What I have learned in my life: Karma
Pravin Agrawal ????
?! Founder, SIndia! ???? ???? ?? JSK! LOVE??You are under cctv surveillance!
Here's - What I have learned in my life: Karma.
And other posts/ true incidents.
Which you may wonder after knowing.
Know by these new thoughts of the author shared in this book. If you can understand the deep meaning, you are very fortunate.
These are his sharing from time to time which contain the same word.
Some of them may be repeated based upon their importance.
Love and light to you!
? ? ?
30 March 2024
What I have learned in my life
*I have seen many people since my childhood till now.
By seeing them I have learned something in my life.
*Whatever one does good or bad. One gets its reward here itself within his life span. I have
seen several such cases.
*If we do good Karma we get its reward here itself in this life, in this world only.
*If we do bad Karma we get its reward here itself in this life, in this world only.
*There is no exception of this truth.
It may be I, you or any other person.
No one is exception.
This is law of the nature which can never be violated.
One is trapped by his own Karma. Thus one creates heaven or hell for him due to his good or
bad Karma.
*God or Almighty or Krishna doesn't give good or bad reward.
His nature set right everything without fail.
*Jai Sri Radhe Krishna!
Hare Krishna!
30 March 2024
Three Types of Buddhi
These are 3 types of Buddhi1/ Sadbuddhi or Sookshm Buddhi or Vivek
2/ Moti Buddhi
3/ Khoti Buddhi
1/ Sadbuddhi or Sookshm Buddhi or Vivek
When you do selfless work, then you can get this type of Buddhi or intellect.
Your intellect is refined and purified.
This can only reach up to the doors of Almighty or Krishna.
No other intellect can reach up to His doors.
2/ Moti Buddhi
When you do only selfish work. Then you are trapped by Moti Buddhi. Your intellect is not
refined, not purified.
Hence you can't know self, Almighty or Krishna.
3/ Khoti Buddhi
When you want the bad of everyone.
When you do the bad of everyone.
Then your intellect is reversed. Then you see good in bad Karma. Then you see bad in good
Karma. Then you never do good Karma either by selfless motive or selfish motive.
Then you get this type of intellect. This type of intellect can never know the self, God, Almighty
or Krishna. As per Bhagavad Gita, one falls down up to the level of animals and insects by this
type of intellect.
Jai Sri Radhe Krishna!
Hare Krishna!
19 March 2024
Why did we come in this world?
*Another part of question of my one of the dear friendsWhy did we come in this world?
*See my reply here.
Its reply depends upon you.
What do you consider yourself?
Do you consider yourself merely a body?
Do you consider yourself as self, soul or Atma?
*If you consider yourself a body. Then for you this world exists. Then you come and go from this
world. Then you are trapped in cycle of birth and death.
*Then you come in this world as per your Karma, good or bad. Good Karma gives you good
birth. Bad Karma gives you bad birth.
If you do selfless Karma, if you are non-doer, then no cycle of birth and death. Then you are
*If you consider yourself as self, soul or Atma. Then you don't come in this world. Then you are
always here. Then you don't come and go. Then you see this world as a dream of long duration.
Then you see this world as an illusion.
Hence, this question doesn't arise.
*Jai Sri Radhe Krishna!
Hare Krishna!
18 March 2024
Intention makes the difference
*Though a person can't do!
But intention makes difference!
*In the same work!
One can have!
Good or bad intention!
*And that becomes!
A cause of!
Good or bad birth!
*That becomes a cause!
For reward or punishment!
*Always keep good intention!
While doing any work!
*If intention is good!
That makes you liberated!
If intention is bad!
That causes bondage!
*Thus one is trapped!
By his own Karma!
*Jai Sri Radhe Krishna!
Hare Krishna!
23 February 2024
He doesn't keep the difference even of one pin
*Whatever your Karma!
You will certainly get it!
He doesn't keep the difference!
Even of one pin!
*Since seer is only one!
Every other is scene only!
Since doer is only one!
Every other His instruments only!
*He is a perfect seer!
He is a perfect doer!
*Nothing can be wrong from Him!
You will certainly get the reward!
Even of a pin you give or take!
In this birth or the other!
*Hence do only good Karma!
Better to do Nishkam Karma!
That is selfless work!
Which is beyond give or take!
Which can make you immortal!
While living alive in this body!
*Jai Sri Radhe Krishna!
Hare Krishna!
30 October 2023
How God Helps And Punishes?
*If you remember God!
If you are selfless!
If you do good!
*Then God creates good thoughts!
In your mind to solve your problem!
Thus God helps you!
*If you don't remember God!
If you don't believe God!
If you are selfish!
If you do bad!
*Then God creates bad thoughts!
In your mind to create more problem!
Thus God punishes you!
*Thoughts are created!
As per your Karma good or bad!
Good Karma create good thoughts!
Bad Karma create bad thoughts!
*Thus you are entangled!
By your own Karma!
By your own thoughts!
Like spider and spider-web!
*Thus you get joy and sorrows!
You are trapped in Srishti Chakra!
In cycle of births and deaths!
*Jai Sri Radhe Krishna!
Hare Krishna!
16 September 2023
Home is more difficult than Himalaya for Atma-Gyani
Why it is so?
Why living in home is more difficult than living in Himalaya for Atm-Gyani?
After knowing God, his nature becomes Godly. Always he wants to be engaged for God, Godly
works, listening writing about God. He can't see his family members doing any work against this
He wants the good of his family members and this world also like he has been blessed by God.
He wants that his family members and this world should also develop ability for the blessings of
He can not do anything as per his wish due to different nature and acts of his family members
and the world. Nature of his family members is worldly and not Godly. Hence he finds it very
very difficult to live in family. His family members do not want to improve towards the direction of
God. Then he becomes very sad.
When he is forced to do some Karma against this nature. He thinks that there is no use of his
life. He wants to leave his family or he wants to die. For him death is very small thing. For him
death has no meaning since he has already become immortal. He will always be in bliss with
God after his death. Hence he is always happy to die. He can not see the present condition of
the world. And world can not be improved. Lord Rama came and gone. Lord Krishna came and
gone. But we see the world as it exists now.
