What, How, and Who? Overlap's Second Monthly Newsletter

What, How, and Who? Overlap's Second Monthly Newsletter

Greetings and welcome to the second monthly newsletter for Overlap Holdings! Nice to see so many new subscribers join in the past month - a big welcome to you all. Please keep sharing with friends and colleagues as we’re looking to get the word out. Here's a link to our Substack for those who want to sign up: https://overlapholdings.substack.com/p/coming-soon?showWelcome=true

Before I launch into the main topic, a few quick notes:

  • WE’RE HIRING at Overlap and excited to bring on some great team members. This post on LinkedIn gives the high-level summary in case anyone wants to pass it along to people in their network (https://www.dhirubhai.net/feed/update/urn:li:activity:6990678132198391808/ ). I’m going to discuss our hiring strategy in much more detail below, but sometimes people don’t have time to review the entire newsletter in one sitting, and I didn’t want to bury the lede
  • I know that some of the readers of this newsletter are new to the worlds of frontier tech, venture capital, world-positivity investing, and/or corporate finance, and so some of the terminology and concepts that I use can be a bit confusing without that background. As a result, next month’s post is going to be dedicated to breaking down some of these concepts (and others I’ve talked about in my Mission Statement and elsewhere) in hopes of shedding some additional light on those topics. Feel free to send any specific questions to me that you have and I’ll try to incorporate them into next month’s post

Now, without further ado, here’s a bit of an overview of “What” we want to do at Overlap, “How” we want to do it, and “Who” we want to be. I’d recommend the Mission Statement we posted last month as a pre-read for those who haven’t seen it yet, which covers the “Why” (https://overlapholdings.substack.com/p/our-first-monthly-newsletter ). Being a fully-remote company, we tend to be fairly cavalier about the “Where” ??

The “What” and “How” - Overlap’s Business Lines

Per our tagline, Overlap Holdings seeks to accelerate the pace of positive technological change in society. Given our skills and experience, we believe the best way for us to accomplish this goal is to help (a) increase/improve the flow of capital to, and (b) eliminate the pain points of, early-stage world-positive frontier tech companies.?

Those two concepts represent the top and right circles in the Venn diagram below, which illustrates the flywheel we are trying to build at Overlap:

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Let’s start our discussion by focusing on each of those in more detail:

(a) Increasing/improving the flow of capital to world-positive frontier tech companies (ie, our Investing & Connecting Business Line)

Having originally come to frontier tech from the later-stage investment world, I’ve always been surprised with how “ad hoc” the connective tissue is between companies, investors, talent, and other stakeholders in the ecosystem. One would think that the people creating the cutting-edge technologies of the future would be using highly sophisticated tools to ensure they were sourcing and partnering with the perfectly optimal companies, individuals, or investors. They, almost universally, are not. The tools utilized by deeptech companies to source the best, most efficient capital, and by VCs to identify the optimal investments in the flood of opportunities put before them, tend to be homegrown and limited in scope. Most deal recommendations are "off the cuff" and informally recommended, and suffer what is euphemistically referred to as “recency bias” (ie, “I saw person X last week, they might like this”).?

There’s a good reason for the improvised nature of this activity: it’s very time and resource-intensive to start a deeptech business, or to raise and invest an institutional fund that leads rounds and does heavy technical diligence on such companies. There’s simply not enough time left over for either of these groups to build a more thorough set of connectivity tools.

As for third parties (ie, away from institutional VCs and the startups themselves) who could be providing this connective tissue, there aren’t a lot. Most organizations within venture that do this well have migrated over to the non-frontier “pure software” tech ecosystem, given the growth and dominance that area has experienced over the past few decades (as I discussed in my Mission Statement). Unfortunately, despite having a less robust community, the overall need for this type of connective tissue in frontier tech is even greater than it is in pure software tech, given that frontier tech companies tend to be significantly more capital intensive (because they build “real” things).

