What is and How did the Real Estate Hashtag #20in20 get started? - #8WeekSuccess
Key Yessaad
Real Estate Trainer, Coach, and Consultant at Key Real Estate Training Programs
Managing and Creating one’s inventory in Real Estate is the ultimate goal for an agent; - #8WeekSuccess - yet many agents keep focusing on the number of transactions and the income they will make. Of course how many deals you close a year dictates your income, so those are important things to keep an eye on; but let us go to the heart of the matter – Buyers choose to purchase properties from the one put up on the Market by Listing Agents. This simply means that Listing Agents control the Real Estate Market and I want all agents to realize that they can play in that arena as well.
Which gets me to the origin story for #20in20 and my work with David Tovar; two months ago as David was winding down one of his big events in Oxnard California, during one of our coaching sessions, we discussed his future in the Real Estate Industry and his desire for becoming a Broker/Owner seemed closer at hand, so we chatted about it, and I said you are not ready - you are missing a major ingredient. Now don’t get me wrong, I believe that David will make for a great broker, and he is destined to get there, but I was speaking about the big picture of Success for a Brokerage.
The reason I said to David you are not ready is because even though he does well in the Business and he generates listings consistently in a very tight Southern California market, David had not cracked getting 20 traditional listings per year yet. Let me share some context, homes in SoCal start at $350K for a Condo; the Median Home Price for a Single Family Home is $500K+, so he is in a market where 1 listing is the equivalent of 2 listings Nationally. I told David that the role of a brokerage is to take listings from the Community and help the neighbors sell their homes, not just welcome buyers to the area. And that if he wanted to become a broker he needed to become a rainmaker for his office, and the only way to do that is to consistently get listings. I went on to explain that if he can commit to getting 20 listings minimum in 2020 that would be his marker that he was ready; and he loved the idea of 20 in 2020.
During my coaching of David these weeks I am helping him formulate a Plan of Action, a Prospecting Plan, a Marketing Plan, a Family Plan, and a Financial Plan to tackle 2020 properly so 20 listings happen. One thing to also remember is Listings make babies, he will get 8 to 10 more transactions from buyers simply because he has listings - this is why rainmakers in Real Estate focus on listings; Listings make the phones in the office ring; they generate leads to websites; and they make recruiting and sponsoring a natural exercise. PS: David will be holding a Webinar this coming Wednesday on how he generates Listings using Open Houses. I will attach a link once it has been posted in YouTube.
Which brings me back to the Hashtag #20in20; as a Real Estate Trainer and Strategist I know thousands of brokers, and I like calling them this time a year to get a report from them about their market, their feelings about their offices, their challenges with their agents, and how they are coping with their competition; and since I had not talked to Angelina Pe?a in a while, I called her this past Saturday and we had a lovely chat about the Real Estate Business. She asked what I was up to and I told her that this year I was preparing training workshops and courses to help our agents go for 20 Listings in 2020; of course if they wanted to. She liked the idea.
After the call I went to Facebook and posted the following post, tagging Angelina: “I was sharing my vision with a good broker friend of mine Angelina and I said I am looking to touch everyone I work with in Real Estate to go for 20 Listings minimum in 2020... it is so do-able! Yes they need a Good Plan, yes they need the proper mindset, yes they need good checklists - but the goal is so so worthwhile... The benefits would be so amazing...” and she replied: “Let’s do it!!! I’m taking the challenge #20in20” - so the Hashtag #20in20 was kind of born, and I have adopted it as my word for 2020.
I want to be absolutely clear that I am not pushing agents to pick my vision for their business in 2020, but any Real Estate Professional who wishes to truly become a rainmaker and understands that 20 listings a year makes for a solid foundation, they can adopt the #20in20 as a visual target of accomplishment. But I am also very comfortable with any agent who sees #20in20 as the minimum number of transactions they will do in 2020; even altering the Hashtag and creating their own as in #10in20. The point of this exercise is not the Hashtag, the point is to have goals for 2020 and to start designing them during the October/November time frame. Running a Real estate Business should not be reduced to a New Year Resolution and a simplistic Hashtag, it should be driven by proper business planning, strategic Marketing, and a solid Prospecting Plan.
Here is the Graphic and the Words I created this past Sunday and shared on all Social Media Platforms: “#20in20 is the Hashtag I am adopting as my word for 2020 to Encourage, Train, and Nurture our Agents to go for “20 Listings Minimum in 2020” - Help me Spread The Word!” and I am pleased to see that many are reacting well to the idea; we must arm our agents with purpose with proper planning, and the beneficiary will be our customers, the Home Buyers and the property Owners. - #KeySuccessIdeas
Original blog post: https://www.realestatewebtrainer.com/apps/blog/show/47306108-what-is-and-how-did-the-real-estate-hashtag-20in20-get-started-8weeksuccess
Written and Shared by Key Yessaad, Master Real Estate Strategist, Veteran Real Estate Trainer, Expert SEO Consultant, Internet Marketing Specialist, and Business Mentor/Coach. (910) 538-6610 - https://www.realestatewebtrainer.com/
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