While person living in Himalaya, he can do everything as per his wish. He can remain engaged
in God and Godly works without any obstruction.
But God realized person can not do anything as per his wish while living in home.
What a Self-realized person thinks?
If he is going to die tomorrow. Then he must die today and right now. He is always happy to
merge into Almighty. For him world has no meaning. His life has no meaning. This world is
Asaar, his life is Asaar, without any Saar. Asaar means which has no meaning.
He is Always every moment happy to die to merge with Almighty God.
Jai Sri Radhe Krishna!
Hare Krishna!
1 September 2023
Krishna makes your wife dance
*God makes your spouse dance!
Krishna makes your wife dance!
*Don't say!
Your wife is good or bad!
Don't say!
Your spouse is good or bad!
*Everything has to be done!
As per your Prarabdha!
As per the Prarabhdha of other!
*Everything needs to be neutralized!
As per your Karma!
As per my Karma!
As per Karma of everyone!
*Only then you can be mixed in Almighty!
Since Almighty is neutral like sky!
*Nothing can happen!
Without the wish of God!
Even a leaf can't move!
Without the wish of Almighty!
*If you say anything good or bad!
You insult Almighty Krishna!
Since Krishna makes everyone dance!
*Hence be happy!
Remain happy!
*Jai Sri Raadhe Krishna!
Hare Krishna!
10 March 2023
Why no thought?
*Our natural state is joyful!
When we are thoughtful!
We will do Karma!
As per the thought!
*Then we will get!
Good or bad results!
As per our Karma!
*Even if we get good result!
It will give sorrow!
Since we have to miss it!
And we don't want to miss it!
*Hence two solutions!
Suggested by the sages!
*First solution!
Remain thoughtless!
Second solution!
Don't be attached with Karma!
*Jai Sri Radhe Krishna!
Hare Krishna!
10 March 2023
Why no Karma?
*Don't initiate any Karma!
Why it is so?
*If you initiate any Karma!
You will get good or bad results!
*Then you fall down!
From your natural state of joy!
*Good results will attach you!
They will create new world!
Which will have joy and sorrow!
*On attaining good, joy!
On missing good, sorrow!
One has to miss certainly!
*But one can't avoid Karma!
One has to do Karma!
Hence Krishna has told!
Two solutions in Bhagavad Gita!
*First solution!
Keep Evenness of Mind!
In good or bad results!
In doing or not doing!
*Second solution!
Don't want fruit of Karma!
*Jai Sri Radhe Krishna!
Hare Krishna!
12 February 2023
How to see God?
Following is the process for seeing God, Almighty:
First, you must have faith and firm belief on one and only one Almighty God.
Second, you get glimpse of God.
Third, you see God as per your intense desire.
Fourth, you merge with God.
This is the entire process.
There are two types of Darshan or seeing:
First Darshan, you see directly in any shape of God.
This can be done only by God with His immense blessing. But this is very rare. Every one is not
entitled for this. This requires good Karma of thousands of births.
Second Darshan, you get the glimpse of God. For this also you require somewhat pure heart.
This can be done by you and others. You can yourself do it by visiting religious places,
pilgrimages, fasting, meditation etc. This makes your heart pure. An impure heart can not see
Almighty God.
Other person like Guru can also show you God in this second process. He can give you glimpse
of one and only one Almighty God. He can bless you with divine glimpse or grace. This can be
done by visit to the doors of Guru. Some of the Guru can give you this divine glimpse from
distance also. But this is very rare.
After having divine glimpse you know the truth about one Almighty God. Then you have full
faith, firm faith on Existence of God. Then you don't have doubts on God.
Then your divine journey starts. Then you can reach up to God by practice. It may take short
time or long time as per the intensity of your practice.
If you do not get any divine glimpse of God, then don't be disappointed. Try to purify your heart
by practicing. This practice can be done by listening devotional music, by fasting, by meditation,
by increasing focus, by selfless work, by reading scripture, by Satsang and by reading my
sharing about Krishna, Almighty God. Thus by purifying intellect.
What is divine glimpse?
You get some hint, some glimpse of God or Atma or soul in your mind. You don't see God in
front of your eyes. But you feel presence of God in your mind, in your heart. You get some
feeling about presence of Atma or God. You get some divine light. You get some thoughts from
Atma or God. You get some words of your Atma ie soul or God. You hear some words in
silence. You get some thoughts in silence. For this you need to focus on you, your thoughts. You
become thoughtles for some time. Do not see in front of you. See inside you, inside of your
heart, inside of your mind and body. This is known as divine glimpse.
Jai Sri Radhe Krishna!
Hare Krishna!
5 February 2023
Types of Sorrows or Pains in Life
1/ First sorrow is birth. Baby is born with too much difficulty. He weeps too much when he takes
birth. Mother and baby, both feel to much pain during this time.
When baby grows, he feels the pain of hunger, thirst, ailments and other problems but he can
not convey up to others. Hence he weeps.
2/ Karma - One has to do Karma when one grows up. Bad Karma gives pain of bad results and
punishment. But good Karma also gives the pain. When you get comfort, you become habitual
of comfort. When you miss the comfort, it becomes painful to you.
3/ Fear - One gets many fears in life due to many reasons in life.
4/ Worries - One is always worried in life due to many reasons. Worries burns the person.
5/ Anger - One becomes angry due to different reasons and if one does not get the desired
6/ Livelihood - One has to struggle for survival when he grows up.
7/ Hunger- If one is poor, he may have to remain hungry.
8/ Thirst - Control of thirst is very difficult.
9/ Desire- Desires give too much pain when one does not get the desired things. But, when one
gets the desired things, one fears of missing it. And after missing, it becomes too much painful.
10/ Attachment- Attachment is very painful since it gives fear of missing and finally actual
11/ Good or bad Children, relatives, friends etc
12/ Insult - One can not withstand insult.
