What is HPI?
Paul Dale Roberts, HPI's Esoteric Detective
Sacramento Paranormal Investigations
Halo Paranormal Investigations
Sacramento Paranormal Haunted Hotline: 916 203 7503
HPI is Halo Paranormal Investigations or also known as HPI: International. HPI's main goal is not only to help people that are having paranormal issues, but also to train paranormal enthusiasts on how to ghost hunt and how to conduct a cleansing of a haunted home. Many people who have joined HPI and learned our methods, have started their own groups. We welcome that. As for core members, that would be Wish Fire, our psychic medium, Alaceo "Big Al" Rosatano and Xandean Smith. Our method of investigating is like any other ghost hunting team, using EMF Readers, Digital Recorders, Cameras, Video Cameras, XLS Kinect Camera, temperature gauges, Spirit Box, Ovilus 5 Ghost Box, Motion Light Sensor, Night Vision goggles, dowsing rods, etc. These are ONLY tools. A psychic medium is also a tool. It is up to the investigator to get real evidence, such as EVPs or an anomaly in their photographs. Everything else is either a maybe or maybe not and I don't believe in the effectiveness of a XLS Kinect Camera. That is another story.?
We all know that orbs can be anything from dust, dew drops, light refractions, skin flakes, lint, etc. But what if the home is really haunted and a certain orb keeps showing up on our photos.? We then look for intelligent movement. If I can command an entity to show up at a certain part of the house, or show up where my hand is at, I can deem that as paranormal. The orb is following my command. Case example: We investigated a house, in which the occupants said the entity drains their energy. One of my investigators says he has to sit down, he feels drained. I then tell the entity named "Emily" to kiss my investigator on the lips. The photos we take, there is now an orb on my investigator's lips. Then we tell Emily to sit on my investigator's lap, the orb is seen in our photos hovering over my investigator's lap. I can deem this as paranormal, because the orb is showing "intelligent movement".
With Designer Orbs, the orbs with intricate designs inside, we can enhance them and sometimes see a face. In one case, we had a home in Del Paso Heights that we investigated. I took a picture of the occupant's backyard and captured two distinct Designer Orbs. I enhanced the photos and saw 2 dog faces in both orbs. I called the occupant over to me and asked her..."what do you have in your backyard?" She says..."orange trees". I said..."well, besides the orange trees, what do you have back there?" She says.."I have my two dogs buried back there". I told her to look at the photo. She starts crying. I asked her what are you crying about?? She says.."those are my two dog's faces in those orbs!"? This time the occupant confirms that the orbs have her dog's faces in them and something like that, I can deem as paranormal.
At times my psychic medium will point out an area, where she feels a presence. I will go to that area and conduct a "quick and dirty" EVP. I will say something short, like "is there anyone here?" I pause and give the entity time to talk.? Play back my recording and if the place is haunted, I will usually get a disembodied voice on the spot.??I have personally been on over 2500 investigations. Did a lot of driving to places like San Diego, Area 51, Skinwalker Ranch, Mount Shasta, etc.? There has been a lot of wear and tear on my car and used up a lot of gas. Fortunately, I have trained many people on how to be paranormal investigators, so when someone calls me on the paranormal hotline and they live 5 hours away, I can usually find a person that I trained that lives in their area. So lately, I have been very busy with my articles, publishing my books, doing podcasts, doing a show for Roku TV.? My time has been limited.? The calls still continue to come in. Lately, I have been an "armchair investigator". I have sent out the investigators that I have trained to some very haunted places or not so haunted.? Before I tell you some of our recent cases, let me tell you how we conduct cleansings.
We conduct Roman Catholic house cleansings. We also respect other people's religions, and we have investigators that are able to provide Hindu, Buddha, Greek Orthodox, Christian, Metaphysical, Spiritual, Voodoo house cleansings.? If someone has an attachment, I can provide a full submersion baptism, which is a basic form of exorcism.?
Our top Paranormal Researcher is Laurie R. Garza. If we need desperately to find out the history of a location.? Laurie, who lives out-of-state will conduct the research for HPI and she is ALWAYS spot on!??Now, that you know what makes HPI an successful paranormal investigative team, let's look at my most recent cases.??