Overlap will seek to fill this void by serving as a value-added collaborator with both startups seeking financing and VCs looking to make investments in their wheelhouse. We will be able to serve this role effectively due to two distinct competitive advantages:

  • We already have, and will continue to build out, a reputation in the marketplace as a leading thought partner on corporate finance in the early-stage deeptech ecosystem. This is due to? our broad experience and network across a variety of investor groups and mindsets (ie, late- and early-stage venture, value-oriented and growth, family office and institutional, foundations and corporations, etc) which helps us to pinpoint the appropriate capital source for the right opportunity. We are able to boast an “East Coast meets West Coast” knowledge and experience toolkit which makes Overlap a valuable addition to a deeptech company’s cap table, which we have already proven out in my personal angel investing activities to-date
  • We are going to build out a much more rigorous and robust framework for relationship management than is currently utilized by anybody in the early-stage deeptech ecosystem. This will ensure that we are connecting investors and companies in a way that is more organized than the typical informal referral efforts. In short, we want to systematize the effort of remaining top of mind with top-tier investors, founders, and other key stakeholders. This will lead to being invited into more great opportunities, which will encourage further connectivity, and so forth in a virtuous cycle. We will not do this as a “side project”, but rather as a core pillar of our flywheel. The Chief of Staff hire we discuss below will focus the majority of their time on building out this effort, and it will be continually reinforced through our business process management

Complementary to this approach, Overlap Holdings will not seek to lead fundraising rounds, but instead will rely on the work of Tier 1 VCs who we know and trust to do the necessary detailed vetting of these opportunities as lead investors. Overlap Holdings will co-invest in a non-leadership position in these deals and serve as a value-added investor by providing connections, advice, and support to founders. This will allow us to invest in more deals, helping more companies, at a faster pace and lower organizational cost than would be possible in a heavy diligence model. It will also reinforce our position as a collaborator, not competitor, in the VC ecosystem, and maintain our valued position as a founders’ confidante.

While we want to remain flexible in terms of various investment models to adopt going-forward, one effort that is NOT foreseen in our near-term horizon is the raising of an institutionally-backed venture fund. We feel that the organizational burden of an institutional fund at this stage of our life cycle would impede our ability to think holistically and opportunistically about existing whitespace in the frontier tech ecosystem. Rather, our goal will be to use our relationships and reputation to channel additional capital and enthusiasm into the sector through complementary investment vehicles we stand up and/or support, backed by the high-net worth individuals in our network. We feel this is the best way to be “founder-centric” across the widest possible grouping of investors, and to be flexible about what we invest in and what opportunities we send to others.

We see this interconnection of relationship management, investment, founder guidance, and encouraging people to invest alongside us, as the underpinnings of the Overlap flywheel in which the interconnected parts create a virtuous cycle of activity and opportunities. While regular-way (early-stage frontier tech) venture deals are where we will start, we see a variety of exciting ways to expand the use of this flywheel over time, including developing new forms of flexible capital which can provide expanded flexibility to world-positive startups, and bridge as many of the aforementioned Valleys of Death as possible. More to come on this topic in a future post…

(b) Eliminate the pain points of early-stage frontier tech companies (ie, our Formation/Incubation Business LIne)

In the many discussions I’ve had with frontier tech VCs and founders over the years, I hear about the same half-dozen pain points repeatedly: “Oh, I wish somebody would start a company that does [X], but I don’t have the time.” Typically, it’s a solution that doesn’t require any new technological approach or breakthrough, just a simple regular-way business to be stood up to tackle the problem.?

As an example (only one example of many):?

