What if I have nothing to be thankful for?
Idowu Ola Fakomi
Product Designer || Designing and Sharing personal development growth paths on olafakomi.substack.com
It's the last month in the calendar year and if you've been on earth for at least 10 years or even less you should be familiar with how gratitude is significant in this season. But I'm guessing some of you don't feel that way do you?
The content in this article is extracted from Full Steam & Hard Left #41.?A?weekly newsletter on Personal development based on real-life lessons.
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Merry Christmas in arrears and Happy New Year in advance,
I really hope the last week of the year 2023 went well for you. I really do.
Well, whether it was good or not, I’m happy to announce that Christmas has passed, and we only have a few more hours till New Year. I’m not the designated town crier for this season, but you’ve got to agree that the holiday season is here, and even if you are the biggest hater of anything joyful in life or you are the biggest advocate for festivities, there’s something for everyone this season. I’m only here to deliver this package to you.
There’s a long list of things that can be focused on for this season. I could conveniently focus on “How to plan for the Next year”, but this is not the time for that. Right now, it is about shaping perspectives.
I’ve seen content on X and TikTok about how the more “Serious people” of this world already have activities and goals set for every aspect of their lives and every quarter of next year, and then there’s you and me. The ones that are focused on the food that comes with the holidays.
Food is good ooo. Don’t get me wrong. Also, eat as well and as much as you can. Some of you would soon go back to school.
See ehn, before you get tempted to think you are not taking your life seriously enough, pause.
Let’s focus on gratitude for now. Let the guilt of enjoying your holiday come later.
I already mentioned that this letter is to change perspective. That said, you are probably in any one of these categories or people who say the following:
Well, contrary to what you see on the internet, many people had it bad this year, too or at least had their fair share of life’s tests. So before you nail yourself to a cross. No matter how bad it was, trust me, you did okay, and that’s fine.
I’m not trying to butter you up or anything, but if you take time to reflect, you will realize you actually did well, so before you give other people credit for how well they did this year, give yourself some.
And if you are not sure what to be grateful for, I have some ideas.
In case you still feel weird, here’s a really lovely piece I saw online that you would put things in perspective.
Merry Christmas to anyone whose Christmas feels a little different this year,
I think sometimes we use the holidays as a checkpoint,
Each time they come around, we see all the things that has changed this in the past year,
We are flooded with the feeling of familiarity that comes with Christmas lights and pine scented candles,
But we’re also met with the incredible awareness that everything has changed since we last decorated,
Maybe you’ve seen some heartbreak this year,
Maybe you’ve experienced some loss,
Maybe you’ve done some healing,
Maybe you are still working on it,
But no matter what, you’ve grown.
And I’m so proud of you for what you’ve been through this year,
Whether Christmas feels heavy or light,
Even if your heart is caught between familiarity and change.
Merry Christmas even if Christmas isn’t quite the same.
Credit: Whitney Hanson
I encourage you to have a fun holiday and not drown yourself in sadness.
If you find yourself saying to yourself, “What if I have nothing to be grateful for?” after all of this, go and eat first and take a long nap. You would thank yourself for it.
In summary
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