What are the hidden secrets of 9/11? This is what we know 23 years later ????
Martijn Bosman
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23 years ago, Israeli agents, also known as members of the Mossad, were arrested with a bus full of explosives near the George Washington Bridge. Meanwhile, other Mossad agents were observed documenting the collapse of three towers - namely WTC 1, WTC 2, and WTC 7 - and loudly cheering in the parking lot. Was this for "documenting" or for the "successful event"?!?
Strangely enough, the arrested Israeli agents were able to leave America after seven months, while other people were apparently detained without trial for this. This event was then used to set up multiple wars, to eliminate Israel's few enemies and everyone who threatened the purchasing power of the petrodollar by no longer trading oil in dollars. The aftermath of these wars seems not yet to be over and it may even result in a project called Greater Israel. Something we can partially observe if we pay attention and that may partially succeed if Syria falls apart and Saudi Arabia and Egypt do not intervene to Israel's disadvantage. Ultimately, Iran will also have an influence on this, but I dare not make an exact prediction.
What have these events actually brought to the West, besides a massive migration flow, inflation, capital destruction, and especially a lot of misery and unrest in the world around us?
What if the Western world understood that Israel, and in this case the Mossad, had much to do with 9/11? That Larry Silverstein had just taken out a large insurance policy against terrorist attacks before 9/11? That Israeli Mossad agents were arrested on the day of 9/11 with a bus full of explosives? That another Israeli, later defunct transport company possibly brought many loads of explosives to the World Trade Center?
That possibly Israeli Mossad agents and explosives experts, disguised as artists, were allowed to place explosives in WTC 1, WTC 2, and Building 7 so that the towers could actually collapse? It was not the first attack on American people by Israel for which they tried to shift the blame onto others.
Would there still be support for the Zionist movement that can maintain a grip on the West through central banks, controlled media, and blackmail? When will people wake up, become aware of reality, and rid ourselves as humanity of central banks and governments that maintain a modern slavery system, start wars, and uphold a monopoly on violence and robbery that truly serves none of the ordinary citizens?
Wake up, unaware fellow citizens, become aware, take action, and dare to take risks to create a just world where only the absolute truth counts for future generations!
Without your fear, without your ignorance, without support for their jurisdiction gangsters and without a foundation for their fictitious jurisprudence, but with your bravery, they can do nothing to you and us!
Perhaps you think: why do I know nothing about this? Fortunately, enough sources can verify this reality once your comprehension is sufficient! For those who cannot comprehend it even after studying the evidence:
"The mind can never reveal more than the comprehension of the receiver."
One must first rid oneself of the fictional programming and acquire the comprehension to see the whole truth.