  • I’ve heard many VCs complain about the difficulty that frontier tech startups have communicating with large corporations. There seems to be a technical language barrier that often exists in these discussions, and the value proposition that the startup brings to the big company is not communicated in a way that allows them to shepherd it successfully through their respective organization. As a result, there are a lot of missed opportunities to create operational JVs, win large customers, or ultimately sell a rising startup.?
  • I therefore posit that there should exist a company whose focus is on helping deeptech companies effectively communicate and work with large corporations. We see parallels to this model on the regulatory side, primarily in non-deeptech venture: there are firms that, in exchange for a small equity stake, will help startups navigate Washington DC. Some of these firms are highly regarded, and serve as a blueprint for building a parallel business with the Fortune 500 and deeptech.?
  • However, given the lack of focus from the wider venture support landscape on deeptech-related issues, no such company exists today. While frontier tech has plenty of people creating or investing in new types of companies with enormous market potential, there’s not a lot of people in the ecosystem looking to create regular-way businesses that aren’t likely to become unicorns to service the industry. Which is a shame, because, if these businesses existed, they would help more world-positive deeptech companies succeed. I believe that Overlap should be a motivating force for helping such businesses get started and grow.

To be clear, we do not see it as Overlap’s role to fully own and operate companies like this. Alternatively, I think Overlap can play a role in (1) Convening groups of frustrated VCs and founders who live with these pain points every day; (2) Pulling together short whitepapers addressing these issues and high-level potential solutions; and then (3) putting those whitepapers in front of potential entrepreneurs and suggesting that they build such a company. We can then offer, as enticement to said entrepreneur, (a) the support/advice/networks of people that convened on the topic, and (b) their first, say, $500k of funding, based on the satisfactory approval of a business plan.?

Following that, it’s up to the entrepreneur, and the team they hire, to make sure the incubated company succeeds. Like any incubation/startup model, it’s likely that some will, and some won’t. However, Overlap is not going to spend an inordinate amount of time running, managing, or overseeing the operations of these companies. Our value-add lies in (a) the initial convening of the frustrated parties experiencing the pain point; (b) holding the pen on the whitepaper articulating the problem; (c) taking the lead on recruiting a management team to build the business going-forward, with (d) some coaching and support thereafter. We can take a share of the company’s go-forward equity in exchange for this value-added role we play in its formation and success.

That, in summary, is the envisioned process for our Incubation business. Given our existing knowledge and network, we see it as a relatively low-effort way to remove pain points from the ecosystem, create new value creation opportunities for Overlap, and increase the scope and reach of our flywheel.?

Over time, this business could grow significantly in its ambition, and evolve to become a mechanism for convening large groups of people to identify, break down, and tackle some of society’s largest challenges. Much more on that topic later.


The next circle in our Venn Diagram, “Consulting/Advisory”, is very straightforward - people and companies often come to us for advice around financing, structuring, strategy, world-positivity, or other topics that leverage our experience. We want to be helpful to those organizations as part of our philosophy of being a value-added solutions provider across the ecosystem, and in the spirit of broadening the community of people involved in our efforts. With that in mind, we will look to create ways to provide that advice to our relationships, away from our other two business lines, in ways that deliver value but don’t put an undue burden on our organization. This will likely be in the form of partnerships with specialist consultancies that have the personnel and resources assembled to assist in such efforts. This is likely to be a smaller, more opportunistic part of our business model for the foreseeable future.


Last but not least, we get to “Content”. Content is different from the other three circles, as it’s not a business per se, but rather an enabler of the rest of our activities. From Day 1, we are positioning ourselves as a thought leader in frontier tech, and it’s important that our ideas and perspective reach their intended audiences the right way.

For this reason, we will be very intentional about a broad, strategic content strategy, including blog posts, social media, earned media, investment updates, and everything else in between. We are therefore looking to bring on a Director of Content & Comms as one of our first hires, as discussed further below.?

To be clear, the goal of the Content efforts at Overlap is not to get to a million Twitter followers. It’s for the groups that we are most reliant on for success to know what we’re doing, why we’re doing it, and contribute their time/mindshare/resources towards our success. Those groups, in no particular order, are:

  • Frontier tech company founders and executives
  • Frontier tech engineers (or, regular industry engineers who want to do more frontier tech)
  • The existing frontier tech venture capital / growth investing / lending ecosystem
  • Traditional investors who are interested in doing more frontier tech investing but don’t know where to start
  • High-net worth individuals who want to allocate more of their capital to frontier tech (for financial and/or world-positivity reasons)

The “Who” - Hiring and Culture

Overlap’s level of success will be directly attributable to the skills and experience of the team we recruit to join the company. We are attempting to do something important, unique, and mission-oriented. We will need to bring in smart, hard-working people with an enthusiasm for our strategy.

