What I learned from studying for and passing the N1 Japanese Language Proficiency Test
Welcome to Learning Leaders, a space where I share insights on cross-cultural learning and leadership. My name is Tim, and I’ve lived in Japan for over 30 years, spending the past two decades advancing my career in Learning & Development.
Reflecting on the JLPT N1 Journey
Let’s take a step back to a pivotal moment in my life: studying for and passing the most advanced level of the Japanese Language Proficiency Test (JLPT), the N1 Level. With over 1.5 million people taking last year’s test, I'm sure there are many anxiously awaiting for their results or considering taking up the challenge next year. For those about to dive into this endeavor, I hope my insights inspire and guide you.
Actually passing the test was transformative. It boosted my confidence in communicating in Japanese, provided clear evidence of my proficiency during job interviews, and reinforced my growth mindset by showing me what’s possible with the right approach. Reflecting on my journey, the lessons I learned can be summarized into two key factors: Clarity and Perseverance.
Clarity: The Power of Focused Goals
Clarity on Your Goal
The ultimate goal is to pass the test, but achieving that requires clarity of your detailed goals and setting up a practical study plan. You need to determine how much time you can realistically dedicate to studying and which areas to focus on. For me, working full-time meant I had to prioritize evening study sessions.
Practice tests were invaluable. They highlighted my weak areas—vocabulary and grammar—and helped me set interim goals. I started with N2-level preparation books before progressing to N1-level texts, as the N2 test is only slightly less difficult than the N1 test so it served as a solid foundation. These books often include tricky ‘gotcha’ questions similar to those on the actual test, which sharpened my skills.
Takeaway: Clarity about your goals and scheduling allows you to cut through distractions and focus on what truly matters.
Clarity on Your Process
Establishing a study process from the start was essential. Here’s what worked for me:
Takeaway: A well-defined process not only enhances learning but also builds momentum.
Perseverance: The Strength to Keep Going
Pushing Through Plateaus
Progress wasn’t always linear. There were moments of stagnation when my practice scores didn’t improve. At those times, I reminded myself of the long-term goal and celebrated small wins to stay motivated. Knowing the test was held only once a year (at the time) added urgency to stay committed.
Takeaway: Perseverance means accepting that growth takes time and trusting the process.
Embracing the Grind
Studying isn’t glamorous, and many give up too early. I viewed it as an opportunity to refine my methods, prioritizing my study plan and adapting when needed. Practice test results guided these adjustments.
Takeaway: Perseverance requires discipline and refinement when necessary.
Sharing as a Motivator
Sharing progress with a trusted friend, fellow test-taker, or even your manager can keep you motivated over the long term. This approach has been crucial for me and has become a principle I apply when setting long-term goals and managing others. For example, when I managed year-long language learning projects at a previous company, participants found that regular check-ins at the beginning, mid-point, and end kept them accountable and inspired. This same principle supported me throughout my JLPT journey.
Takeaway: Perseverance thrives on community and accountability.
Final Thoughts
Passing the JLPT N1 was an achievement I’ll always treasure—not just for the certification but for the journey itself. Clarity and perseverance carried me through, skills that extend far beyond language study into every area of life.
For anyone considering taking the JLPT N1 or embarking on a similarly daunting challenge, I hope my experience reminds you of the power of focused goals and unwavering determination. With the right mindset, even the hardest goals are within reach.
If you’re interested in implementing a solid learning strategy, I’d be happy to help. Feel free to contact me here to learn more about my coaching services.
What have you found to be helpful for you when pursuing a long-term goal? What is a goal you are planning on pursuing next year? I’d love to hear your thoughts in the comments.
Learning Leadersへようこそ
ようこそ、「Learning Leaders」へ!ここは、異文化間の学びとリーダーシップに関するインサイトを共有する場です。私はティムと申します。日本に30年以上住み、この20年間はラーニング&ディベロップメント(L&D)の分野でキャリアを築いてきました。
JLPT N1への挑戦を振り返って
JLPT N1や他の大きな挑戦を考えている方々に、目標への集中と揺るぎない決意の力を思い出してもらえたら幸いです。正しいマインドセットがあれば、どんな困難も乗り越えられます。