13/ Diseases of self, children, relatives etc
14/ Fear of death of self, relatives, lovers and friends
15/ Death of Relatives, lovers and friends
16/ Old Age- One becomes very week and helpless in old age.
17/ Death- Most difficult moment is death.
One feels too much pain during the death.
18/ Weather- One has to struggle against different kinds of weather.
19/ Fear of Natural Calamities, Earthquakes, Floods, Storms etc.
20/ Popularity- If one becomes popular, he becomes very happy. But when he gets infamy, then
it gives too much pain. Even if one doesn't get infamy, then one gets too much pain during the
death since one becomes attached with popularity.
It is the law of nature - Higher you go, Lower you have to come back like a ball thrown in the
That is the reason liberation is required to get rid of the sorrows of body since body gives all the
above pains. Body is the cause of all these problems. Hence one has to get rid of body. Else
body acts like jail and gives many births.
Jai Sri Radhe Krishna!
Hare Krishna!
31 January 2023
How Krishna solves impossible?
*Krishna solves!
Impossible problem!
If we have faith on Him!
*Then He will create!
Good auspicious thoughts!
We will do accordingly!
Our problem will be solved!
*How to have good thoughts?
By firm faith on Krishna!
By having pure intellect!
*How to have pure intellect?
By doing penance!
By fasting for Krishna!
By doing selfless Karma!
*If we have pure intellect!
Then our all problems solved!
*Jai Sri Radhe Krishna!
Hare Krishna!
? ? ?
17 Jan 2023
Mood, Bhaav and Thoughts
*Who creates mood?
Who creates Bhaav?
Who creates thoughts?
*What is mood?
Good mood, bad mood!
Romantic mood!
Angry mood!
*What is Bhaav?
Sadbhaav, Durbhaav!
Bhaav means your attitude!
Your intention!
*Bhaav creates!
Good or bad thought!
*Ask yourself!
Reply yourself!
Try to find answers!
*There is no one!
Except one Almighty!
Who creates!
Mood, Bhaav and Thoughts!
His nature creates them!
He makes you dance!
As per these!
*Mood, Bhaav and Thoughts!
They are created by Almighty!
As per your good or bad Karma!
As per your friends, company!
*Jai Sri Krishna!
Hare Krishna!
16 Jan 2023
If we get bad
*If we do good!
Even then we get bad!
*If we get punishment!
Even if we have done nothing wrong!
*This is the greatest thing!
For firm belief on Almighty!
*Why it is so?
Why it happens?
*In this birth!
We do everything good!
It is great!
*We know only this much!
But Almighty knows!
About our all the past births!
*He needs to neutralize!
Karma of our all past births!
Only then we can be pure!
For immortality or liberation!
*Hence don't worry!
Be happy!
*Your past Karma!
They are being neutralized!
By withstanding all these!
*It will make you pure!
It will make you stronger!
Required to know yourself!
Required to know Atma!
*Nature sets right everything!
Every Karma needs to be repaid!
*Jai Sri Radhe Krishna!
Hare Krishna!
9 Jan 2023
How the universe is running?
*This universe is running mainly on the following two principles:
1/ First Principle:
Good Karma, good thoughts. Bad Karma, bad thoughts.
2/ Second Principle:
Good food, good thoughts. Bad food, bad thoughts.
*First Principle:
If you do good Karma, Almighty will create good thoughts in your mind.
If you do bad Karma, Almighty will create bad thoughts in your mind.
*Hence your life will become accordingly good or bad. You may be of any religion, gender,
nation, language, race, caste, status etc This is universal law.
*Second Principle:
If you have good food, Almighty will create good thoughts in your mind.
If you have bad food, Almighty will create bad thoughts in your mind.
*Food may be for your eating, seeing, listening, speaking, touching, tasting, smelling. Food may
be for any of your senses.
*This is universal law for running this universe, your life and your body.
Your life will become accordingly good or bad as per your intake, as per your food.
*You may be from any religion, gender, nation, language, caste, race, status etc.
This is the universal law for all.
*Your joy and sorrows depend only on these two universal laws.
Hence decide yourself!
What do you want?
Joy or sorrows?
Act accordingly!
*Share this to spread happiness in the universe!
*Jai Sri Radhe Krishna!
Hare Krishna!
5 January 2023
True Incident: When someone asked me, how much wine I have taken
*It was just after my Atm-Gyan after sad demise of my beloved father. It was the year 1990.
*I used to be intoxicated in the love of Sri Krishna! I used to do contamplation of Paramatma
most of the time.
*I used to try that no one should know me that I am Atm-Gyani and I have seen Paramatma!
*I used to remain intoxicated in divine. Once a person asked me- Today how much drink you
have taken?
*I didn't reply since I never drink. I never touch wine or whiskey.
*But I became pleased by this question. I considered myself fortunate that I look like drunken
even without drinking the wine or whiskey!
*I thanked Sri Krishna for His love!
One must be intoxicated in the divine. He must look like a drunken, intoxicated even without
drinking wine or anything!
Your eyes tell everything if you are intoxicated by wine or divine
*It is difficult to live for a Atma-Gyani in the present society. People will call him mad.
Hence I started to do opposite Karma.
I started to do bad Karma so that people should not recognize me, people should not know me.
Since it is said by the wiseBe Roman in the Rome!
*I wanted to remain hidden from the society.
*I started to conceal myself.
I wanted to be such a Saint who wants to live in very isolated place where no one can dare to
*I knew about a saint. He used to throw stones over to any person who wanted to visit him since
he wanted to remain hidden from the society. He used to conceal himself.
*I also wanted to live like that saint just after my Atm-Gyan.
*This is the state of Atm-Gyani.
But he starts to reveal himself just for the good of the society.
*He does not care to live or die. For him death has no meaning. He conquers the death.
*He prefers to die like Saint Kabir since after death he will be full of divine bliss always for ever.
*Saint Kabir has saidJis marne se jag dare, mere man mein anand -
*Krishna made me like this just after my Atm-Gyan!
*My infinite love, thanks and Pranam to lotus feet of Sri Krishna always for ever!
Jai Sri Krishna!
