What I am Reading Right Now...

What I am Reading Right Now...

  1. Einstein's Fridge: "How the Difference Between Hot and Cold Explains the Universe", by Paul Sen. When it comes down it, the 2nd law of thermodynamics pretty much explains everything about the world we live in. A very approachable book that covers a very important topic. A great, great read.
  2. Extreme Economies: "What Life at the World's Margins Can Teach Us About Our Own Future", by Richard Davies. It always amazes me that no matter how hard we try to deny the basic human qualities of innovation and creativity they can't stop but continue to shine through, regardless of the hurdles they need to overcome. Davies visits some extreme locations (the Louisiana state penitentiary and a Syrian refugee camp, to name a few) to see how market forces help solve problems for humans caught in some extraordinary circumstances. An excellent book.
  3. Pragmatism: "A New Name for Some Old Ways of Thinking", by William James. If you want to nerd out on some original philosophical thinking that you can give this brief book a try. It's not even a book really, simply a collection of lectures given in 1907 by James, considered the father of American psychology and it's leading philosopher. I wont lie, you have to be in the mood for this one.
  4. The God Equation: "The Quest for the Theory of Everything", by Michio Kaku. Kaku brings the lay reader up to speed on the current state of physics as it tries to unify the laws of relativity and quantum theory. The quest to be able to express our understanding of the universe in a single, unified equation is what this book shares with us. Kaku's writing is energetic and geared to the non-physicist. His enthusiasm for the topic is captivating. You will breeze through this one.


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