What is Hydronic Heating?
With cold weather upon us, you and many other Victorians are likely looking for ways to keep your home warm and comfortable without breaking the bank.?
With rising gas prices and the ever-increasing strain placed by climate change on the world’s outdated systems and processes, there’s never been a better time to consider more cost-effective, energy-efficient alternatives to heating your home.
In this article, we'll take a look at:
Whether you're building a new home or renovating an existing one, hydronic heating is well worth your consideration as a highly energy-efficient and versatile heating option.
How does hydronic heating work?
Hydronic heating is a type of heating system that uses water to transfer heat throughout a building. Instead of blowing hot air through ducts like traditional heating systems, hydronic heating circulates hot water through pipes and radiators or underfloor heating systems. This type of heating is becoming increasingly popular in Australia, as it provides many benefits over other heating sources.
How does hydronic heating compare to other heating sources?
One of the main advantages of hydronic heating is that it’s vastly more energy-efficient than traditional heating systems.?
Hydronic heating can be up to 20% more efficient than ducted heating systems, as it doesn't rely on blowing hot air around the house. This means that it can help to reduce energy bills and lower carbon emissions, right from the moment you install it.
What’s more, hydronic heating systems can make use of heat pumps in order to heat your home efficiently, and safely.?
How does a hydronic heat pump system work?
A hydronic heat pump system works by transferring heat from the air or ground outside a building to water, which is then circulated throughout the building to provide warmth.
The system consists of three main components: an outdoor unit, an indoor unit, and a network of pipes or radiators. The outdoor unit contains a refrigerant, which absorbs heat from the air or ground outside the building. The indoor unit contains a heat exchanger, which transfers the heat from the refrigerant to water. The water is then circulated through pipes or radiators throughout the building, providing warmth to the rooms.
During the summer months, the system can also be used for cooling, by reversing the process and transferring heat from inside the building to the outside. This makes hydronic heat pump systems a versatile option for both heating and cooling.
What are the other benefits of hydronic heating?
Aside from being more energy-efficient and providing a more comfortable heat, hydronic heating also has other benefits:
Radiant heat: While radiant heating has become more and more popular over the last several years, many homeowners are still unaware of the many hydronic heating system benefits when compared to a traditional heating system. The radiant heat given off by hydronic systems is incredibly clean and comfortable as compared to heat delivered by fan heaters, or gas heaters.
Allergy reduction: These kinds of systems can help to reduce dust and allergens in the home, as there is no air blowing around to circulate them. This makes it a great option for people with allergies or respiratory issues.
Whisper-quiet operation: Hydronic heating is also quiet and unobtrusive, as there are no noisy fans or ducts. This means that it won't disturb your sleep or interfere with your daily activities.
Can be paired with solar: Pair your hydronic heating system with a heat pump and solar, and you could - effectively - be getting many elements of your home systems for free! It’s time to cut those bills once and for all.
But wait… there’s more!
What do the statistics say about hydronic heating in Victorian homes?
According to a report by the Australian Building Codes Board, hydronic heating is the most efficient form of heating for large buildings. The report found that hydronic heating was up to 25% more energy-efficient than other heating sources, such as gas-fired radiant heaters and ducted gas heating.
Another study by Sustainability Victoria found that hydronic heating was the most energy-efficient form of heating for homes, particularly in cooler climates. The study found that hydronic heating was up to 10% more efficient than ducted heating systems and up to 20% more efficient than reverse cycle air conditioning.
Still think you can put up with another winter chock-full of low-efficiency gas heating? Think again.
Wrapping up
If you’re looking to save money, lower your carbon footprint, and make a significant, value-added investment to your home, hydronic heating is a fantastic?
Act now and avoid the winter rush. Give our friendly, award-winning team a call today on 1300 766 940 for your entirely obligation-free consultation, or read more at our Learning Centre.
We can’t wait to meet you.