What I learned one year without alcohol.

What I learned one year without alcohol.

It's officially been over a year since I last had a drink.

I wish I had more to share with you all but truly, I was not an alcoholic. It was very easy to quit. I just organically outgrew it. And I find myself here writing this article one year later because I am a very date-driven person who loves to look at timing, patterns, etc. and after all - I did just hit my one year mark.

So, let's talk about it.

As I reflect on the last year of my life I truly don't have words to describe how much I've changed. I feel conflicted even writing this article, because so much of my process lately has been around realizing my entire psyche has been running on this "need to prove" energy that's so, so old and goes back to my childhood.

I love writing. I love creating, and sharing. But I've begun to doubt my own creative process the more conscious I become of this self-soothing validation wheel I've been dependent on my whole life.

What will even become of me?

If I'm not obsessed with viewing myself through the eyes of other people, will I even be motivated? How do I know I'll even go to the gym? Or try to make money? Get views on social media?

Or maybe, perhaps, that's the point.

Ever looked at someone uglier, broker, and just much more "failure vibes" than you and thought, "How can they live with themselves?" You know maybe a waitress, a garbage man, a musician somewhere on the street.

Or did it ever occur to you that they're far more successful - because they have what you and I, and so many extrinsically motivated people are craving-

self acceptance.

It scares me.

I have so long lacked the faith that I can truly be happy without all this stuff. Beauty, money, stature, etc. I feel my own misery projected onto those people and I can only assume they must be unsatisfied, they must envy me, and therefor I have always used it as another self-validation loop to ensure myself I'm doing something right, and I'm on the right track.

But the voices in my head are exhausting me now. I'm embarrassed to say I've been running my entire life on this energy I'm now so conscious of, which can only be assumed to be the underlying "needy" energy that all addicts have, that dates back to childhood, developed through the copious amounts of times our needs went unmet.

It doesn't really matter if I drink or not. Truth be told, I don't really miss it. And now that I've made it a full year I might as well continue, but I'm not saying I'll never have a drink again. It wasn't alcohol that was the problem. It was an intuitive knowing that I must remove any and all potential distractions in my life to really get deep and dirty under this hood, and find out what I'm dealing with that's making me crazy.

What I discovered underneath it is energy.

this NEED.

Fiending. Lack of presence. Unsafety.


Plotting to get my next fix like oxygen I can't live without.

THAT is what I became conscious of this year. It's not about the booze -

it's about the energy causing me to reach for the booze.

It seems so obvious now, and part of my process these days is healing from not healing, forgiving myself for not figuring this out sooner. But yeah, this goes way way back. It's old stuff - childhood stuff where I had to develop this NEED and hyper-planning/plotting/narcissism in an attempt to get validation and my needs met, and what can I say,

it just kind of stuck.

31 years later I'm finally figuring it out, and my prayer only as of late is to ask Jesus to please, please remove these voices from my head.

These filters.

I don't want it anymore.

And I trust - truly,

that I don't need it.

I am safe, and have been for quite a long time.

I'm not gonna get shamed and bullied anymore, for being me. The real me. Like, the part you split from that you're feeling is finally coming back.


Words cannot describe the relief I feel for finally getting to this tipping point.

And to think,

the pride I possessed all these years for making the hard decision to cut off my family, and live a life of independence, walking away from so much toxicity, drama, (not to mention alcoholism, while we're on the topic...)

yeah, that pride is now shattered.

I'm a dumbass.

I left the family, sure. But I've still been running on the way that they programmed me and therefor indebted to them ever since. Physically, they've been long gone. Mentally, spiritually, emotionally, I've still been limiting my potential and dimming my light in the way I was forced to back then.

Ironically, the light and magic I possessed got replaced with narcissism and hyper-sensitivity to the way I look through the eyes of others. Which took me away from the real me and made it damn near impossible to be my full, magic self.

This NEED energy.


I suddenly feel my little girl like never before and I remember the stress, anxiety, and pressure that was put on her, day in and day out, just trying to survive with a group of bullies who projected everything onto me. Getting but a crumb of validation and acceptance was something I cherished back then. And it's no wonder I became such a fiend.

The "need" energy was created, and within my body is where it got stored. How tense I truly always am, I feel it now. How it's hard to ever be at peace because 90% of my thoughts and energy have been directed toward an attempt to get attention and validation from outside sources.

Holy shit this is sad.

So, this is my "addiction recovery" story, I suppose.

It's not about the substance.

It's about the energy.

Why are you reaching, grabbing, fiending for that thing?

Be it food, drugs, social media.

The warmth of the opposite gender.

It's because you haven't yet parented yourself away from that child whose trauma body is still stuck in the past, running on autopilot looking for their needs to be met.