We are putting a lot of thought into building the company with a solid foundation from Day 1 - with that in mind, we are looking to recruit team members whose skills strengthen the entire flywheel and put us on the right track with respect to relationships, investment, messaging, operations, and connectivity. As a result, we have somewhat inverted the typical hiring sequence of early roles, but we have done so with considerable thought.?

The org chart below shows our expected initial rollout of hiring over the near- and medium-term:?

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The initial team will likely consist of four full-time members (REMINDER: job specs can be found here, please send along any compelling candidates my way: https://www.dhirubhai.net/posts/justinstevensny_job-description-director-of-operations-activity-6990678132198391808-fku0?utm_source=share&utm_medium=member_desktop ) :

  • Myself, as Founder and CEO
  • A Director of Operations to build out, maintain, and grow the core infrastructure of Overlap, oversee the operational standup of our various lines of business, and advise in the buildout of new startup businesses we help to incubate
  • A Director of Content and Comms, to generate content and earned media which promotes Overlap’s activities and brand, putting Overlap at the “center of discussion” with respect to world-positive deeptech
  • A Chief of Staff, to support the CEO (and other senior leaders as well) as necessary to build and grow the organization, including/especially the development of the relationship management database discussed above

Over the next 6-18 months once we’re up and running, it’s likely (but not guaranteed) that we’ll look to make some additional hires along the following lines:

  • Director of Investing and Connecting: We’ll likely want to recruit a skilled deeptech venture investor to lead our Investing and Connecting business. Given our differentiated scope, the focus is less on someone over-indexed on deep technical acumen who wants to diligence a small number of deals in great depth, and more on somebody capable of managing a wide purview of relationships with VCs, technical advisors and investors to help vet, invest in, and syndicate our deal flow, ensuring that every deal is vetted in the right ways by the right partners
  • Director of Development: An integral part of Overlap’s efforts will be engaging stewards of flexible capital to amplify our efforts. With that in mind, we would like to recruit someone to the team with strong connections to HNW Family Offices interested in funding the various iterations of capital opportunities we are looking to develop
  • Director of Incubation: We may seek to recruit someone with deep tactical experience incubating startups to lead the functional efforts in that vertical and grow it to its full potential. All efforts from recruiting management teams, to negotiating compensation, to operational and budgetary oversight, to strategic guidance

As assistance/guidance to anybody considering one of the job openings mentioned above, I’m including below some of the key cultural principles we will strive to live by at Overlap. Hopefully this lays out the type of working environment we’re trying to nurture:

  • The right answer should always win, no matter whose mouth it comes out of
  • Profitability and Mission are of equal importance, and if executed correctly, the two should be complementary
  • Everyone we hire should be a team player. No a**holes. No exceptions.
  • Anyone should feel free to question anything. Accordingly, everyone should also have an open mind as to why they could be wrong
  • A small, nimble team of hard-working overachievers is more effective than a large, mediocre team
  • ?Respect for our teammates is essential: the Golden Rule is as relevant now as it was when you learned it in Kindergarten

?Thank you everyone for your time and attention!

Jake Levine

Strategic Account Leader @ Acuity | Driving Growth and Efficiency for Financial Services Companies

1 年

Another great newsletter- clear mission, clear goals, clear objectives. Refreshing thought process to building long term success. Relationships and the ability to build, maintain and engage them across the ecosystem into the larger mission is such an important and overlooked part of the investing world as most seek follow the FOMO of what is the here and now. Its a marathon not a sprint and solid execution will allow this "overlooked" and potentially the most important long term portion of the market to have a path toward turning big ideas into reality. Thanks for sharing.

Mark Stevens

Lifelong Entrepreneur/Founder

2 年

Wisdom guiding capital: leading the way to a better world!



