What are HMRC Payment Plans?
Your partner in business www.taxdebtshelpandadvice.com

What are HMRC Payment Plans?

The old adage that “prevention is better than cure” has never been truer than in the context of HMRC and tax debts; however what happens when you can’t pay a tax bill in full and on time? Repaying tax bills can be extremely stressful, but it does not have to be.

For many taxpayers and businesses, a dramatic change in circumstances can cause financial difficulties and #COVID has a lot to answer too, in this regard.

Problems can occur because of challenges faced by the business, for instance, a drop off in trade combined with a lack of working capital, all of which can cause cash-flow issues which need to be overcome in order for trade to continue.

Since the onset of the recession and more recently COVID we’ve all had to look at our cash flows and balances a lot closer and unfortunately in a lot of instances; money set aside for HMRC and repaying tax bills has had to be used to keep individuals and businesses trading.

This leaves HMRC chasing for late overdue tax bills.

Many of us will have sleepless nights worrying about repaying tax bills in general, leading to concerns over bankruptcy or legal action and even losing our homes and businesses owing to being in debt, especially HMRC.

“Don’t bury your head in the sand”

Escalating debts can have a paralysing effect on some individuals and businesses.

Many clients come to us after “burying their head in the sand” and collection actions has been taken against them. It may be tempting to ignore the issues and hope that it goes away! Of course, life isn’t that simple. Arrears to HMRC can quickly escalate as charges and penalties will be applied, leaving what could have been a manageable tax bill increasing into a much larger one that in turn leads to difficulties in repaying tax bills across multiple heads of tax – making life even more difficult.

If you leave it, a small amount originally owed, once ignored, can become unmanageable.

A Time to Pay Arrangement could help you and your business get back on track.

A Time to Pay Arrangement?is a monthly re-payment arrangement with HMRC. Given as a concession, it is there to help individuals and businesses in repaying tax bills at an agreed monthly figure over a set period of time.

In many cases the monthly amount is based on the amount owed to HMRC, re-payment time frames and HMRC’s own criteria – Many individuals and businesses then struggle to meet the level HMRC are requesting – This is where we can help.

If you need to look at alternative ways in repaying tax bills, other than trying to get a loan / funding etc, a Time to Pay Arrangement could help you schedule more affordable monthly payments over a period of time. This can in turn, help with overall cash flow issues, clear HMRC arrears and afford the business the opportunity to move forward.

Here at Tax Debts Help and Advice (www.taxdebtshelpandadvice.com) we specialise in helping those that owe to HMRC and can’t pay the debt back in full and on time.

We’re set up to negotiate the ‘minefield’ that is HM Revenue and Customs specifically for our clients.

As a team, we specialise solely in tax re-payment plans, tailored to our clients’ requirements, for a variety of self-employed individuals and businesses the length and breadth of the UK. Our flexible approach helps assess personal and / or business tax liabilities in a compliant way, keeping our finger on the pulse of an ever-changing industry, where staying on top of legislation and HMRC’s activity is paramount.

Repaying tax bills doesn’t have to be an uphill struggle, ending with HMRC closing your business or making you personally bankrupt – Help is out there but don’t wait.

How does it work?

We will assess all our clients’ needs and requirements via an initial fact find. All solutions are personally tailored to individuals or businesses and depending on what suits your requirements; we can access our panel of specialists, across various financial fields, which can assist you and your business further.

when it comes to repaying tax bills, we have the solutions.

Why choose us?

We have over 2 decades experience within this industry and we have developed our paperwork and processes in line with HMRC’s own requirements and guidance. Our expertise is borne out of experience and knowledge.

We have built up extended relationships throughout HMRC and partner ourselves with a panel, derived from various Accountants, Tax Advisers, Legal Firms and Professionals to provide informed expert guidance, meaning you and your business are in safe hands when it comes to repaying tax bills or general business problems or queries.

We tailor everything we do to each individual case as opposed to “one size fits all” solution. Our friendly team are here to help, we don’t judge, we simply fight your corner in every instance.

Call us on 0800 448 0293 or head over to our website?www.taxdebtshelpandadvice.com?. Alternatively, you can email us at?[email protected]


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