What have we done?
Mazen sukkarieh
An "A" Team with a "B" plan is better than an "A" plan with a "B" team. Objective: "A" teams & "A" plans.
Since the crime and massacre against Beirut and its people on August 4th, 2020, the world and the Lebanese have been in motion to help. Millions of funds and humanitarian relief have been collected and distributed. Millions more to come and our efforts will not stop.
Is this considered much? Or is it the least that we can do? It most certainly is the least that we can do. The very least. And us, as the Lebanese Diaspora, we most certainly lack behind in what we really should do.
If you are like me, then your heart is still with Lebanon no matter the distance and years. You belong. You are in love. You breath it. I am confident I speak on behalf of most Lebanese living abroad particularly in the GCC, Africa, Europe and North America as their ties to our precious Lebanon are still concrete.
Yet, this very Diaspora that represent a backbone in financial injections back home and contributes heavily to creating a network of career opportunities and talent transfer, has shied away from taking a constructive political stand against a failed state.
Over 30 years in the making of local warlords vs established immigrants and the latter still leaves the most important aspect of what a country is all about to its most corrupt, namely, the government.
The Lebanese Diaspora, yours truly included, can not sit on the sidelines of political intervention any longer.
The mother of all massacres has hit Beirut. There is no return from this. Either regression or a conscious social consciousness, proactive in its political efforts, to over throw a failed state and its warlords.
A politically active Lebanese Diaspora that brings about international recognition of October 17th Revolution, builds a legal lawful platform for its body and helps develop a people's council; the revolution council. A body that can build the right candidates and awareness, and topple those who not only contributed to our bloodshed and state collapse, but also were unable to do anything towards our defense and prosperity.
Perhaps we can reach a place where when asked of what we have done, we can say, "we did the right thing to save our country".
This is not an advice. It is an invite. A needed initiative.