What I learned from publishing my 1st YouTube video
I have always been the person giving the 'thumbs-up', 'likes', sharing, forwarding and writing comments on others' content (post, article, video, etc.) mainly on LinkedIn and sometimes on Facebook. Never did it cross my mind that perhaps one day I should pen my views, perspectives on matters that I care about, passionate about, or that's close to my heart in the public domain. Never felt the compelling urge to make my point of view, public. When I started digging deeper and asked myself the 'WHY' over and over again..until the truth eventually came out - it boiled down to the four-letter word FEAR.
Allow me to elaborate on my version of fear, it is not the stage-fright fear or lack of perspective or inability to pen down thoughts. It was more leaning towards self-doubt than the blunt fear. Some of my preconceived 'what-if' is like - 'what if my content were to be irrelevant to the audience', 'what if my views are not aligned to the masses', 'what if no one reads it', 'what if I stumble and fumble', 'what if I receive brutal comments'..and the list goes on. Some of my preconceived 'maybe' is like - 'I'm not good enough for a global audience', 'writing is not for me', 'writers are born', 'there's enough writers out there, 'why should I further flood the environment', 'I would write when I get the time' and several more. To top it off, the thought of writing something on the public domain which can't be easily erased or recalled is quite scary for me. Turns out that all of these were my unfounded excuses for not trying and giving myself the chance.
You can ask, so what has changed now? The answer is 'COVID-19'. Yes, this pandemic had brought havoc globally to people's life, economies, local communities, families, and businesses. It has brought an unprecedented impact on our day-to-day lives, how we work, play, travel, and interact with one another on an individual level and community level. The impact for me was more time gained otherwise spent beyond my control in daily work commutes, unnecessary office meetings, the kitchen/pantry chit chats, office politics, bringing work home, out-of-business hours support, checking office mails after business hours, etc. which I channeled for soul-searching, introspection, and retrospection. This is true to Albert Einstein's word, “in the midst of every crisis, lies great opportunity.”
The opportunity I saw, was to address those bucket list that I've always been procrastinating. One of them, was to edit the video file of my talk that I delivered right before the outburst of the pandemic. I've been an occasional speaker (I've turned down many) at industry conferences and cultural events mainly from invites. I have also been Guest Lecturing and Tutoring at local Universities - Queensland University of Technology (QUT) and the University of Queensland (UQ) for a while now, but did not record any of my content delivery (don't think I could have recorded anyway, due to privacy issues). So for a change, I recorded this recent talk mainly for my private use - self-evaluation, to identify any room for improvement. It was a 2-hour talk and the file was a whooping 15 GB, so I had to reduce the size without compromising quality. While doing that, my kids came into my home office and wanted me to play the video, hesitantly I did and both of them couldn't catch most of what I said (not the essense but the language). That immediately struck upon me, what if any other listener feel the same way. That led me to the next thought, why not do subtitles - seems to be the trend nowadays in every video clip that I came across. To make it as easy as possible for the listener, subtitles didn't seem like the 'good to have' but rather the 'must have'.
So I did some research and could only find tools available specific to a hardware (iPhone, Android device) and platforms (Facebook Business Page, YouTube). From further research, I found more than 10 tools and that was overwhelming to start with. I can't possibly try every tool, so to narrow down further I had spent even more time reading expert reviews. The final list came down to three - based on ease of use and a free trial. I wanted to try first hand how does each tool stack against the same video and to my surprise every tool had it's flaw despite their claim. Some tool restricted the free trial in terms of file size, some in the duration. Just trying out the free version made me realise that to sync the subtitles verbatim with the video and audio wasn't a breeze. I must have spent few hours for a mere few minute clip. My initial thought was to do subtitle for the entire 2-hour talk not knowing the effort required, then I recalibrated my goal to a more manageable one - perhaps a snippet of it.
Now, I had to repeat my research for video editing tool as well, that was daunting. Not wanting to spend any further time, I settled for the built-in tool available in the Operating System. Having started out with just file size reduction, now I've done video editing and produced a snippet, and also subtitles. I proudly showcased it to my in-house critics (my kids), and they immediately asked, 'Dad is it on YouTube'? My response was, 'don't think it's good enough for public audience'. Their question, 'why not?' At that moment, it hit me and it hit me hard that I couldn't admit to my kids that it was actually fear that was holding me back. I shared with close family and friends and the feedback I received was mainly positive and one of them rightly pointed that the snippet was lacking flow. That gave me an idea to add titles to resolve this. I expected it not to have a smooth flow simply because I've picked bit and pieces out of the entire 2-hour, but nonetheless felt the feedback valid.