I could make an argument that all adult desires, in one way or another, are an attempt to sooth that abandoned child within. That ALL THINGS FULFILLING NEEDS outside of us, are merely pseudo parents. Someone or something to self-soothe us because it's subconscious and it's all that we know.

I see it in everything.

Coffee. Exercise. Food - snacking. Almonds. Like literally how hilarious the amount of conversations I've had with myself and my bag of organic, raw almonds. Because they're an easy, healthy, go-to snack to self-sooth and pacify myself with... but I KNOW I am just avoiding the fucking pain and grief of being so damn abandoned, every time a thought goes off that I should go grab another handfull of almonds.

And trust me, there's no AA for almonds (almonds-anonymous, anyone?) pretty sure I'd be laughed at if I came up with the group. However, the energy of the NEED for the almonds, and the NEED for the alcohol is the same.

I even found myself doing it again with Kratom this year, when I justified going to the Kava bar nearly every day because "community" and "I was making friends". Sadly, I'd soon find myself more looking forward to the tea itself, than to the connections I was making at the bar. (That's when I knew I was in trouble!) And you can learn more about this drug in my "How I Accidentally Got Addicted to Kratom" video, now live on my YouTube.

But the point is,

it could be anything. The root is an inability to trust the present moment because as a kid, God that was painful.

Blogging is another big one. I honestly don't know what will become of my brand. But I have never had more faith that the more I let go of this NEED I've had all these years for people reflecting back to me that my art, my image, and my viewpoints are "good" -

ironically, the more people I'll actually help.

There's more to share - I just don't really know who I am right now and that's okay. I know it's all for the best, that my little girl (Shannon) is finally integrating and coming back online. And she's helping me to let go of this filtration system and these voices.

It's just me, God, and the very daunting task I see before myself to literally re-wire my entire psyche and neuralpathways of bitterness, needing to prove, and the very annoying autopilot process of viewing myself through the lens and perception of others. To trust that whatever genius I turned off as a child, is actually my superpower and what the world needs. That the people I grew up with were threatened by it, so began the process of shaming me deeply. I disowned so much of me the grief is quite heavy, and yeah now would be a great time to escape with more drugs, sex, and pleasure.

I'd rather choose suffering.

What do I have to lose. After all, I've lived a good life and partied all through my late teens, 20's, etc...

that shit just gets old. I feel grateful I just organically outgrew alcohol and that I really don't miss it. It's made me realize, again, it's not really the booze...

it's the self-soothing in any form because I hadn't yet learned how to parent myself.

I apologize to Shannon over and over and over again.

I will feel this. I will fix you.

I am here now.

And I can feel her. Remember her...


I've had lots of anger at Shay for taking so long to get here. For manifesting a group of friends that were really just spiritually bypassing, finding another sneaky way to stay narcissistic and act like children, all under the guise of "healing"... making the road to actual recovery quite long and kicking myself for what's been one hell of a detour.

Forgiving myself for projecting so much onto my blog all of these years and in the end now realizing, I have been split. I haven't been doing the real work of feeling it to start healing it and whoosh I'm in fact really just, ugly.

I have been bitter.

I have not been able to let this go.

THESE VOICES - this filtration system. This "need" to fill unmet childhood needs and even stronger, this "need" to prove to everyone who bullied me, how great I can be. "I'll show them!"

It's an energy I thought I needed, but it's a waste of time. All covering up the real me and preventing me from ACTUALLY JUST GOING INTO THE WORLD and being great.


So much grief to realize what I've been doing.

Like I said, family long gone. Self-punishment and self-limiting patterns, have stayed. Like a chained up baby elephant, now unlocked and adult... not even realizing he's free. You can literally just... walk away.

No one is gonna shame you for being amazing now Shay, you are safe to be smart. You are safe to be silly. You are safe to simply just be YOURSELF!

Let the chips fall where they may on how other people view you, that's really no longer your concern.

Okay okay - I can let it go. But I'm going to need help forgiving myself for the strong ass ego I created that took me so long to get here in the first place. For being so narcissistic and egocentric all of this time. For the image I created.

for "Shay."

The name I adopted for myself at 18 when I first left home.

Oh boy.

Let's be really honest and dig fully into this one now, too girl.

There was a moment there where I questioned what I am doing with this self-appointed title and coming to deep realizations why I changed my name in the first place. Like, I suppose the splitting from my true self has literal, visual proof clear as day when you simply look back on this crucial decision to alter the very thing I am known by, called, and respond to day in and day out.

So, I've had moments of anger at Shay.

Why did you do this?

Why did you create me?

Do you realize all this has done has prolonged us from being who we truly are? You covered me up, Shay. You abandoned me, fully.

I've had to forgive her. And I've even questioned changing my name back. But, something about that just doesn't feel right.

In my meditation on this Shay / Shannon debacle, I realized something profound.