Hare Krishna!
1 Jan 2023
Whatever happened, had to happen!
*Don't see the past!
Whatever happened, had to happen!
*You have no control!
You are dancing!
Like puppet!
*And who makes you dance?
He is Paramatma!
He is your Atma!
*He makes you dance!
As per your Karma!
By creating your thoughts!
As per your Karma!
*Keep good company of friends!
For creating good thoughts!
Thus changing your fortune!
Fortune favors the brave!
*Jai Sri Radhe Krishna!
Hare Krishna!
18 DEC 2022
No one can know Atma-Gyani
*On this earth no one can know Atma-Gyani.
No one can know that you are self-realized.
Such people can be known only by those persons who are in the same state or in higher state.
*Such person can be known only if he informs other about his experiences. And he informs for
the benefit of others since he has fulfilled his very purpose of taking birth on this earth. He has
no gain or loss if he informs about his experiences.
*Even my wife does not know that I am Atma-Gyani. Whatever my true experiences, true
incidents I have shared with you, I have not shared with my wife. Some times I have shared one
or two experiences with her but she doesn't believe. Hence Atma-Gyani has to live as Agyani in
his home. He has to live as ignorant due to his Prarabdha ie past-Karma!
*Wife of such person is not required to do Karwa Chauth fast etc for his long life since he
becomes immortal by knowing his Atma ie himself!
*Maya is so strong, illusion is so strong one can't recognize an Atma-Gyani person.
Except a few people no one could recognize Lord Sri Krishna during his lifetime. Duryodhan and
others used to call him Gwala. Even his fast friend Arjuna could not recognize Sri Krishna!
Arjuna could recognize Sri Krishna only after Sri Krishna had shown his Vishwa-Rupa ie
Universal Form to him!
*Maya is so strong. Some time even Atma-Gyani person is confused by Maya that he knows
himself, he knows God. This happens when he starts to live in improper way, when he starts to
eat whatever available, when he starts to see whatever available, when he does not get
Satsanga or good company.
18 Jun 2021
@Why to believe Krishna?
@Why to have faith on Krishna?
Why to believe on Krishna?
@Krishna has told in Gita!
He makes every one dance!
As per his Karma!
As per his thoughts!
@If you have faith on Krishna!
He will give you good thoughts!
@If you don't have faith on Krishna!
He will not give you good thoughts!
@Hence if you don't believe on Almighty!
You will be deprived of His guidance!
@Then you will remain weak!
And will be defeated in life!
By difficulties and problems!
You will be deprived of joy!
20 OCT 2022
@Words of Wisdom: Thoughts and Karma
@Almighty creates our thoughts as per our Karma, as per our deeds!
@If our Karma or deeds are good. He will create good thoughts in us. If our Karma are bad. He
will create bad thoughts in us.
@Karma and thoughts are interlinked!
@If our Karma are good. We will get good thoughts which will further motivate us to do more
good Karma. Thus we will be progressing in our life journey!
@The same holds good for opposite!
@If we do bad Karma. Then only bad thoughts will be created in us. Thus our downfall will
continue in our life!
@Hence to change our lives we will have to convert our bad Karma to good Karma!
5 August 2022
When you were baby
*You could not do anything!
When you were one month baby!
Even you could not turn your sides!
You needed help of others!
*Now you think!
That you are doing everything!
This is your false ego!
You can't do anything!
*When you will be too old!
Again you will know!
That you are very helpless!
You will not be able!
To turn your sides!
You will need help of others!
*Then you will think!
You can't do anything!
It was your false ego!
You considered yourself as doer!
*Only in between!
You are so much proud of yourself!
That you do everything!
*But it is your false ego!
One day you will know reality!
That you can't do anything!
*Then, who is the doer in fact?
Only Almighty is doer!
Even if He is non-doer!
*Almighty creates thoughts!
As per your Karma!
Good or bad!
*Since only your thoughts act!
Not yourself!
You do as per your thoughts!
Good or bad!
*How to have good thoughts?
To do good Karma!
*Love and remember Sri Krishna!
Don't forget Him!
Love everyone!
Irrespective of any religion, difference!
He will create good thoughts!
*Have faith on Almighty!
Engage yourself in Krishna!
Or any other God!
Have good company!
*Then certainly!
You will have good thoughts!
You will have good Karma!
*Then you can know Almighty!
Then you can know Sri Krishna!
Achieving very purpose of your birth!
*If you share it to anyone!
It can spread good thoughts!
It can spread good Karma!
In the entire universe!
3 July 2022
@Karma is like Carbon Copy
@Karma is true copy!
Like Carbon copy!
@Whatever you do!
Same is returned to you!
In the same intensity!
@Even more than that!
In certain cases!
@Hence this body is called!
A Jail of Karma!
@All have come here!
In this world!
To be free from Karma!
@This world is Karm-Jaal!
Like net of fisherman!
Like spider-web!
@World has no existence!
Without Karma!
No Karma, no world!
@Karma may be good or bad!
You can't escape the Jail!
Good Karma, golden jail!
Bad Karma, iron jail!
@Self-less Karma, no jail!
Karma by non-doer!
Then no jail!
It makes you free!
30 May 2022
Why we love Krishna?
*Krishna takes your sorrows!
Krishna liberates you from pains!
Irrespective of any religion, nation!
Irrespective of any differences!
*That is the reason!
You love Krishna!
*You don't love any one!
Without any reason!
*Good Karma is the main reason!
You love any God or person!
*If God doesn't do good Karma!
You will not love God!
*If anyone doesn't do good Karma!
You will not love such person!
*No one is good or bad!
Only Karma is good or bad!
*Even if one is very handsome!
Even if one is very beautiful!
But without any help to you!
You can't love such person!
*If someone troubles you!
You want to run away from such person!
*If someone helps you!
You are attracted to such person!
*And that is the power of attraction!
Of beloved and beautiful Krishna!
Bhagavad Gita is His lovely speech!
Hence billions of people love Him!
*Jai Sri Bhagavad Gita!
Jai Sri Krishna! Hare Krishna!
