What the Hell Kind of Government is This?
What the Hell Kind of Government is This?
Sitting in my chair and thinking through recent goings-on and the question arises - what the hell kind of government is this? It's not like any government I've ever seen in the past. Law is broken daily, law enforcement is selective, innocent people are being violently prosecuted, and those in charge lie about everything. It's not about being a Republican or Democrat; it's about being American.
I'm Not the Only One
When we were children, we lied. We stole stuff, we did things we weren't supposed to do, and it seems that in almost every case, we got caught and punished. Life was simple. Do bad things like lie, cheat, hit others, steal things, talk back to adults, and many other transgressions were remedied with either a belt or being grounded. Sure, we would protest and say things like, "I'm not the only one!" or "They did it first!", or my own personal favorite, "He made me do it!". In any case, the argument only contributed to a higher degree of punishment. Right was right, wrong was wrong, and there was nowhere in between.
Degrees of Shades of Shadows
Fast-forward about 60 years and everything is subject to interpretation and determined by understanding. In other words, there is no clear right or wrong. There's a whole bunch of gray area that nobody seems to navigate well. Back in the old days, a District Attorney was to be feared if you were a criminal. They were the bastions of justice and the purveyors of sanctity. Break the law and you're going away to a really crummy place for a really long time. Not so much, today. Murder used to be the biggy but now it's more of a bad misdemeanor than a first-class felony. Prosecutors treat crimes like shoplifting and outright robbery with more concern for the criminals than the victims.
Liars, Liars, Pants on Fires
I know how the saying goes but after watching the performances conducted before Congress over the last couple of weeks, I had to enhance the scope. I have watched Cabinet Secretaries lie, and lie, and lie without the least concern. Mayorkas told Congress DHS wasn't in cahoots with Big Tech concerning his Bureau of Disinformation and then a letter with Mayorkas' signature appears that shows his department communicating directly with every Big Tech member out there. Liar. I watch the Secretary of Energy say there's nothing that can be done about fuel prices. Liar. I watch the Secretary of Transportation not answer the question of whether her department is shutting down oil pipelines for the next 5 years. She just sat there and stared at the Congressman asking the question. The only one telling the truth was when Secretary of the Treasury Janet Yellen told Congress she blew it on inflation.
It's Raining Idiots
Over and over and over again, Biden's appointees tell outright lies and expect Americans to not know it. Over and over and over again, Biden's appointees do as much damage to America as can be done and don't get held accountable. Elected officials like Adam (I couldn't tell the truth on a dare) Schiff saying he has an eyewitness to Trump's treason and then he doesn't produce diddly-squat. If you do that in a real trial, you're in contempt of court and subject to criminal prosecution. He's a liar. Maxine Waters wants to prosecute Trump over January 6th yet she went to Minneapolis during the riots there in 2020 and encouraged people to keep rioting on national television! Politicians sat on their butts and let their cities burn and their citizens get hurt without recourse or responsibility. Criminals are turned loose on the population, crime soars, and the Department of Justice is looking into school board meetings.
Enough is Too Much
Now we have protestors marching in front of Supreme Court Justices' homes in violation of federal law and Biden tells them it's okay to do it. IT'S AGAINST THE LAW!!! And yet, nobody in law enforcement seems to be able to read. Failure to enforce the law is malfeasance in office and a violation of the oath of office and those involved should be prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law! It's what they would do to you or me if we got caught doing the same crap they're doing. Selective enforcement is a sign of a dictatorship. Political leaders openly allowing laws to be broken is a sign of a dictatorship. Secret courts issuing secret decisions that put citizens in jail without due process is the sign of a dictatorship. Politicians openly lying to citizens is a sign of a dictatorship. Controlling speech and communications is a sign of a dictatorship. Is anyone else seeing the same pattern I'm seeing?
Are We There Yet?
Traveling down the road of life I'm left with a feeling of being lost. I thought I knew what my country was about and now I'm not so sure. I thought it was about doing the right things for the right reasons. I thought it was about working hard to live a decent life. I thought it was about obeying the law and being safe from those who don't. I thought my government was there to protect and help me. Now, I can say with absolute certainty that this is not the country I was born in. This is not the country I was taught about in school. And this is not the country I was told would lead the world. This is a country that hasn't got a clue and everyone knows it. How can we get anywhere if we don't know where the hell we are?
Back on Track
I want my government to stop lying. I want my government to stop letting people into my country without regard to who they are or where they come from. I want my government to protect me from criminals who keep committing crimes over and over again. I want my government to look out for my interests when it comes to food prices, gas prices, housing prices, and medical prices. I want my government to quit trying to keep track of what I'm doing and keep track of what it is doing. I want my government to leave me alone and do its job without becoming so large it dominates all of my life. I want my government to quit sending my money overseas while turning its back on domestic issues. I want my government to stand up for what is right and not cower when another government does something wrong. Is that so much to ask? Really?