What Have You Been Missing
Proverbs 22:2 “Rich and poor have this in common: The LORD is the Maker of them all.”
Abba Father good morning – Our living God made, sustains, and protects all of life. Every life uniquely gifted to be loved and to love one another. To be cared for and to care for one another. To receive compassion and to be compassionate to one another. We are forgiven to forgive and live with hope to share hope with one another. The ways of this world being influenced by satan’s schemes of deception of untruthfulness can change everything in a short period of time. Almost instantaneously. Satan is strategically diligent. We must be extremely cautious and intentional with how we live the moments of life. It’s critical we stay connected deep within our heart, our mind, our soul with our living God, our Lord Jesus, Holy Spirit. Living among the ways of this world will challenge our way of life. Choices we make and decisions we decide will become our life. From sunrise to sunset and throughout the night this world has many choices, opportunities, and pleasures of instant gratifications. It is always attempting to slowly make our life more comfortable, more complacent, and ultimately let our guard down while justifying our choices, our decisions, our way of life. Life can become extremely busy. Slowly consumed by all the busyness surrounding our life we can miss life. Take some intentional time to reflect upon our day, our week, our month, our year, our life. Reflect with truthful honesty. It’s critical. What is devouring our time, our energy, our resources? Where are you going? What are you doing? Who are you becoming? If not extremely careful we will miss pleasures of life from our living God intended to slow us down, redirect our life, and reflect upon who we really are deep within the inner most core of our life: our heart, our mind, our soul. Pleasures that bring encouragement with joy, contentment with peace, comfort with gentleness, wisdom with discernment, and clarity with affirmation. No matter where we are, who we are, what we have become. Our living God is breathing agape love into our imperfect life within every moment. Unifying agape love of abundance found thriving in all of life. Love found in pleasures of wildlife, nature, universe, seas, canyons, and rolling mountains. No matter where we are, we are surrounded with gifts of undeserved grace breathing everlasting life into life’s brokenness with our living God. No life will go un-provided, untouched, unaffected, uncared, unloved. All of life will breathe gifts of undeserved grace radiating reflection of affirmation, faithfulness of compassion, promises to never leave us, never forsake us, never abandon us. Gods powerful anointed, sustained, protected undeserved grace is absolutely- free, un-earnable, un-purchasable, un-creatable, and un-achievable within the ways of this world. Upon reflection throughout this day. What did you notice you have been missing? Was it walking barefoot in the softness of grass, touching a starfish in the sand, hearing a hummingbird flutter in place, seeing a butterfly transformed from a caterpillar, tasting a fresh picked apple from a tree? Was it wiping a tear from an eye, comforting a broken heart, listening with concern, embracing with a hug, extending hope that cares? Was it seeing children play, a child climbing a tree, a person in need? Was it our family, friends, or complete strangers? All this life is a gift of undeserved grace we learn to willingly encounter as we read the living bible, pray continuously, fellowship with others, attend church regularly. Undeserved grace breathing everlasting life into faith being sure of what we hope for and certain of what we do not see. Living faith is willingly believing, accepting, trusting, following our living God, our Lord Jesus, Holy Spirit. We have a choice, a decision, a way of life to choose. Every life is embedded within Gods powerful redeeming undeserved grace breathing new life. Reflect with utmost urgency. Is our life willingly breathing everlasting life every moment deep within our heart, our mind, our soul with God the Father, God the Son, God the Holy Spirit?
Father - Thank you for all of life. Unifying gifts of underserved grace I can willingly breathe boldly, courageously, fearlessly, and freely within every moment within this very day. Open my heart, my mind, my soul to enjoy precious anointed treasures of everlasting life breathing eternal life in heaven into the very inner core of my life with you Abba Father, Lord Jesus, Holy Spirit.
Michael J Zenner