? ? ?
15 FEB 2022
Nature sets right everything
*There can't be any injustice!
In the beautiful regime of Almighty!
*Nature sets right everything!
Reaction against action!
Like third law of Newton!
Everyone is repaid his Karma!
*Some Hindus were converted!
To other religions by force!
Some have come back!
Some will be reverted back!
*If you convert anyone!
You will surely be converted!
In this birth or next!
Never forget this fact!
*If you do atrocities!
You will get atrocities!
In this birth or next!
Without any doubt!
*Those emperors!
Who did atrocities on Hindus!
They have been punished already!
They are being punished!
They will be punished!
Every thing is automatic in nature!
*You can't escape your Karma!
No one can escape his deeds!
Deeds may be good or bad!
No injustice in court of Almighty!
*One may be Emperor, King!
One may be ordinary person!
One may be a group of people!
Everyone gets its rewards!
As per the Karma without fail!
*Every thing arranged by nature!
Every thing arranged by Almighty!
*Hence don't worry!
Be happy!
There will always be justice!
You want or not!
*Forward this to all concerned!
To wake up all concerned!
20 December 2021
No one is doing anything
*Except Krishna, Almighty!
No one is doing anything!
*No need to worry!
No need to preach!
*Krishna automatically gets it done!
Through one and all, everyone!
*Krishna has told in Gita!
He makes every one dance!
As per the Karma of everyone!
By creating the thoughts!
*Good Karma, good thoughts!
Bad Karma, bad thoughts!
*Everyone is attached with Karma!
With some greed and desire!
Thus universe is running!
And Krishna doesn't do anything!
9 December 2021
What happens after death?-
As per the scriptures, after death one remains nearby to his home for about 13 days.
After that he starts his journey as per his Karma.
Actually you are not this body! You are subtle body! Not visible by eyes! Subtle body remains
floating in the environment.
His subtle body takes birth as per his Karma.
If Karma are bad, subtle body thrown in the womb of dogs, pigs, cats etc
How is it possible?
Subtle body sits on the food as per its Karma and attachment at the time of the death. Suppose
Karma are not good and one remembered dog as per his Karma and attachment at the time of
death. Then some dog will eat that food. Hence the subtle body goes to the womb of a bitch
which gives birth to a puppy. Thus one becomes dog in next birth.
If Karma are good. Then subtle body which sits on a food. Some man eats that food. And thus
the subtle body reaches to the womb of a woman when both meets.
Thus it gives birth to a baby. Hence one again becomes human.
9 December 2021
Death and Afterwards
*As per Scriptures a person feels too much pain during the birth and death. And this is the
reason liberation is required to avoid birth and death.
*The person gets flashback of major events of entire life within a short span of time just after the
death like film of movie. To whom he has cheated, troubled or helped.
*During life also every one feels sorrows, pains, insults mixed with some occasions of
happiness. And most of the people take it as real happiness or aim of the life. But it is just
illusion. There is no happiness even during the life.
*Just after the death soul is separated from the body and journey of soul starts after the death.
And then soul is called Jeevatma if it is not liberated.
*Jeevatma remains near the body and its home or work place for about 13 days. It sees every
thing done with its body, home, work-place by its friends, enemies or relatives.
*After 13 days it starts its journey as per its Karma. Then it flies above in the sky and forgets
every thing and every person. Memories of this birth is lost.
*If it has done good Karma, then process of its purification starts for liberation. It is mainly
checked that Jeevatma was sent on the planet earth to love each other. How much love it has
given to all. And how much divine knowledge it has gained during the life.
*After that your next birth is decided. If you are already in the path of Knowledge. Then it is
certain that you will take next birth in such family where you may continue your further journey
for enhanced divine knowledge and liberation.
*If you require to neutralize your good or bad Karma, then your next birth is arranged
*Remember Almighty God does nothing in all these things. Every thing is automatic as per the
14 October 2021
Love your Maa like this
*Love your Maa like this!
You should not be attached!
With her body!
She should not be attached!
With your body!
*You should not be a cause!
Of her bondage!
She should not be a cause!
Of your bondage!
*Always consider!
Love to Maa, love to Devi Maa!
Love to Maa, love to Maa Durga!
Not even slight difference!
*Love every one in family!
Like this!
Do thy duty!
As given by Almighty!
*Everyone is of Almighty!
No one is yours!
Assume like this!
Do as per your capability!
*Always consider!
You are not the doer!
You can't do anything!
Krishna makes you dance!
As per your Karma!
*Hence don't keep any ego!
Don't boast for your work!
Camphor dissolves in air!
If kept it open!
So are your virtues!
*If you tell your good deeds to any one!
They don't remain good deeds!
They don't remain selfless!
Hence not eligible for immortality!
*Wish you Happy Durga Navami!
Wish you Happy Dussehra!
23 July 2021
Why do you see bad?
Do not see bad!
Why do you see bad!
In any religion!
In any person!
If you see bad!
You will be bad!
If you see good!
You will be good!
If anyone does bad!
Let him do!
He will get its result!
Karma is to be neutralized!
But don't make yourself!
A medium to neutralize!
Since you will become a party!
And you will be included in the chain!
Avoid to see any thing bad!
Since you attract the bad!
Try to see always good!
Then you attract good!
Be good, do good, see good!
Help planet earth for its good!
Forward this if you want!
To wake up all concerned!
18 Jun 2021
Why to believe Krishna?
Why to have faith on Krishna?
Why to believe on Krishna?
Krishna has told in Gita!
He makes every one dance!
As per his Karma!
As per his thoughts!
If you have faith on Krishna!
He will give you good thoughts!
If you don't have faith on Krishna!
He will not give you good thoughts!
Hence if you don't believe on Almighty!
You will be deprived of His guidance!
Then you will remain weak!
And will be defeated in life!
By difficulties and problems!
You will be deprived of joy!
23 FEB 2021
Best Quality of a Doctor
Doctor must be faithful to his profession. It is the best quality of a Doctor.
Though it is required for every profession. But for a Doctor, it is specially required.