1. San Luis Obispo
The occupant said that every day she feels like she has been stabbed 100 times over.? She has been attacked by two Incubus. The Incubus have been physically assaulting her, while she tries to sleep. Xandean Smith took it upon himself to drive all the way to San Luis Obispo. Xandean conducted a thorough investigation and found no evidence of a haunting. The client made several passes with Xandean. My conclusion is that the client was lonely, looking for human affection and may have some psychological problems. The client doesn't need a ghost hunter, but probably needs psychiatric help.? Case Closed.
2. Los Banos, CA
Gave this investigation to Jessie Garcia - Lead Investigator for San Jose Paranormal. Jessie used to attend HPI training classes and that is how I know Jessie. I was contacted by former HPI paranormal investigator Nick Asevedo, and he told me that his brother-in-law Jordan Warden has paranormal activity at his home. Jordan bought the home in May 2023. Jordan and his fiance encountered an apparition in the kitchen. The baby stroller moves on its own. Jordan's fiance started acting strange and mumbling incoherent things. One day, she says..."I will show you who I really am!" History of the house, a Ronald E. Williams, US Army Ranger died in the home in 2013.? A kid on his bike got into an accident in the back of his home and died. Jordan's 15-month-old interacts with a possible ghost. Jessie went there immediately and did a baseline EMF reading and some EVP sessions. Evidence was collected and the 2nd time Jessie went to the home with his team, they did a thorough cleansing.? The activity calmed down, but they did capture on video, a door in the house opening and closing by itself.? Case Pending.
3. Oak Park, CA
Wish Fire and I, have investigated this home once below and conducted a cleansing. The cleansing worked and lasted for 3 years. The occupant named Rosie said that the activity started again, because the tenant downstairs in this 100-year-old house cursed the home once again and brought out a demon from a? Dybukk Box. The tenant is a self-proclaimed witch and hates Rosie because Rosie and her granddaughter are Christians.? Entities have now been seen in the house and assaulting Rosie's granddaughter.? Unknown handprint shows up on the walkway. I sent my team, consisting of Tanya & Shawn Bradbury; Xandean Smith; Rachel Palazzi and Tina Wise. They collected evidence such as misty images in their photographs. They collected disembodied voices on their digital recorders.? Tanya did a Christian cleansing. Rosie was very pleased with the results and sent a nice thank you message to the team. Rosie was very satisfied with the investigation and cleansing. Just in on 3/2/2024: Tanya says: "I went back to Rosie’s today. Her downstairs tenant let us cleanse down there. She wouldn’t let is in last time. She’s very happy. We cleansed the whole house this time!"? Case Closed.
4. Stockton, CA
HPI Paranormal Investigator Brian Ingwersen and I, went to this home. The client Kristeen Simmons has seen an apparition in her home. Kristeen just wanted Brian and I, to investigate and validate her claims. We captured no evidence. Kristeen wanted no cleansing, she said she was content with the haunting.? Special Note: I did capture a possible EVP outside of the home, but it was debatable. Three weeks later, Kristeen contacted me again, and said the activity picked up. She now sees a little girl ghost with a mean smile on her face. Kristeen sent me some photos of what she said was blood on the wall. My investigators looked at it and believe it's not blood, but that it was merely a wood stain. Kristeen claims she has been scratched. Kristeen wanted another investigation, and my team did not feel it was warranted as a haunting. I am in the process of sending out another team to give it a look over. Case Pending.
5. Rocklin, CA
Jacyln of Shenandoah Road - Rocklin, CA says that her home is very haunted. She has been touched by an invisible entity.? Shadow people are seen. She has been grabbed by the shoulders and shook by an unseen force. Her chest has been touched. She feels like she is being watched.? Her body feels sore for no apparent reason.? She has experienced paralysis. Black figures have been seen in the hallway. I was able to assist Jacyln over the phone. I taught her how to self-cleanse her home and she received a baptism. Jacyln says the cleansing and baptism worked. Her home is free of evil spirits.? Case Closed.
6. Spring Valley, CA
Daniel Mann of Spring Valley, CA said that his home has a demonic spirit. Daniel purchased an antique banjo from an antique store. When they brought the banjo home, paranormal activity started in their house. Cabinets would open, footsteps were heard, strange shadows in the kitchen. I told Daniel, most likely the banjo was haunted and that he should return the banjo and get his money back.? He did exactly that and the haunting stopped. Case Closed.??