What I learned about Virtual Events. After planning in person for 15+ Years
Alexandria Tomayko
Founder at Little Black Book Series| Hospitality & Business Operations Consultant- Strategist
Virtual Events, VIRTUAL, that word that before the words events makes event planners (aka me) cringe, yet as the times change and we are finding the need for our industry to adapt we have started to come to terms that ,they will not be going anywhere.
After facilitating a webinar series with two speakers dedicated to this topic I saw myself warming up to this furry monster in the room of events and started to look at it with a lens of this could be an exciting challenge.
How did I get there as the technically challenged person that I am ? - I broke it down into pieces and looked to experts to aid and explain what is possible as well as asked many questions.
The reason that virtual is here to stay, no thanks to Co- vid, is that it is easy, I do remember putting on a Hybrid in 2019 and boy was I hoping everyone realized how awful they are , and that we would not move in that direction. But there is the convenience factor that drove the market at that time and then came need.
Our industry went into a coma and the only beeping machine keeping us alive was Virtual Events.
So planners do what we do best, we adapt , with a smile and a nod.
Now that I can see more qualities of the kind furry fellow, I see the positive impact they can have on ROI, lead generation and reach .
The ability to repurpose content through several mediums, engage directly with a bigger market and the budgeting discount that comes with it ??.
Here are the tips I would like to leave to you, from the webinars I sat in on, the one I hosted and the mistakes I made thus far:
- Approach it with a planners lens and a marketers mind.
Plan the details of the event, with all of the possibilities and out comes in mind, take the marketers approach with attendees out reach. One simple how did we do survey will not cut it. Read the analytics of what the market is telling you as well as having multiple touch points with your attendees with reminders, promos, engagement opportunities that all lead to your ideal outcome. What is your channel and where do your people hang out?
- Establish clear objectives
Make sure you are clear on the event's desired outcome, yet also with what is sellable to your clients and sponsors. Is it the # of Attendees, Download of content, Review of content, Channel engagement increase or another analytic.?
- Plan and budget with all considerations.
Sticker shock can happen, professional & functional event platforms can be very pricey.It all depends on the functions you want need as well as the support that you requiere (ps: if you can get one with great support, do!).
- Have open communication with participants, speakers, clients and sponsors.
What are they looking for, what are your expectations in terms of quality of speakers & event experience.?
- Look for alternate sources of ROI or Content creation
Reduce, REUSE and recycle apply! So you are cutting down your budget with the virtual events discount, Reuse as much of the content that you can to create more traffic, engage more. Use your platform and functionalities to provide proper branding and paid opportunities.
When all is said and done, make sure you checked off all the boxes on your checklist and surrender to the experience.?
Problems will arise (oh don’t we know it!) and so have solutions planned out, and make sure to train your team and walk them through it. Knowing how to use a computer is not enough.
The more hands the better! Make sure to cast the right people around you that can support in all areas of the event pre- during & post. So you don't need to set up chairs and tear down but there is planning, recording, moderation, email communications, meetings on meetings and post recaps to do. Since it's virtual the timeline seems to collapse a bit more because people want everything on demand , readily available and now.
Numbers! You can do everything right and not get full attendance. The average attendance to virtual events is about a 30% of registered attendees.?
I came I saw and have not yet conquered Virtual Events yet, although I look forward to strengthening that muscle.
I hope that what I have shared you share and find some use in it.
Would love to hear your experiences in comments below.