What I Learned in India
Larry C Johnson
Marquis Who's Who World Humanitarian showing nonprofit leaders how to achieve financial security through sustainable philanthropic revenue.
Some of you may know that The Eight Principles? is expanding into India.?Why India, you may ask??
There are several reasons but the most important is the first one.?I was invited to do so.
Being asked is something that we could unpack a lot with regard to fundraising.?We’ll get to that in a future article.
What I want to share today is being in India reaffirmed what I have long known:?Human nature is universal.?People, wherever you find them, have the same needs, aspirations, and responses.
This is why The Eight Principles resonates so well with the Indians. The Eight Principles are founded in human nature.
I like to say that I didn’t “invent” The Eight Principles.?I simply gave names to them.?Codified them if you will.??I did so in a way that made them understandable applicable to everyone.?Everywhere.
Despite differences in culture, methods and practices, the same fundamental drivers of philanthropy in India are those in the United States—and beyond.?By the way, the philanthropic landscape is undergoing tremendous growth as reported by DASRA.
The Indians are a relational people. They want to get to know YOU before they do business with you.?Whatever that business may be.
Philanthropy is about relationships. ?Not transactions.?Not even money.?
Investors (AKA "donors" want to get to know you, your organization and what makes you "tick" before investing more than a token of their resources.
It's said that many nonprofits are happy with the "token" investments. This is where so many get sidetracked and make raising transformational philanthropic revenue so much more difficult than it need be.
To be successful—long term, sustainably successful—requires your entire organization to understand, apply and internalize The Eight Principles.?Repeating them by memory or putting them on the wall much as you would a mission or vision statement simply won’t do
You must make them a part of who you are.
When you do, magic happens.
What confounds me is why so many involved in raising funds for worthy organizations and causes, do so by chasing the latest cool technique or method—regardless of whether it’s the right approach for them.
Principles ARE universal.?Methods ARE NOT.?Success is dependent on internalizing the principles then choosing the methods which are right for YOU.
Helping organizations create that magic is what drives us here at The Eight Principles.?It is the impetus for creating the only continuous soft-skills training platform in fundraising.?Anywhere.
The Eight Principles onsite training creates this culture within your organization in record time—and keeps it.?
This is training you deliver on-demand to everyone in your organization.?This is training which builds understanding and consensus like nothing else.?It results in the highest, sustainable increases in philanthropic revenue—up to 500% over five years.?
You don’t need outside courses—available to only a few—or consultants coming to you and delivering periodic training.?These things are expensive.?Their effect is short lived.
Schedule a call and we’ll explore whether our train-the-trainer is a fit for you.?Whether or not it is, you’ll finish our call with a clear understanding of how to improve your fundraising program.
Here’s a short video on how our train-the-trainer works:
The best part??It doesn’t take buckets of money to get there.?
It’s desire and will.
If you’re a nonprofit executive or fundraiser, schedule a call with me.?It’s complimentary.?Whether or not continuous training is for you, you’ll have a much clearer idea of where you need to go and how to achieve your goals.
Coaches and consultants this can be of immense benefit to you, as well.
As a coach myself, I feel the pain of coaches and consultants who spend inordinate amounts of effort and time just to get a client to the point where they “get it.”?It’s when that happens a consultant does their best work.
This is where the Eight Principles training platform is used to get your client “there” in record time.?You take everyone from board room to front desk to the same place.
Clients don’t care how you do it.?They just want results.?If you deliver the culture in record time, you get to your custom work faster.?You serve more clients.?They get faster results.?Less time getting their attention.?More time sharing your true expertise.
Here’s a brief video that explains the advantages for coaches:
Coaches and consultants, let me hear from you.?Schedule a call and we’ll see if Eight Principles Training is a tool you can use to build your business and serve your clients more effectively while being more productive and growing your business.
Remember, success is a matter of the will.?It’s NEVER a matter of money.
To Everyone:?My goal is simple.?To show all who really want it the clear, proven path to abundance.
To Your Fundraising Success,