What is health?
The human body has an incredible ability to HEAL.
And that’s what HEALth is, the ability to heal.
Disease and the inability to heal comes from stagnation in the body.?
When things move easily and freely in our digestive system, the cardiovascular system, the lymphatic system, the respiratory system and the reproductive system, all the other systems like the immune system, the endocrine system and so on will all work optimally. They will function for you, instead of against you.?
The human body is one of the most magnificently engineered beings on this planet. It is designed to work swiftly and efficiently. It has many, many back-up systems to get us humans through all sorts of toils and turmoil. It can take decades of neglect and abuse and still HEAL.?
There is no one size fits all when it comes to health. There is no miracle nutrient that will save you from all the processed stuff. There is no magic pill that will turn your failing health around.?
There is just one way to reclaim your HEALth and that is with your lifestyle. It doesn’t take huge, drastic changes. It doesn’t require deprivation or willpower. It just takes small, consistent, 1 degree changes most days.?
You just have to use your body the way it was designed. Eating foods that your body can digest and extract a multitude of nutrients from. Moving your body the way it was intended, simply by being upright most of the day. Resting your body and mind so that it can cleanse, repair and rejuvenate. Taking some time every day to be present, control the breath and be grateful.
That’s really all health is.?
I understand how confusing it can be. I too was once caught in the cycle of eating processed foods that promoted chronic infections in my lungs and urinary tract. I too was once so malnourished that my body couldn’t fight off even the tiniest of microbial invaders. I too was once so stressed out that I had daily anxiety and could go into panic mode on my commute to work just by listing all of the things I had to get done that day. I too had much trouble falling asleep and would keep a piece of paper and a pen by my bed so that I could write down the never ending lists that my brain was scrolling through just to get some relief and maybe fall asleep before 2 am. I too had no time or energy to use my body for fun exercise. I too used to wake up every single morning feeling exhausted, with throbbing feet.
I too was once on the brink of disease and spent hundreds, sometimes thousands of dollars each year just on doctor, pharmaceutical and treatment co-pays. I too spent many, many days in misery with throbbing headaches. I too could not get out of bed for days, ill with bouts of bronchitis.
But that all changed one day when I happened to surround myself with the right people. They gently nudged me, gave me information on real foods and my life changed quickly. Since that time, 17 years ago, I have had only 2 infections that I needed pharmaceutical help to treat, the last one being a decade ago…Since that time I happily eat real foods that are delicious, easy to prepare and give me life. Since that time I learned how to manage stress through meditation and after 11 years of consistent practice, my life is exponentially better.?
Anxiety – GONE!?
Stress – manageable!?
Calm – represented in my body and my home, always.?
Since that time I have learned the value of sleep and wake up feeling RESTED! Since that time, my body is now nimble and flexible.?
And the side effects, well, I easily look about 10 years younger than I am. Seriously, in the past three years wrinkles have actually disappeared from my face!?
The excess weight just melted away and it’s easy for me to maintain.?
I have as much energy at 47 as I did as an active teenager playing sports.?
I quickly and easily heal from things like that airborne virus currently traveling around the world. In the past 2 years I have had ZERO fear about my body’s ability to heal. And that’s exactly what happened, 6 days of mild symptoms and that was all. No pharmaceutical intervention needed.
The secret to getting your health and vitality back is through lifestyle health. Using traditional wisdom to guide your way.?