No one should think that he is well settled in his job, hence nothing can be bad with him. No, it is
wrong. One should not think like this.
Even a well settled professional can be thrown out of his job. Since he has to repay his Karma.
During the year 1989, my father became very serious during midnight hours. He was already
under the treatment of a good Doctor. We approached the same Doctor during night time. He
simply refused to visit my home to see the father.
This type of attitude for a good Doctor is not worthy. Since he was well settled, he must have
thought he had no dearth of patients. But one must know every single drop makes an ocean.
For a Doctor every patient counts.
And main thing is the life of a patient which is first and foremost not only for a Doctor but for
We were pained to know by this type of behavior of the Doctor.
15 February 2021
They are very fortunate
Those who are beautiful!
They are very fortunate!
Those who are handsome!
They are very fortunate!
Krishna has created them!
With His special love!
Due to their good Karma!
In past births!
8 Dec 2020
What is selfless?
Selfless is to do anywork!
For others, not for self!
Assuming him!
As a part of Almighty!
Wanting nothing in return!
You may do selfless work!
You may donate money selflessly!
You may help any one selflessly!
Since all are sons of Almighty!
You must yourself forget it!
After doing it!
Since you are non-doer!
You can't do anything!
This is not only for saying!
It is actually true!
Some time you may feel!
No one knows about it!
But don't worry!
Almighty knows! You know!
No need to know by other!
You don't want any popularity!
You don't want wealth, property!
You don't want post, designation!
You don't want any thing in return!
This is called selfless service!
You do it for the pleasure of Almighty!
You do it for satisfaction of yours own!
Your task may be very small!
Your task may be very big!
But you don't want any thing!
You can make it a habit!
Initially with small deeds!
Then it will be automatic!
Then Karma will not bind you!
Then you become eligible for liberation!
Since good Karma gives golden jail!
Since bad Karma gives iron jail!
But the bird can not be happy!
Even if it lives in golden cage!
Hence do Karma with selfless motive!
If you don't want any more jail!
As human body is like a jail!
As it is called Karma Bandhan!
5 December 2020
What is mind?
Mind is different than brain!
Mind means subtle mind!
Which is not visible!
All world is play of this mind!
Mind is accumulated Sanskar!
From our thousands of births!
Our desires, good and bad deeds!
From our thousands of births!
They make the invisible mind!
Our past Karma stored in mind!
And that is the cause of our!
Birth after the births!
Even if you are doing!
Any bad or good Karma!
Even if no one is seeing!
Your mind is seeing!
Your mind is storing it!
At the time of death!
This storage is transferred!
To new body!
You take birth accordingly!
Subtle body contains!
This storage of your Karma!
Subtle body does not die!
Your visible body only dies!
You are not this visible body!
You are invisible subtle body!
One takes next births!
Of human, animal, bird etc!
As per the Karma stored in mind!
As per the deeds stored in subtle body!
That is the reason it is said!
Do good Karma for good birth!
You can't remain without Karma!
Since body is made only for Karma!
If you do selfish Karma!
You take good or bad birth!
If you do selfless Karma!
You don't take any birth!
Birth is the cause of miseries!
Good Karma golden jail!
Bad Karma iron jail!
You can't remain happy in jail!
3 November 2020
What happens after death?-
As per the scriptures, after death one remains nearby to his home for about 13 days.
After that he starts his journey as per his Karma.
Actually you are not this body! You are subtle body! Not visible by eyes! Subtle body remains
floating in the environment.
His subtle body takes birth as per his Karma.
If Karma are bad, subtle body thrown in the womb of dogs, pigs, cats etc
How is it possible?
Subtle body sits on the food. Suppose Karma are not good and one remembered dog as per his
Karma at the time of death. Then some dog will eat that food. Hence the subtle body goes to the
womb of a bitch which gives birth to a puppy. Thus one becomes dog in next birth.
If Karma are good. Then subtle body which sits on a food. Some man eats that food. And thus
the subtle body reaches to the womb of a woman when both meets.
Thus it gives birth to a baby. Hence one again becomes human.
1 October 2020
Nothing is free in this universe
You become very happy when you get any thing free.
You become very happy when you win any lottery.
You become very happy when you get free money or wealth.
People cheat others.
People become happy when they get anything free.
But you must always remember that.
Nothing is free in this universe.
Whatever you get, you get at some cost.
You spend your good karma for every thing you get.
You spend your bliss for every thing you get.
You spend your happiness for every thing you get.
24 July 2020
Do you agree?
Do you agree?
Your body is given by Krishna!
Your body is given by Allah!
Your body is given by Almighty!
Hence body is not yours!
Body is of Krishna!
Hence Karma of your body!
They are also not yours!
They are of Krishna!
They may be good or bad!
Hence thoughts of your body!
They are also not yours!
They are of Krishna!
They may be good or bad!
Hence why you should worry?
When body is not yours!
When body belongs to Krishna!
When body belongs to Almighty!
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2 July 2020
Main Problem With You
Main problem with you is that you don't consider yourself as non-doer.
That is the reason, you get results of your Karma.
Even if you don't know that you are non - doer, you must assume yourself as non-doer!
Then you will be in golden path of liberation!
Then if you do good or bad, actions will not bind you. You will be free from your actions.
Then you will take no more birth on this mortal planet earth!
Don't do any mistake knowingly!
Defeat your any logic!
Assume yourself non-doer till you know this fact!
21 May 2020
Why it is So?
Why bad things happen to good people?
Why good things happen to bad people?
Almighty is too much kind!
Then why it is so?
Yes it is very true and it is very correct!
It must be!
Almighty is more intelligent than all together!
He is intelligence itself!
Almighty can't see you weak!
He loves you too much!
He wants to make you stronger!
Hence bad things to good people!
Since we can get the juice!
Only after crushing the sugarcane!
Don't be entangled in artificial happiness!
Don't die without knowing real happiness!
Why good things to bad people!
If bad people are doing sin!
By cheating or troubling others!
Let them increase their sin!
So their sins are increased!
