What I Learned on The Farm!
Janice Silva
Visionary Entrepreneur | Stress Relief | Weight Wellness | Healthy Skin & Hair | Longevity Coach Healthspan | Team Builder | Recurring Income Strategist | Wellness-to-Wealth | Robust Brand Partner Program
In 1998, my family and I purchased a 100 year old farm. It was a dream come true for this city girl and the beginning of an adventure that would transform me into the person I am today. It is amazing how we got to this point, and a story in itself; but today I am writing to share how our farm adventure taught me everything I now know about business today.
I am all about relationship marketing and that takes cultivation. It takes finding the seeds, planting the seeds, watering and nurturing the seeds and baby plants as they grow and then getting those plants to the point where they can produce results that in turn generate income. Despite our greatest efforts, many don't make it. But, those that do, become our partners in success!
It takes vision, courage, optimism, dedication, HARD WORK, love and faith!
I loved my many years on our lavender farm! We planted 6 acres of over 14,000 lavender plants that became an intoxicating paradise. We hosted hundreds of festivals, art shows, concerts, cooking classes, educational events, healing retreats and so much more! I learned that people wanted to know the farmer, producer and what was in those products we sold, how they were made and how they could benefit from using them. People would show up every day at our farm to tour the fields and take in the incredible beauty that had evolved from a whole lot of love! We built that business into a thriving, contributing venue for our community and I was awarded Business Person of the Year in 2008 for all of it! I was at the top of my game.
Over the many years loving our farm, we had been approached by many Network Marketing Professionals, and we always said no. Often I would be a customer, as more often than not, the product quality is better than traditionally marketed products; However, we never built a team or worked the business side of it.
This proved to be a costly decision as the leverage that the Network Marketing profession provides could have saved us much sorrow! Because in 2009, July 26th, on my husband's 60th birthday...I stepped in a hole, broke my leg very severely and then fell off the Earth. I didn't have leverage...all my eggs were in one basket, so to speak.
I write this in hopes you can learn from our experience and avoid the heartache we felt, as everything changed for us after the accident. We lost everything and were facing a do-over, me in my 50's and my husband in his 60's. Not expected and certainly not part of our well researched Business Plan! It really sent us for a tumble!
Fast forward to today, and I can help you learn how to use leverage in your life to be better prepared for the curve balls that will inevitably come your way. You can be a part of a global network that will support your success with income, because this was the missing link for us...you gotta have LEVERAGE! Find what you love and have more freedom. Seems like a no brainer now!
What did I learn about business?
I learned even the best plans have to adapt to thrive and we must search for multiple streams of income. We must create leverage to gain sustainability!
I learned that it is all about cash flow.
I learned that it was #EmailMarketing that produced results and built those lasting relationships away from the farm. Every time I sent out newsletters, I got orders, bookings and new friends! It produced more results than all the print ads, postcards and tv ads I could rack up!
In today's global marketplace it is all about doing it YOUR way and living your best authentic life! You don't have to do it the way everyone else does it. Be you and share it with others you will see how fast your business grows! Your customers want to hear from you! And, you can work smarter, not harder!
Lastly, and most importantly, I learned how important the food that you eat is to your well being! I have always loved growing what we eat and use on our bodies, and living a healthy lifestyle! After my accident, and losing our farm, I gained over 65 toxic pounds! Gratefully, I am almost back to where I was before and it is because of mindful habits, my Isagenix health and wellness system and knowing where my food comes from! We are what we eat and we must cleanse regularly in our current global climate.
Today, fast forward 8 years and we are still sharing the benefits of this awesome Industry with everyone that is looking for more health, wellness, connection and income. I am passionate about helping other dreamers GROW their dreams! I encourage my friends to avoid the heartache we went through. And, we are making a difference! We have countless examples of happy friends around the world!
The great news is we are also farming again! We bought 34 acres in Oregon and are getting creative and sharing the joy of growing what you eat and use to live a sustainable lifestyle of freedom! SO grateful to have my family along for this amazing new journey, and grateful to get my hands in the dirt again! We also bought an RV and travel 6 months out of the year to stay in the warmth and work with our global family to grow their dreams! Let's connect on the path and get you started on the road to success!
Check it out and let's grow together! It is all about leveraging a global network that pays you! And, Eat it and LOVE it!
Check out our Facebook page and group and thanks for reading and sharing with fellow dreamers!
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