Coming back to the lessons that I have learned from this event. On the surface, it may seem like I've learned to do some basic video editing and subtitling but looking deeper, I've truly discovered the following:
- I've taken the 1st step to overcome my long-term fear, which I can speak from experience that the 1st step is often the hardest.
- I've published my 1st YouTube video and 1st LinkedIn article within a span of few days. Credit to my kids and family for giving me the nudge, without which I would have continued the legacy of excuses.
- I've given myself chance to give time to what's close to my heart and experiment. This is true to Mark Twain's words of wisdom - “Twenty years from now you will be more disappointed by the things you didn’t do than by the ones you did do. So throw off the bowlines! Sail away from safe harbor. Catch the trade winds in your sails. Explore. Dream. Discover!”
- I can produce original content. What I've done here is not regurgitate or rehash what I've read, heard or seen but have simply shared my journey, experience, struggles, setbacks, mistakes, triumphs and some strategies that works, how to recalibrate and my questioning of 'why not'. Even the photo on this article is original and not from the Internet. On this, I have to give credit to two prominent personalities who are active on LinkedIn platform - Gary Vaynerchuk and Simon Sinek. I've been following Gary for more than a year now and in almost every content that he puts out, he urges audience to be authentic, create content at scale and to positively influence the audience. And Simon has been another great inspiration on focusing on the basics and changing age old misconception about corporates and professional career - 'starting with the why', leadership, humanity, optimism and so many other.
- I've come to realise that I do have generosity genes. The talk was only scheduled for an hour but I ended up speaking for 2, that too on a weekend. The extra hour could have been well spent with family but I felt the students were really interested and engaged, hence didn't mind. One of the student recorded the entire session and asked me, if I would mind sharing it with his friend who couldn't make it. Without a doubt, my response was 'not at all'. Also few trainers were present during the talk and their response unanimously was, of all the speakers they had so far, this was the best. I'm not saying this to blow my own trumpet, but these sort of response helps me to overcome my self-doubt and to continue offer value to the community and audience.
- I do genuinely enjoy helping those - aligning passion and profession, polishing resume, breaking down barriers, how to pivot and become a better version of oneself professionally. I can say this with conviction that having pivoted twice and on the verge to the next one..I have a lot to share (while writing this, I've gotten inspiration for my next one..)
- I speak from my heart and not from slides. Why I have to say this is, apart from the few slides that I prepared for steering the conversation, I did not rehearse any part of my talk. I just went with the flow tailoring it with the audience's need.
- I am open for any such speaking engagements. Yes I've said it, this is another misconception I've always had that it's not professional to put the word out that I'm open.
That's all for now, many thanks for your time reading this and sincerely hope didn't disappoint any of you. Even if I did, feel free to post your comments, any feedback I would embrace it positively. Also feel free to share any similar experiences you had or wanting to overcome your personal challenges, hoping to learn something from the audience as well. Last but not least, the link to: My 1st YouTube video
Wishing all readers 'Happy Holidays', and hope all of us would have an eventful and splendid 2021, resurrecting from the destruction of 2020. I'm sure we will!
This is wonderful achievement to say the least. (Nathan) Muthu Ramanathan
Many thanks Sakthivel Thevar for your kind words. There’s still a whole lot of work to be done, but I consider myself as a work-in-progress. Have a great weekend!
"Empowering Sales Professionals and Leaders to Unlock Elite Performance through - Triple M Strategy.”
3 年Excellent article. ? Overcoming fear may sound easier said than done, especially when we are in the thick of fear, it’s hard to see a way out. Taking your first step to overcoming your long-term fear, is definitely admirable and inspiring. Thank you for sharing (Nathan) Muthu Ramanathan
I help corporate professionals sick of their job to start a side hustle they love, without compromising their financial security ?? without leaving their 9 to 5??Career Transition Coach & Life Coach at Exuberant Coaching
4 年Good one (Nathan) Muthu Ramanathan !