What have my sister and Maureen from Driving School got in common?
Karen Turner, CertEd, ICTP, MCT, COLF, MOSM ??????
Microsoft 365 Trainer @ Imagine Training | Boosting Workforce Skills
A few years ago in the UK there was a TV documentary series that followed learner drivers and a lady called Maureen, which became compulsive viewing for us in our house. Maureen's husband accompanied her in their car (without dual controls) and frankly panicked when she drove into the path of other cars, mounted the kerb, or even, on one occasion, ran over his foot.
I was remembering Maureen this morning because my sister recently needed to drive again after many years of only being a passenger. My sister, like Maureen, didn't realise how bad she was! At first she was Unconsciously Incompetent - she'd forgotten her driving skills and she didn't realise how bad she was! I was writing a blog about this theory about how we learn and realised this was a good way to explain how this conscious competence model works. Basically, you don't know what you don't know!! How useful is that information if only you knew it? How does that affect your business?
The way that Learning & Development Managers can have the greatest impact on performance is to be able to identify the knowledge, skills and behaviours that result in optimum performance; then provide access to training that helps address the skills gap.
If you didn't watch the original series of Driving School I've added a link to the YouTube clip of Maureen driving, with apologies to my sister who is not 'THAT bad'!