What I do in a Week
Erin Wikes Cohen
Luxury Travel Designer | Virtuoso | Personal Touch Travel Design | 919-280-6419
I was talking with Steve on Sunday about the upcoming week and he asked if I had the “Sunday Scaries”: the feeling of dread that comes at the end of the weekend when you realize you have to go back to work on Monday. I told him that I love Mondays because I love what I do and never dread starting a new week in the travel business.
That got me thinking about everything I GET to do in a week, not only helping my clients but all of the other things I do both personal and professional and I thought that may be a fun topic for my weekly newsletter.
Prospective Client Consultations: I spend a few hours each week on zoom calls with prospective clients. During these meetings, we discuss their thoughts on upcoming travel and I discuss how I work with clients. These calls typically last 45 minutes to an hour and it is time to decide if we want to partner together to plan their vacations.
Research & Design: I spend hours each week researching and designing trips. Whether I am working with my preferred partners, reading online reviews about hotels, looking for flight options, contacting cruise lines or deciding on tours, I take this very seriously as I want to present the best choices for my clients.
Itinerary Presentation: Once I have a proposal, I present it to my clients either by zoom or with a video and an email. I go over my thoughts and rationale for the itinerary and ask them their thoughts. I then tell them to review it and ask me any questions or let me know any changes they would like to make.
Approval Process: Once the itinerary has been revised and approved, I start the process of booking reservations, making deposits, quoting travel insurance and assuring that all of the puzzle pieces are put together.
Delivery of Travel Documents: Prior to departure, I either deliver all of the documents (if people live in my area) or I mail the documents to my clients. I also give them an app with real time information for them to have on their phones. And they are all ready to leave for their trips.
Training: I also spend part of every week doing travel training. I have weekly meetings with my host company to get travel updates and education. I meet with partners to learn about their destinations and offerings. I have monthly training with Virtuoso to further learn about cruising and culinary travel. And I do company specific training to get certifications so I can better educate my clients.
Networking: I go to Kiwanis meetings and Chamber of Commerce meetings monthly to get to know people in my local community. And I recently started a networking group in my area where I meet with other women business owners to support each other.
Volunteering: I love to volunteer. Whether it is coordinating the First Responders Breakfast for Kiwanis or sitting on the board of my synagogue, I think it is so important to be involved in my community.
Hobbies: It is not all working, networking and volunteering. I love to walk Bailey everyday. I love to read and I belong to a book club. Steve and I still enjoy going to the movies because there is nothing like seeing a movie on a big screen with a tub of popcorn. I love playing mahjong each week with my friends. And I love when I get to travel, whether it is for a business trip or a pleasure vacation to see the world.
I think having a well-rounded life is important. And the weeks when I get to meet with clients, work on proposals, do some training and have fun, are my best weeks. And I never dread a Monday!