To finish them for ever!
Hence they seem to enjoy!
Think always, they are near to end!
You may be knowing!
Hindi proverb!
Paap ka Ghada Bharane do!
Let the pitcher of sin must fill up!
To burst that pitcher finally!
Hence good things to bad people!
Do you know Law of Karma?
When you get worldly joy?
When you get worldly sorrows?
It is like bank balance!
Punya, good deeds are bank balance!
You get joy, you reduce your Punya!
You get sorrows, you reduce sins!
Bad people get joy, reduce Punya!
Till their all Punya are exhausted!
Then their pitcher of sin is bursted!
Good people get sorrows, reduce sins!
Till their all sins are exhausted!
After that they get joy of good Karma!
But bliss is beyond joy and sorrows!
That is the reason, it is said!
To do selfless action!
You get worldly joy!
If you do selfish Karma!
If you get something!
You get worldly joy!
Then you miss the same!
You get worldly sorrows!
But if you do selflessly!
It is beyond joy n sorrows!
If you do good or bad!
You will get jail finally!
By good, good birth!
By bad, bad birth!
Bird does not want the cage!
It may be golden also!
Bird wants to be free!
You want to be free!
2 May 2020
If you were selected in Competition
If you were selected in a competition!
In IAS, IIM or IIT etc!
You should never think!
That you are most intelligent!
If you are PhD, MTech, MBA, MD, etc!
You can't become superior!
Only due to this reason!
You may be expert in your field!
If you have more salary than other!
You can't become superior!
Merely on this ground!
You may be Billionaire!
If you have higher designation!
You can't become superior!
Merely on this ground!
You may be having highest post!
Even an illiterate poor person!
May be more intelligent than you!
It is your good luck!
And Karma of your past births!
That you were selected!
Thank Almighty that!
He made your wisdom!
Such that you could be selected!
Hence you can't be superior!
Merely due to this reason!
No one is superior or inferior!
Every person is superior to you!
In at least one quality!
Every person is inferior to you!
In at least one quality!
Everyone is superior n inferior to you!
Almighty has made such a nature!
Leave the man!
Even animal is superior to you!
In at least one quality!
Hence give respect to everyone!
Including man n animals!
Since all have spark of Almighty!
Love one, love all, love Almighty!
29 March 2020
Pros and Cons
Always remember!
Never, any thing is bad!
Every thing has pros and cons!
Like a coin has two sides!
Hence, never feel sad!
Even if you know some thing bad!
Even if you get something bad!
Even if you miss something good!
Everything is result of your Karma!
Your bad karmas are burnt!
If you get sorrows!
Your good Karmas are reduced!
If you get comfort!
Even if you have to sit!
Under the scorching sun!
During the summer!
Under the open sky!
During the shivering winter!
It will make you stronger!
Feel always positive!
Don't fear Covid-19!
It will make you stronger!
It will clean the environment!
Which the man could not do!
Which man can't do!
Nature can do!
Nature can set right everything!
Which man has spoiled!
The problem is for some time!
Hence don't worry!
Take all precautions!
And be happy!
But, now remember!
Never to repeat!
Your past mistakes!
Learn lesson from them!
For your happiness!
And your generations!
Almighty is always with you!
And will remain always!
10 February 2020
*Why it is said to do good Karma?
Why it is said to remember Almighty?
Why it is said to do charity?
Why it is said not to trouble anyone?
*Just before the death!
Within few seconds!
One gets the flashback!
Of his entire life!
What he has done!
Throughout the life!
Then one repents with tears!
If he has not done any good Karma!
*After this one looses entire memory!
And one is departed from the body!
One feels at this time!
How much precious body was given to him!
But he did not utilize it properly!
He weeps inside at this time!
*It is the nature!
Whatever one does throughout the life!
One can remember the same!
And the things he wanted to do!
During the last moments!
Not any other things!
*That is the reason!
If one always remembers Almighty!
If one always does charity!
If one always does good Karma!
One can easily remember Him!
During last moments!
5 February 2020
Who are your relatives or friends?
Who are your son, daughter, wife, friends?
They are your relatives or friends of your past births!
They are your friends or enemies of your past births!
They have come again in this birth to repay your past Karmas, your past actions!
Good or bad!
And if you don't repay!
They will come again in your next births!
And this will be cause of your many births!
Hence do not give!
Don't take!
Any thing!
From any one!
Even if you give!
Even if you take!
Don't consider yourself Karta ie doer!
Since you don't do anything!
Since you can't do anything!
27 February 2021
You are responsible only yourself!
For every good Karma!
For every bad Karma!
You are responsible!
Only yourself!
If you do any bad Karma!
Only you will face the consequences!
Not your wife!
Not your husband!
Not your children!
Not your parents!
Not your relatives!
Not your friends!
Not your colleagues!
Etc etc!
Hence be careful!
While doing any Karma!
Since it may create a chain!
Of your thousands of births!
Your pain and miseries!
Your suffering and unhappiness!o
But if you are unattached!
With your Karma!
You will not face!
Any consequences!
Always remember!
You don't do anything!
But you bind yourself with Karma!
By assuming you doer!
For want of results!
Due to your ignorance!
Hence never want!
The fruit of your Karma!
14 October 2019
Words of Wisdom: Karma
When a bird is alive. It eats ants.
When the bird is dead. Ants eat the bird.
Time and circumstances can change at any moment.
Don't devalue or hurt any one in life!
You may be powerful today. But remember!
Time is more powerful than you!
One tree makes a million match sticks...
Only one match stick is needed to burn a million trees...
So, be good and do good!
10 October 2019
Why we should not try for the fruits or result of our Karma or action?
We should not try for the result of our Karma or actions since every Karma is a cause of
Even if you do good Karma or work, your final end is sorrows. Since after doing good work, you
will get good reward. But the reward will surely end one day. You will get good status, post,
designation, name and fame, etc. You can be a King by your good work, action or Karma. But
you will get attached by all these things. Hence when you miss all these things you will be too
much in pain.
Good and bad Karma, both are cause of bondage or jail.
