What is Holding Back Clothing Recycling: Human Behaviour or Technological Bottlenecks?
Clothing recycling is an essential practice that can help mitigate the environmental impact of the fashion industry. The average British household leaves a third of their clothes unworn each year and collectively we send 300,000 tonnes to landfill [1]. However, despite the growing awareness of the need for recycling, its implementation remains limited. This raises the question: what is hindering clothing recycling? Is it primarily a matter of human behaviour or technological bottlenecks?
Human Behaviour: Human behaviour plays a significant role in the success of any recycling initiative, including clothing recycling. Several factors contribute to the limited adoption of clothing recycling practices.
Technological Bottlenecks: Technological limitations and constraints also pose significant challenges to clothing recycling initiatives.
Clothing recycling faces challenges both in terms of human behaviour and technological bottlenecks. While human behaviour, such as lack of awareness and convenience-oriented consumer culture, contributes to low participation rates, technological limitations, including the complexity of textile recycling and inadequate sorting processes, also hinder progress.
Ultimately, a collaborative effort involving individuals, governments, and industry stakeholders is essential to create a more sustainable future for the fashion industry and promote the widespread adoption of clothing recycling. For example a reliable system implemented by the government can be put in place to ensure textile waste is collected separately [3].
References and further reading: