What I Learned in the First Year of Starting My Integrative Oncology Practice
Katie Deming, MD
Conscious Oncologist l Virtual Practice Specializing in Healing Root Causes of Cancer & Disease l Born to Heal Podcast l TedX Speaker
This article is inspired by the insights and discussions presented in Episode 69 of The Born to Heal Podcast by Dr. Katie Deming, The Conscious Oncologist.
In October 2023, I started my Integrative Oncology practice and explored a holistic approach to healing cancer. Now, a year later, what I've discovered has transformed my understanding of what's truly possible for cancer healing - and in some ways quite different from what I expected.
The Surprising Shift in My Practice?
"I really thought that I would be helping people who are receiving conventional therapy for cancer get better results... But the interesting thing is that I'm finding the clients who are doing the best are the ones who are not doing those therapies at all."?
- Dr. Katie Deming, Born to Heal Podcast
When I first launched my practice, I planned to help patients get better results from conventional treatments by adding holistic support. Instead, I've witnessed the most profound healing in clients who either take a break from conventional treatments or try natural approaches first.
The Four Pillars of Conscious Healing
"We calm the nervous system, help people really get out of that fight or flight state... we work on detoxifying the body and getting rid of all of the toxins that we've been exposed to... then we nourish the body... and align spiritually."
- Dr. Katie Deming, Born to Heal Podcast
My approach now centers on these four key elements, delivered through a focused 90-day program. This comprehensive method addresses not just physical healing, but emotional wellbeing, subconscious programming, and spiritual alignment.
Water Fasting: A Powerful Tool for Healing
"The first time my mentor brought it up, he said that you can cure cancer with a 30-day water fast. I was falling out of my chair."
- Dr. Katie Deming, Born to Heal Podcast
While not suitable for everyone, water fasting has become one of the most powerful tools in my practice. It requires complete rest and careful supervision, but I've witnessed remarkable results, including cases where tumors and radiation damage completely disappeared.
Challenging Common Beliefs About Diet
".....eating a vegan diet is very high in carbohydrates and very inflammatory... If you understand the science of cancer as a metabolic condition, doing a fully vegan diet can be problematic. We are not designed to be eating only plants."
- Dr. Katie Deming, Born to Heal Podcast
My experience has led me to question popular dietary approaches. Instead of purely plant-based diets, I've found better results with clean animal proteins, healthy fats, and fermented foods - an approach more aligned with our body's natural design.
Growing and Evolving
"This is not going to be a static practice. This is going to be something as I learn new information, I'm going to be changing and I'm going to be incorporating it... when I learn something new and I see something that works better, I'm going to do it."
- Dr. Katie Deming, Born to Heal Podcast
Unlike the incremental changes I witnessed in conventional medicine, my practice continues to evolve rapidly as we discover what truly works. While the transition from conventional medicine was scary, witnessing clients heal in unexpected ways confirms that this path, though unconventional, is where I need to be.
The demand for natural healing approaches has been overwhelming. We're now exploring ways to offer our program in group settings to help more people access these healing methods.
If you're interested in exploring natural approaches to healing cancer, whether before starting conventional treatments or taking a break from them, I invite you to learn more about our program. While this approach isn't right for everyone, the results we're seeing suggest there's more possible in cancer healing than I ever imagined during my years in conventional medicine.
And please help me in my mission to reach as many people as possible by listening, sharing, and posting a review on the Born to Heal Podcast.