What the hell happened?

What the hell happened?

You started January excited to jump in and make this year different, better, and more successful …. It all looked so bright and shiny!

Then as things started to get busy, it lost a bit of shine and by March, you’d lost your mojo to the point where life totally derailed your well-thought-out goals for the year.

So, what the hell happened?

You had such good intentions and when you starting flailing it all felt so hard and out of reach, right?

So, you fell back into the same patterns – the place you feel most comfortable, what you know. And you never really got back on track.

Will you repeat the same pattern again this year?

? No way, I learnt my lesson

? Mmmm, time will tell

? Highly likely

How will next year be different?

What changes are you going to make to make it different? (because you know there needs to be change to get a different result, right?)

Now, I am going to say something (and you might not like it) ……

I think that if you lost sight of your goals early in the year then they weren’t actually that important to you to start with it. If they were you would make them a priority.

Your goals are exactly that – YOUR goals!!

You need to own them, love them, live and breathe them. They need to be a priority.

This is why marketing is one of the first items to get dumped off the To Do List.

I see it all the time ….. because you have enough to keep you going or you’re really busy, it is not a priority. But that is the totally wrong way to look at it.

“Marketing is like exercise – for you to get the most benefits and see results from it you need to do it consistently. The stop and starting, doesn’t work (you know it).”


A few days before we are taking a holiday, you are literally limping toward the finish line.

Your brain is fried and you probably don’t know what day it is (hang on, that might be me LOL)

So, let me make a suggestion for you. Plan as far as January then leave it. Yep put the out of office on and forget about it.

Don’t set big fat goals for next 12 months when you are tired and just want to start your holiday.

Have your break. come back refreshed and then plan the rest of your year. It makes sense to do it when you are rested and recharged. Perhaps you will choose more relevant goals and you will stick to the plan.

... and by not doing it, the only person you let down is yourself! #sorrynotsorry

P. S If any of this resonates with you and you want 2023 to be different from this year, a great way to plan it is with a 2-hour exploration session with me. You book your two hours and then you go and action it yourself. There is no commitment to me so why not?

I’m currently taking bookings for January so grab the deets here and shoot me an email to book.

Digital Conversations


