflow figured out I just had to sit down and answer the questions, or so I thought. Some of the questions were not so daunting to take on, but others proved far more difficult to come up with meaningful answers that added value to my vlog. they took considerable thought and effort. There was one thing I learned early on, if you are not adding value through your vlogs then you are really wasting your time and anyone who comes to watch your content. So make it count.
In The End:
In the end what I really took away from this experience was that I need to be more efficient with my own time. Streamlining my workflow helped me see that I can not just take time for granted. We only have so much of it so it's best to make the most of the amount you can access every day.