Shay is actually the one who went through the ringer, and one hell of an initiation process as a healer, entrepreneur, leader, etc... to be able to go back and grab Shannon, hold her, and re-parent her like she truly deserves.

Shay did the work to become that person, and now Shay is the parent to Shannon.

Think about it - let's put the judgement and dark side of Shay aside for a second here. yeah yeah she had a massive ego, was bitter, became self-obsessed, did a lot of drugs and dumb sh*t.

But through all of that, Shay managed to figure out how to create a life, FOR SHANNON, in which you can literally just be a kid again!

Seriously - my 20's were not easy, no doubt, and I made lots of sacrifices to get where I am as an independent business woman, blogger, entrepreneur. Whatever you even want to call me. I'm free! So free I got invited to go scuba diving on a whim last Monday, had the freedom to cancel my calls, grab my swimsuit, and just go play hooky for the day.

How many 31 year olds can already say that they have that level of freedom?

Shay built a life of supreme independence that so many only dream of into their 40's, 50's, and beyond.

It was like something just clicked in the pool the other day while I laid on my noodles and let this free-flowing dialogue ensue between my little girl, Shannon, and my adult self, Shay.

I wanted Shannon to forgive me so badly for the depths to which I abandoned her, and not only did she forgive me, fully - something better happened:

She thanked me for creating this life.

Shay, you're a genius.

You figured it out - we have freedom now! We can travel the world, explore, swim, scuba dive... do all of the things Shannon loved as a child! Only this time- we really are free.

Shay made the tough decision to learn these hard skills, to get good at digital marketing, to learn video editing, social media, to get to the nomad life. Shay made the decision to never get married, tied down, to never have children, and to instead re-invest much of her earnings to set up Shannon for this healing and redemption right NOW!


The gratitude that overflowed my body as I suddenly realized,

this is incredible.

Thank you, Shay. I'm so grateful for you for creating this alter-ego so you could go do and build this dream life for us. I'm not angry at you, you did what you had to do, and honestly... you did fucking great.


that reassurance means the world to me. I am sorry it took me as long as it did, and I am happy you are here with me now. I missed you, I love you, and damn little girl...

it's good to finally have you back.

The two of us have an amazing life ahead of us. One that makes alcohol and my old routine of getting my childhood needs met through a Friday night bottle of Pinot Noir... seem... well,

much, much more boring than this.

#Shayshine ??

click here to get in touch

Valentino F. Waelter

Yesterdays yeahs - tomorrows truths ??

2 个月
Camilla Peterson (.

??Transcend Your Sensuality ??CALL IN YOUR DREAM PARTNER ????Break Free From The Limits Of Your Mind ??Unlock Self Worth: Money & Intimacy ?Certified Trainer Of NLP, Hypnosis & Time Line Therapy??

5 个月

Great realizations!! You deserve this and I’m so happy that you’re on the perfect path of healing for yourself!! Becoming conscious of our dark parts can be tough so good work!! ??

Steven Bell

Former Multi-Unit Franchise Owner at Perspire Sauna Studio

5 个月

Shay - I just read thru your inner dialogue with goosebumps as it triggered a viseral response in agreement with your/my/journeys to freedom, self acceptance and understanding of our woundedness so we can heal and become whole humans for the first time in our lives. It only took me 60 yrs. Celebrate the fact that you are working it out in your life in half the time it has taken me. I have discovered that this is a marathon of self love and continuous inner dialogue to move to greater wholeness and freedom. It is also an eternal pursuit! Not finished until we are made new, completely complete, eternal forever healthy beings. It is a very worthy pursuit. I have accepted the tension as a reminder to not give up or go backwards. Life is more beautiful than ever before. It is also no longer a circumstantial life of turmoil based upon the words or actions of others. That alone is glorious. It is also a gift to hold things & people lightly without judgment or suspicion. Let it be - stay focused on the good and keep doing the rewarding hard work to bring the best versions of ourselves we can be this side of heaven. Thank you for your transparency. CARPE DIEM.

Randy Rodriguez

| Salesforce | Private Equity | Payments | Keep Going

7 个月

Shay, I've been following you off and on for a while now. You are always a fascinating read, even when you've sometimes seemed all over the place. But you live big, dream big - I've always said that 2 things inspire success 1) natural curious nature about the world and 2) how someone responds to adversity. YOU always seem to refuse to stay down, stayed curious about your journey, shared it broadly, lived it big. You seem more grounded now, more insightful, more mindful. Congratulations,

Dr. Bill Goodman


8 个月

Happy birthday Shannon. 6 Human needs: certainty, variety, significance, love, growth and contribution. You were addicted to the first 4. The last two are key for you, because growth plus contribution equals happiness plus fulfillment, but first you must restore your identity. I can do that. I wrote you January 13, 2022 in an in mail. You should read it.



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