What Is HR Doing???
Rob Haddon
Corporate Magician Providing Magical Entertainment for Corporate and Private Events
How does this keep happening? I agree with the writer of this article. Where was HR? How can a big company like Bass Pro, with a huge HR staff end up having to pay millions for a discrimination suit? How did HR not help their company? That’s what you pay HR to do. Not come up with stats and reports to make the execs you know what you’re doing!!! It seems that most HR departments spend most of their time defending their phony baloney jobs (Mel Brooks quote), rather than make sure the company doesn’t get into trouble. In order for this to happen, this had to be a long-term problem and HR just sat there. After paying the fine, Bass Pro should be firing their entire HR department and starting over! As a matter of fact, if a company gets a letter from the EEOC, the first step is to fire the head of HR for letting it get to this point.
We are an HR consulting company and we help companies make sure they don’t get into trouble to begin with. Our hotline is always ringing and employees know to call us to tell us their problems, and managers are calling us to ask for our guidance. We keep them out of court, just like an internal HR department is supposed to do!!! I shake my head (or SMH, if you’re into the text jargon) at the incompetence of today’s HR departments and the arrogance of upper management in the big companies. If you’re HR, and you see this, stop it!!! If you lose your job over it, you can get millions. Just ask those plaintiffs at Bass Pro.