What Do I Want For Me?
What do I want for me?
That’s the question we should be asking ourselves... REPEATEDLY and in depth.
Because when you know the answer to that, every other decision flows from there.
Knowing what you ultimately want for you is your guiding light.
But that decision is faaaaar from easy.
The beautiful thing about life is that it’s 100% full of polarities.
If you want a plus 10 life experience, you can expect a minus 10 to go with it.
If you just want a plus 2, that’s fine. You’ll just get a minus 2 to go with it… but you’ve got to live with the fact that plus 10 had been possible for you.
Every side has a flip side… and the flip side is not always fun.
Want to get in the best shape of your life?
Prepare for ‘restriction’, effort and a clean lifestyle - is that what you want in your life?
Want to have a genuinely significant impact in the world?
Prepare for the feathers that will ruffle and how people will react to it. Not all will celebrate with you….
Is that what you want in your life?
Want to follow a deeply spiritual path to freedom?
Prepare to be unrelatable to many and to feel judged and misunderstood.
Is that what you want in your life?
Want to have the relationship of your dreams with your soul-mate and live in joy?
Prepare for the fear that comes with potentially losing them if they are your source of your joy.
Is that what you want in your life?
Want to get an Olympic gold?
Prepare to potentially not even qualify after a ton of hard work…
That’s the risk that needs to be contemplated.
If I’m going to make these sacrifices, am I prepared for the challenges that will come with it?
If I decide to live BIG, can I deal with the flip side?
Is the trade off worth it for me?
What do I ultimately want?
Do I want to live a plus 2 small or a plus 10 LARGE?
What do I believe is possible for me?
Am I under-selling myself to myself?
Can I manage the consequences whatever decision I make?
Does it matter anyway?
What do I ultimately want to feel?
What legacy do I want to leave?
Do I want to take the risks that come with living bigger?
Do I want to live life fully, risk it all and trust that I will have my back no matter the outcome?
Or do I want to choose a simple, easy, small life that will feel big for me because I dare to choose a path that society deems questionable?
Or do I choose that because I am scared?
Do I want to let fear play such a large role in my life?
These are good questions to contemplate.
They are important because… they will dictate how you spend the rest of your life.
Arriving at the top of the wrong ladder is extremely painful.
Never attempting to climb any ladder can feel equally painful.
Whatever decision you make, there is risk involved.
But one thing I know for sure - once you make a decision, go with it wholeheartedly.
Otherwise, you will stay forever in 'I don't know' land and STARVED of progress.
That's not a good place to be.
Clarity is everything.
Unfortunately we are never told this.
That’s why so many people feel out of alignment.
They feel like they are on the wrong train track, like something is missing…
Knowing who you are and what you want is important and very valuable life work.
Getting the clarity you need and deciding to take the steps in the right direction is life changing… literally.
So who do you want to be?
What step do you want to take right now so that you don’t arrive at the end and say “I wish I had not fucked it up”?
I will help you find clarity on these questions.
I will help you come to a decision.
I will help you follow through with the decision you choose.
If you dare to face yourself.
Your future is in your hands.
How is it going to be?
Personally, I'm a 'live life with no regrets' kind of gal.
How about you?