If a parrot is kept in a golden cage or steel cage, it does not matter.
Sorrows can only end when you do Nishkam Karma ie action without the want of result.
8 Sep 2019
Words of Wisdom: Thoughts and Karma
Almighty creates our thoughts as per our Karma, as per our deeds!
If our Karma or deeds are good. He will create good thoughts in us. If our Karma are bad. He
will create bad thoughts in us.
Karma and thoughts are interlinked!
If our Karma are good. We will get good thoughts which will further motivate us to do more good
Karma. Thus we will be progressing in our life journey!
The same holds good for opposite!
If we do bad Karma. Then only bad thoughts will be created in us. Thus our downfall will
continue in our life!
Hence to change our lives we will have to convert our bad Karma to good Karma!
20 Jan 2019
Nothing is free in this universe
You become very happy when you get any thing free.
You become very happy when you win any lottery.
You become very happy when you get free money or wealth.
People cheat others.
People become happy when they get anything free.
But you must always remember that.
Nothing is free in this universe.
Whatever you get, you get at some cost.
You spend your good karma for every thing you get.
You spend your bliss for every thing you get.
You spend your happiness for every thing you get.
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About the Author
Pravin Agrawal is Founder of Spiritual India WhatsApp Group, spread worldwide with eminent members from many countries and many fields like Science, Technology, Spirituality, Medicine, Ayurveda, Yoga, Naturopathy including Doctors, Engineers, Army Officers, etc. He is a God-realized soul. He is an engineering graduate from the world renowned university IIT Roorkee, India. He is imparting spiritual research & training for the people of all nations. Spirituality is the solution to every problem related to business, job, health, finance, love etc. As per the author this world seems to exist but it does not exist.
You don't know that you have been sleeping for millions of years.
Main reason for chaos in the entire world is ignorance. The author is regularly sharing his write-ups to remove the darkness of ignorance and spreading the light of knowledge. He is a renowned god-realized soul and Spiritualist. Spirituality is the solution to all problems.
It is ironic. We want to know about others. We want to know about Mars, other planets and stars but we don't know about ourselves. We consider ourselves merely a body which is not true.
Read spiritual write-ups every day, you will be getting blessings from god since the name of god is like fire. Even if you touch fire unknowingly or by mistake, your finger will burn. Similarly if you read them even without knowing Almighty or by mistake, you will be getting blessings of god. Share it to your friends by email, facebook, twitter etc for creating spirituality on this beautiful planet earth.
His posts have been designed with the objective of bringing a positive change on this planet earth with the overall good of all the people of this beautiful universe!
His most of the posts are collections of beautiful thoughts with the blessings and grace of beloved Lord Sri Krishna which are shared for all the people of the world irrespective of any difference of religion, nation, gender, status, race, caste, language etc.
In some writings of the author you may find some Hindi or Sanskrit words. If you want to know about these words, you can Google search for them. The author solicits your sincere apology in case of any types of mistake or inconvenience. Accept infinite love, thanks and Pranam from the author.
He is regularly sharing his blogs, posts in Speaking tree website, LinkedIn, Twitter, Facebook etc.
You can Google Search his all the profiles by the following key-words-
Pravin Agrawal Spiritualist Blogger
Most of his posts / blogs / books can be searched by Google.
Adhyatma Vidya or Divine Knowledge or Spirituality is the king of every available knowledge on planet earth. This is the most secret and sacred knowledge. Initially this knowledge was imparted thousands of years ago by Lord Sri Krishna and Vedas.
But this knowledge was lost with time.
Now the author is making every effort to revive this age-old traditional knowledge in a very easy way in the form of his write-up and thoughts inspired by Lord Krishna, Himself, which are shared here.
Main requirement to gain this knowledge is Abhyas i.e. practice again and again. If you read his posts again and again, it will make your Abhyas firm. Then you will be very near to know Almighty God! Try it!
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27 December 2023
How to Finish Ignorance?
Hi Friends,
The main reason of present chaos in the world is ignorance.
Why so many fights, quarrels, pain, Leg-pulling etc in the present world?
Why so much evils in the world?
It is due to ignorance.
If you don't want to see the darkness of ignorance in the world. If you don't want to see evils in the world. If you want to see the light of knowledge in the world.
Then please share this in the Mygate App of your Apartment and other places as much as possible or at least once in a month-
Spiritual India WhatsApp Group: A Gurukula-
Those people who share this will be a medium to spread this sacred task of Sri Krishna. They may have glimpse of divine knowledge in this birth itself.
Jai Sri Radhe Krishna!
Hare Krishna!
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25 March 2023
Don't consider my posts like poem
*My posts are not merely!
Like poems!
They are based on!
Actual truth!
Which is encountered!
At different levels of knowledge!
*Almost all of my posts!
They are based on actual truth!
That is a universal truth!
At different levels of knowledge!
*I have no ability to write!
Whatever I can write!
Whatever I can do!
That is due to my Krishna!
*Almost all of my posts!
They have been created!
As per my thoughts!
Blessed by Sri Krishna!
*Hence they are not mine!
They belong to Sri Krishna!
*Jai Sri Radhe Krishna!
Hare Krishna!
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Ten Most Important Posts of Pravin Agrawal
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Pravin Agrawal's True Experiences-
You are under cctv surveillance By Pravin Agrawal-
What is Sanatan Dharma? By Pravin Agrawal-
Knowing yourself is Dharma, Not knowing yourself is Adharma-
Most Professional Knowledge is Divine Knowledge-
My Nature Set Right Everything By Pravin Agrawal-
Secrets of Nature By Pravin Agrawal-
Whomsoever I see that is myself-
Pravin Agrawal`s Scenes Do Not Exist-
Scenes do not exist even now-
Ten Most Important Posts of Pravin Agrawal-
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Spiritual India WhatsApp Group: A Gurukula-
Youths Need Proper Guidance: Quotes of Pravin Agrawal-
More Than 1000 Likes Articles Of Pravin Agrawal-
List 2 Of All Linkedin Articles Of Pravin Agrawal-
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