What "Having A Job" Means
Alexandre Daval
Initiator manifeste? | Self-development, Design Thinking & Innovation | Private lender
There used to be a time when having a job was synonymous with professional security and visibility overtime. Even though times have changed over the last months with Covid disrupting the way we see our role in organizations and the space that employment takes in our lives, most executives and employees have made all possible efforts to maintain their job or find a new one if they were in leave or made redundant, during this challenging period.
Is "Back to normal" the wisest short and long term option ?
There is no single answer, however with a global perspective due to our exposure at manifeste? we would advise all smart employees and executives to take some time to reflect and investigate further the possibilities of adding to their current job a long-term solution built upon self-reliance, notably financially.
We hope that you took the most of this pivotal period to implement the necessary changes, so that such a disruptive situation doesn't ever challenge you anymore.
There is also a major subject that no one talks about : the companies that laid off staff or placed them on leave, according to most national laws, cannot recruit. Consequently, the market has literally shrunk during Covid, making traditional job search approach inefficient. This is the reason why we have designed and implement now on demand "reverse engineering recruitment process".
Over the last 15 years, we have explored a multiplicity of business models, personal situations and corporate cultures which brings us a lot of insights on what a perfect combination can be, at individual level, in the most customized way. We are available to share and produce these solutions with you at your convenience.