Why is Antarctic Sea Ice Swinging ... up and down like a resonator or a jojo ?

Why is Antarctic Sea Ice Swinging ... up and down like a resonator or a jojo ?

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1991 is very strange but :

It is beautiful to see ...

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  • Over solar cycle 24 the Antarctic pole ice circle followed nice and linear the weakening solar cycle with an APIMi="Antarctic Pole Ice Minimum" ... just after the peak of solar cycle 24 and an APIMa="Antarctic Pole Ice Maximum" just after the solar minimum between solar cycle 23 and solar cycle 24 with 32 months delay between the SMi="Solar Minimum" and the following APIMa ...
  • In 1991 near the peak of solar cycle 22 the non-linear double solar cycle frequency in the Antarctic pole ice changed polarity ... Did the Pinatubo eruption change the Antarctic non-linear pole ice swing polarity or what happened in 1991 ?

So 2 questions now :

  1. What the hell happened on the Antarctic pole ice in 1991 ?
  2. What the hell happened with the Antarctic pole ice during solar cycle 24 ?

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Nature is full of resonators and engineers ... with the help of mathematicians ... engineers have developed algorithms to avoid problems with all those natural resonators ..

In this PID-regulator, used by engineers to avoid problems with natural resonators :

  • r(t) is the solar radiation with 11 year periodic cycles.
  • y(t) is temperature in the lower atmosphere where humans look on thermometers.

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We also need to realize that 70% of earth global surface is ocean water so the sun mainly shines in the water and water is a very special material dominating almost everything on earth ...

  • Ocean water is most probably the I="Integrator" in the earth climate PID-regulator ...

We also need to realize that water has 3 linear phases and 2 non-linear phases for the relation between temperature of the water and amount of heat in the water :

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  1. Linear phase 1 of water is "Steam" are "water vapor" or "clouds" in earth atmosphere with linear temperature gradient as a function of heat given to the "Steam" are "water vapor" or "clouds" ...
  2. Non-linear phase 2 of water is "boiling water" whit fixed temperature ...
  3. Linear phase 3 of water is "liquid water" with a linear temperature gradient as a function of heat ...
  4. Non-linear phase 4 of water is "Melting ice" with fixed temperature ...
  5. Linear phase 5 of water is "ice" ...

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But how will this give an answer to our 2 questions now :

  1. What the hell happened on the Antarctic pole ice in 1991 ?
  2. What the hell happened with the Antarctic pole ice during solar cycle 24 ?

We need non-linear mathematics to answer those 2 questions because the non-linear phase 2 of water and non-linear phase 4 of water make earth climate a very non-linear system ...

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But it is easier to answer first on question 2 :

What the hell happened with the Antarctic pole ice during solar cycle 24 ?

The answer on question 2 is a 4foldanswer :

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  1. The Antarctic Ocean is now in a linear phase of water with the Antarctic sea ice extend so the 11 year solar cycles can create ice linearly proportional to the solar heat irradiance ...
  2. Before cycle 24, during the previous solar cycles 23-22-21-... the Antarctic Ocean was dominantly in 1 or more non-linear phases of water with the Antarctic sea ice extend so the 11 year solar cycles were creating ice non-linearly proportional to the solar heat irradiance with double frequency response visible over the years before 2010AD ...
  3. Non-linear systems create double frequency response soon as the cyclic input signal is larger than the 1dB compression point of the system and the earth-water-climate has a lower 1dB compression point at the melting-ice temperature and a higher 1dB compression point at the water-evaporation temperature ...
  4. Double frequency for an 132month=11year solar cycle makes a 66month=5,5year ice cycle ...

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But when is the heat<->ice relation linear ?

  • It takes 334kJ/Kg, with fixed temperature, to melt ice and you get 334kJ/Kg back when you are making ice from liquid water ...
  • This is a linear heat<->ice relation in the non-linear heat<->temperature phase 4 of water : "Melting ice" with fixed temperature ...

So :

Surprise : The heat<->ice relation is linear in the non-linear heat<->temperature phase 4 of water !

  • Where on earth can we sea the non-linear heat<->temperature phase 4 of water ?
  • It must be a region between the pole-ice-cap and the liquid ocean water ...

As long as, in wintertime, the pole-ice-cap can grow linearly at 334kJ/kg in this non-linear heat<->temperature phase 4 of water certainly without touching at all the 4,2kJ/kg/°K linear heat<->temperature phase 3 of water, the ice gain/loss is in a linear relation with the heat exchanged between sun/universe and earth-ocean ...

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It is more complicated to give you the answer on question 1 :

What the hell happened on the Antarctic pole sea ice in 1991 ?

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  • In 1991 Saddam put all those oil wells on fire ...
  • In 1991 Pinatubo erupted ...
  • In 1991 the first Alcatel GSM handy phone prototype was the result of many years hard work in Alcatel Bell in Antwerp and in Paris ...

But I do not think GSM nor Pinatubo nor Saddam had an influence on the "double solar cycle frequency swing" of the Antarctic sea ice polarity switch in the year 1991AD.

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So what happened in 1991 to have an influence on the "double solar cycle frequency swing" of the Antarctic sea ice polarity switch in the year 1991AD ?

We will need non-linear mathematics again to understand what happened in 1991 to have an influence on the "double solar cycle frequency swing" of the Antarctic sea ice polarity switch in the year 1991AD ...

As we are talking now about the sudden polarity change of a second order product of the 11 year solar cycle ... It was not a change of the polarity of the 11 year solar cycle that switched the polarity of the second order product ...

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What happened is that the heat flow, before from equator to poles to melt the pole ice, the heat flow changed and now flows from poles to equator to grow more ice on the poles and the result is there but now the ice-resonator makes it difficult to predict the effect although we may see, in the coming 5 years, the Antarctic sea ice making a giant leap for Antarctic sea ice but a small step for mankind ...

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On top of that :?Professor Valentina Zharkova Breaks Her Silence and CONFIRMS “Super” Grand Solar Minimum

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Anyway ...

In climate science there are too many unanswered questions and too many unquestioned answers ...

But :

Health & Climate & Energy are realy very complicated and o so delicate politico-scientific stuff and also socio-economic stuff but we do the best we can and try to explain it as simple as possible but not simpler than that in the group :?CCR="Climate Change Revival

We have more snow in Antarctic and Arctic in sun active time as much sunspots, as now 2021 and so we have a periodic increasing ice.

Lucia Helena Sauwen do Amarante

Psicanalista (Psicóloga), YouTuber no canal Mundo 'psi'; para marcar consultas, use o in box no LinkedIn.

3 年

Thanks Doctor.

Jeff Porter

Co-founder of Yancy Corporation

3 年




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