What I am. What I will be.
Mary Patry - Cardiff, CA

What I am. What I will be.

Amongst his many pearls of wisdom, Albert Einstein shared "I must be willing to give up what I am in order to become what I will be."                         

What will I be? What can I be? Am I willing to give up what I am? What do I have to give up? 

Pretty heady questions when you look at it with an inquisitive mind.  Most everything attributed to Einstein gives us a reason to pause and think. 

Change is not possible without rejecting something. By giving up select parts of ourselves we are able to replace them with something better and greater. The key is to know what parts you want to build on and the parts you will lay aside.  Change is evolutionary and requires sacrifice, yet it provide returns in the most powerful ways.  Unless we evolve, we stay the same. How boring that would be!

What are you willing to lay aside to be the best version of yourself?

Think about it.

Mary Patry, www.iteffectivity.com


