What I learned (so far) during the Pandemic
People always find a way to adapt!

What I learned (so far) during the Pandemic

People always find a way! 

People are amazing, no matter what hit’s us we get up and keep on going no matter what changes we need to make

People are incredibly adaptable

People care, when confronted with real disastrous events we all line up to help

People want to communicate in real-time and want answers now, in fact, sooner if possible!

People are social, that is, we all need each other much more than we realize

During the last 5-6 months, people have adapted quickly, and here is just a small list of these new disruptive changes we have all had to learn:

  1. Online grocery shopping with curbside pick up or delivery
  2. Online restaurant ordering with curbside pick up or delivery
  3. Online socializing with family and friends / various digital platforms & social media
  4. Online working from home / various digital platforms & social media
  5. Online sales and business development / various digital platforms & social media
  6. Online marketing / digital content and various digital platforms & social media
  7. Online team & project management / various digital platforms & social media
  8. Online customer service and customer experience / various digital & social media
  9. Online content explosion across all social media 
  10. Online explosion of use for most digital media services (eg; Netflix, YouTube, Prime)
  11. Online explosion of medical services and support for people, animals & pets
  12. Online meetings of absolutely every kind across digital and social media
  13. Online events again of every kind across digital and social media
  14. Online explosion of e-commerce for both B2B and B2C 
  15. Online significant decline in major brands / traditional advertising 
  16. Online significant increase in content-based marketing across all social media
  17. Online services of all kinds for all industries and for all needs, retail & commercial
  18. Online increase for recruiting, interviewing and hiring for all industries and markets
  19. Online reviews and testimonials becoming the number “1” criterion for ALL purchases 
  20. Online dramatically increased expertise level for all online users whether personal or business

I could go on but you might be seeing a trend here? 

That’s right, the world has learned to do almost everything “Online” 

I just hope we don’t now get hit with a solar flare causing an EMP (electronic magnetic pulse) that wipes out our electronics, but in 2020 this could actually happen!!

So in understanding this... Can you truly say that your company is now capable of doing everything possible “online” ??

In our experience, the answer to this is a resounding…"Not sure, it depends on what you mean”...

This is code for “NO”

So, what to do? 


From this new customer journey mapping connect the online digital dots and catch up with your customers!

As you wonder how to do this and realize you are running out of REVENUE, let me know and I can send you some ideas to at least get you started before it’s too late!

Contact Thomas





Contact Social Selling HQ

Thomas Ross / Social Sales Certified Expert

Eric Doyle (F.ISP)

Digital Commercial Strategist - Developing people and organisations to become leaders in their sectors - TedX Speaker - Keynote speaker, event host/compere/moderator - Artist

4 年

What would we have done without the internet and online capability in this crisis Thomas? It’s literally held us together. In the evolution from analogue to digital that we see today in your list, I wonder what the next evolutionary development will be? Where does it all go from here?

Stephen Sumner

The Business Growth Locksmith | Helping Retail & Other Sectors Find Their Growth Mojo

4 年

Now that’s a great & insightful list Thomas. Difficult to pick one that stands out but this is mine #15 “Online significant decline in major brands / traditional advertising”

Timothy "Tim" Hughes 提姆·休斯 L.ISP

Should have Played Quidditch for England

4 年

Very true Thomas Ross - my Mum's (82) wine group has moved online, but the average sales team seems to be struggling...


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